Okay, finally getting around to adding another post about this. Hoping this one will get posted as soon as I’m done, as I have 5 books to actually review as well.
First is Mercy by Rebecca Lim. This is another angel story. Our main character is Mercy, who wakes up and can’t remember who she is. She finds out that she is one of the angels who was thrown out of heaven for supporting Lucifer. Now, to get back to heaven, she must help out a bunch of people. I think this is going to be a series. I’ve had luck with 2 angel stories, the Hush, Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick, as well as Unearthly by Cynthia Hand. And in a way, the whole Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare is actually about angels too. So I’ll add this to my list of angel stories to read.
Second is Ark by Stephen Baxter. In looking this up to talk about it, I see that it is a sequ
el to another book called Flood. The whole story is that the sea levels begin rising, flooding the world. Now, normally, I’m not a believer in the whole global warming thing, but this story isn’t necessarily all about that, it actually sounds like an interesting story. I’ve read other books by Stephen Baxter, so look forward to reading this one as well.
Finally is Treasures From The Attic by Mirjam Pressler. Especially after I just finished the book called Surviving the Angel of Death about twins who survived the holocaust and experiements by Dr. Mengele, I am very ready to read this book. This as you may guess from the title is about Anne Frank, the famous holocaust diary written in an attic. A daughter in law goes to clean her mother in laws attic when she dies, and finds a treasure trove of Anne Frank artifacts. The family didn’t know that they were a part of history, and learn from what they find.

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