Tag: young adult novels

The Unspoken by Thomas Fahy

The Unspoken by Thomas Fahy

In my goal to read 5 books this week, which I barely made by the book I finished today, this was one I chose because I figured it would be a quick read. But now I’m behind on blogging! So here goes! As I read through the other reviews of this on Goodreads after I […]

Posted March 20, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 0 Comments
Bound by Donna Jo Napoli

Bound by Donna Jo Napoli

This book was actually not one I had intended to read. Don’t think it was even on my to read list. It was just a stripped cover book I’d picked up at the store to put on the bookshelf in my classroom for my students to read. Well, last week at school, I didn’t bring […]

Posted March 13, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 0 Comments
Deadly by Julie Chibbaro

Deadly by Julie Chibbaro

I first heard about this book in the Shelf Awareness email newsletter about a giveaway of a signed copy by the author. So I emailed and entered. I hadn’t heard any news of when they were drawing a winner, and I had to turn my Nook back into the store on Saturday, so when I […]

Posted March 8, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 1 Comment
The Gardener by S.A. Bodeen

The Gardener by S.A. Bodeen

This is the 2nd book I’ve read by this author, and I see a bit of a trend. But it’s a good one! One that I think will bring about more books to read in the future. Anyway, our main character is Mason, when he was a young boy, he was mauled by a neighbor’s […]

Posted March 5, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 0 Comments
Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

As you might be able to tell, I’m quite into the dystopian teen novels these days. This was another great one. In this world, there are no wars, no fighting, everyone is peaceful. And the way to this was by curing love. Seriously, everyone gets a surgery when they turn 18 to cure them from […]

Posted March 4, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 4 Comments
The Hazards of Working at a Bookstore Vol. 1.4

The Hazards of Working at a Bookstore Vol. 1.4

This entry will actually be a combination of both last Saturday and last night. I just was too busy to get Saturday night’s done. But both nights I found several books, and some of these I’m listing are ones that I had seen before, but forgot about, so my plan of keeping track this way […]

Posted March 3, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 1 Comment
The Wake Trilogy by Lisa McMann

The Wake Trilogy by Lisa McMann

I’ve walked past these books in the teen section at the bookstore I work at for years. The covers always drew me in, and I did pick them up, and thought they sounded interesting, but just never got around to reading them. I once again have the Nook checked out from work, and so, decided […]

Posted February 25, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 1 Comment