Author: Lisa Mandina

Book Blogger Hop #3 and Follow Friday #1

Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word. It is sponsored by Crazy for Books. This week’s question is:If you were given the chance to spend one day in a fictional world (from a book), which book would it be from […]

Posted May 20, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 7 Comments

Bumped by Megan McCafferty

While I did enjoy this book, and hope that there is a sequel so I can find out what happens next, I must say it didn’t quite live up to all the hype I read about it. I think that I more enjoyed Delirium and Wither as what I consider similar dystopian themes. However, it […]

Posted May 15, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 0 Comments

Abandon by Meg Cabot

I have to admit, that actually, until I decided last minute to go see Meg Cabot down on the Plaza a couple weeks ago, the only books I’d read by her were adult ones, like Boy Meets Girl, ones told in email and texts, and instant messages. Quick, fun, chick lit reads. I loved them […]

Posted May 15, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 1 Comment

The Hazards of Working at a Bookstore Vol. 2.3

It’s been awhile since I did one of these, partly because I haven’t been working that much, and partly because I’ve been really busy. So this volume will actually include both nights I worked this week, but only 3 books, as again, with our lack of employees lately, I don’t have as much time to […]

Posted May 15, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 0 Comments

Book blogger Hop May 13th, 2011

Haven’t had time to do this in so long! But home today so thought I’d join in. The Book Blogger Hop is sponsored by Crazy for Books. This week’s question is: Are you going to Book Expo America (BEA) and/or the Book Blogger Convention (BBC) this year? My answer is unfortunately no. I’ve known about […]

Posted May 13, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 3 Comments