Category: Top 10

Top Ten Tuesday:  Bookish Wishes

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Wishes

I’m linking up with Top Ten Tuesday, which was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out upcoming Top Ten themes on Jana’s blog! I thought this was a fun one to take part in for sure! Bookish Wishes (List the top 10 books you’d love […]

Posted June 11, 2024 by Lisa Mandina in Top 10 / 23 Comments
Top Ten Tuesday:  May Flowers

Top Ten Tuesday: May Flowers

I’m linking up with Top Ten Tuesday, which was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out upcoming Top Ten themes on Jana’s blog! Wow, I haven’t done one of these since 2017!!! But I saw the topic over on Books, Bones, and Buffy for today […]

Posted May 7, 2024 by Lisa Mandina in Top 10 / 30 Comments