Top 10 of 2023 – Top 10 Audiobooks I Listened To

Posted December 26, 2023 by Lisa Mandina in Top 10 / 14 Comments

This one was a little easier for me than yesterday’s topic as the number of audiobooks I listen to isn’t as high as books I read, since I really only listen to audiobooks when I’m driving. So here are my top 10 of the year in no particular order. And I linked each picture to my review!

I did end up having a bit of a tie with two SmartyPants Romance books I got to listen to this year, so I’m including them together.

Final Thoughts

Tell me, did you listen to any of these this year? What were your favorite audiobooks? Or do you even listen to audiobooks? I didn’t used to, but over the last 10 years or so I’ve become a big audiobook fan. If you want to do this and link up, you can go to Books of My Heart and find the post for today’s topic!

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14 responses to “Top 10 of 2023 – Top 10 Audiobooks I Listened To

  1. Just like you I had an easier time picking my favorite audiobooks as that number was a lot lower than the amount of ebooks I read. I like the cover for Forging Silver Into Stars, will have to look that one up :).

    • Lisa Mandina

      I really enjoyed listening to it too because Tom Felton did the narrating. I love when people narrate their own memoirs.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I do always have trouble picking favorites. Maybe because if I don’t enjoy something these days I usually DNF it.

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