The Unspoken by Thomas Fahy

Posted March 20, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 0 Comments

In my goal to read 5 books this week, which I barely made by the book I finished today, this was one I chose because I figured it would be a quick read. But now I’m behind on blogging! So here goes!

As I read through the other reviews of this on Goodreads after I finished reading this, several reviews stood out. First was the one that was not what the book was about at all. Which was really weird. Second, several of them said this was just like a teen horror slash film. And I got to thinking, yeah, it could totally be one of those.

Basically our main character is Allison. She and 5 other teens survived a cult that ended in a horrible fire. But before they got away, the leader of the cult, Jacob, told them that in 5 years they would all die by their worst fear. When the first one dies by drowning, although he is found in the middle of a field, they all go back to the hometown for the funeral. One by one they start dying. As we go through this, we learn what really happened to them in the cult and why it was so horrible.

I didn’t like the way the story was told, there were times I wasn’t sure who it was we were following. But other than that, the story was good, the ending was a bit of a surprise, I didn’t quite realize that would be what would happen.

Again, maybe they should make a movie out of this! It would make a great teen slasher flick.
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