Review: Blood Like Fate (Blood Like Magic #2) by Liselle Sambury

Posted August 13, 2022 by Lisa Mandina in Review / 2 Comments

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Review:  Blood Like Fate (Blood Like Magic #2) by Liselle SamburyBlood Like Fate by Liselle Sambury
Series: Blood Like Magic #2
Published by Margaret K. McElderry Books on August 9, 2022
Genres: YA Paranormal Romance
Pages: 480
Source: the publisher
Format: Hardcover
My Rating: five-stars
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Voya fights to save her witch community from a terrible future.

Voya Thomas may have passed her Calling to become a full-fledged witch, but the cost was higher than she’d ever imagined.

Her grandmother is gone.
Her cousin hates her.
And her family doesn’t believe that she has what it takes to lead them.

What’s more, Voya can’t let go of her feelings for Luc, sponsor son of the genius billionaire Justin Tremblay—the man that Luc believes Voya killed. Consequently, Luc wants nothing to do with her. Even her own ancestors seem to have lost faith in her. Every day Voya begs for their guidance, but her calls go unanswered.

As Voya struggles to convince everyone—herself included—that she can be a good Matriarch, she has a vision of a terrifying, deadly future. A vision that would spell the end of the Toronto witches. With a newfound sense of purpose, Voya must do whatever it takes to bring her shattered community together and stop what’s coming for them before it’s too late.

Even if it means taking down the boy she loves—who might be the mastermind behind the coming devastation.

My Review

The first book, Blood Like Magic, was one of my favorite books of 2021. While one thing I remember a lot of in the first book was all the delicious sounding food, this one didn’t have as much of that. But it makes sense since Voya had to step away from her job at the restaurant as well as her grandmother being gone now, someone she did a lot of her cooking with. Now, even without that, I loved this book as well. As with the first one it was almost 500 pages again, but it didn’t feel like it as I read. Other than the fact I was reading from a hardback and it was heavier than the ARC I had with the first one.

The story was so good, had me on the edge of my seat as I read and wondered how in the world Voya could figure out what was going on, as well as how she would be able to become the matriarch her family needed. There were a lot of people that made you wonder how they were related to the troubles. Bits and pieces of the past and what led to how things were at the present moment in the book were woven in throughout the story in the perfect way. There was no info dumping to get caught up anywhere.

While some things were definitely surprises as they were revealed, others I had inklings about. For instance I had a feeling about Eli’s strangeness. Other things, I knew something was going on with some of the other witches, but not exactly what. All of the family dynamics of the story were so fitting as well. For Voya to learn to be her best matriarch, she had to learn exactly what that meant, and if she had to keep trying to be just like her grandmother and other matriarchs she knew, or if she could be her own type of leader.

Loved this so much! I was a bit confused at first as for some reason I was assuming this story would be from her cousin Keis’s side, but instead we got to finish the story with Voya as our MC.

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