Posted July 16, 2024 by Lisa Mandina in discussion post / 20 Comments
Okay, so I got called out on TikTok because, gasp, the book I used in my video you could see where I’d dog-eared a page.
I don’t know that I’m ashamed or embarrassed. I know it is such a no-no for so many people. However, I only do it to my own books. Only to paperbacks for some reason. I would never do it to someone else’s book or a library book, etc. For hardbacks I tend to use the slipcovers or bookmarks. If it is a friend or a library’s book, again, I used a bookmark.
So this is a short and sweet discussion. Just curious how many of my fellow readers would shame me like the TikTok viewers, mind you, people who don’t even follow me had to stop and shame me, or if there are any other dog-earers out there, staying quiet about this issue.
I always just use some kind of bookmark even if it’s a cough drop wrapper or a bandaid (new) from my nightstand drawer. But honestly I read digital almost all the time.
It’s just a habit I have from being younger. Someone must have taught it to me! lol
It’s funny to me how many people get fired up about this. LOL I mean, I don’t dog-ear pages. Not in library books, not in my own books. It’s just not something I like to do. But I certainly don’t have strong feelings about anyone who does. But my goodness, some people see that and lose their minds! Haha!
It’s true. I’d be mad if someone did something like that to one of my books, but if it’s my book, I can do what I want, lol.
I rarely read paperbacks anymore, but when I did I never dog eared. I liked keeping my books in as pristine a state as possible. I also have a huge collection of bookmarks, so I always enjoyed using those. Then again I would never shame another reader for dog earing their books. I think as long as you don’t do it to someone else their books it’s totally fine to do with your own books what you want.
It’s interesting because the authors I saw Monday night both said they dog-eared and cracked the spines of their books and like them to be as well-read/loved as possible! So now I don’t feel as bad. lol
I can’t dog-ear or crack spines, but that’s just me. You do you. Lol
lol, yeah, I know most don’t, or some don’t.
To each their own. I used to dog-ear my books, but I don’t anymore. I prefer to use bookmarks. Even though I’d never do something to my books, I’m not going to impose that on someone else. I have a friend who writes and highlights in her books because she gets more out of each story that way. I’d rather take notes on a Post-It note or something like that.
I’m sorry you got shamed. 🙁
I really only do it with my own paperbacks. For some reason I don’t with hardbacks? So weird. I’ve used post-it notes before as well. I don’t write in them, just have never wanted to do that!
While I wouldn’t shame you to your face I would be cringing! Lol. I don’t dog-ear my own books no matter the format. The only thing I would dog-ear is a magazine to refer back to things on those pages. I know everyone is a different kind of reader and what they do with their books is their own prerogative. I still can’t even bring myself to annotate a book I love. I think about it but then I also think stopping to highlight, underline, doodle, and leave a note of some kind takes time away from my actual reading so then I end up dismissing the idea. Lol.
LOL!!! It’s funny because Ashley Post actually brought this topic up at the author event Monday night. She said she dog-ears and cracks the spine, and that shows she’s loved it and really gotten into the books. So I don’t feel so bad now. I don’t really do the highlighting or notes. The closest I do to that is when I stop reading and go to mark it on Goodreads I might leave a note in that update to remember something for when I post my review. I’m so almost religious about immediately marking on Goodreads how far I got in the book after each time I read.
I can’t recall the last time I read a physical book. Back when I was younger, I would dog ear paperbacks. When I got older (adult), I mostly used a bookmark of some sort – a scrap of paper, dollar bill, whatever was on hand. But now it’s all Kindle and phone for me.
I know I did it more when I was younger, and honestly, I rarely read a lot of physical books these days. But when I do, they are usually ARCs or my books.
I used to do it a lot, but also only my books and only the paperbacks. Interesting. I don’t do it anymore, mostly because I read ebooks and the physical copies I do read come from the library.
Yeah, most of my physical copies are ones I’ve bought, and a lot of times I’ve already read it as an e-galley, so it escapes getting dog-eared, lol.
No, not even with books I own. I get a lot of books from the library. Since I have so many bookmarks that I have gotten free, I may as well use them.
Thanks for commenting on my blog.
Oh believe me, I have tons of bookmarks. I buy them all the time, or used to when I worked at the bookstore. But then I never have them with me when I need them, lol. Plus I would have problems with them falling out too.
My dad always dog-eared books he read or left the book draped over the arm of a chair or on a side table near his chair so the book often got a broken spine or fluffy pages after he’d used it. My mom was the opposite. She always used a bookmark and her books never looked read when she was done. I read both their books and often when they were still reading them (b/c they were snail slow readers), but I personally am my mom all over with reading habits. That said, I don’t feel strongly one way or the other what other people do to their own books knowing my dad respected the book he read just as much as my mom did hers.
I feel the same! I would never shame anyone for how they treat their own books when I know that person is reading it and loving it!