Month: June 2012

The Goddess Legacy (Goddess Test #2.5) by Aimee Carter

     Thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin Teen for allowing me to read this egalley.  Once again Aimee Carter has done a wonderful job in retelling the myths of the Greek gods and goddesses.  She’s given them lives and back stories, given us reasons to either sympathize with those we before didn’t like, or given […]

Posted June 30, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 5 Comments

Desperately Wanting Wednesdays: Second Series Salivations

Desperately Wanting Wednesday, is inspired by the meme Waiting on Wednesday, which was created by Breaking the Spine. But, unlike WOWs, Desperately Wanting Wedneday is not only for releases that I’m waiting on, it’s also for released novels that I just haven’t purchased yet, or might be sitting on my shelf that I want to read, […]

Posted June 27, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 2 Comments

Waiting on Wednesday – BEA Wrap-up!

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, where we spotlight upcoming releases that we’re eagerly awaiting. And, I thought I’d wrap up all my BEA stuff by listing the books that I listed before BEA that I wanted to get, that I didn’t end up coming home with. Next […]

Posted June 20, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 6 Comments

My BEA Experience

Julie Kagawa and me Okay, so this is going to be a long one, and I’m probably going to work on it for a few days.  First, let me say what a great experience it was. DAY 1  The first day was the Book Bloggers Day.  I don’t feel that it was necessarily worth how […]

Posted June 18, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 4 Comments

Goddess Interrupted by Aimee Carter

I was so excited to finally get to see Aimee Carter at BEA and get this book signed by her!  Instead of moving on with the egalleys I had on my Nook, I read it! And I was in no way disappointed!  In fact, you may have seen several posts from me lately about how […]

Posted June 16, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 14 Comments

Clear Your Shelf June Giveaway Hop

Wow, with just getting back from BEA, I almost forgot I’d signed up for this!  So, to get this done, I have two books I’m going to make available.  I will have two winners.  The first winner will get to choose which of the two books they want, and the other book will be for […]

Posted June 14, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 34 Comments