Weekly Wrap-Up #28 with Giveaway! – 12th Blogoversary Edition!

Posted August 15, 2021 by Lisa Mandina in giveaway, Weekly Wrap Up / 40 Comments

Weekly Wrap-Up #28 with Giveaway! - 12th Blogoversary Edition!

Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).

So, let me tell you, this past week was crazy! And because of that, my plan to do a separate post for my Blogoversary did not pan out due to a really bad thunderstorm in my area on Tuesday morning. I was at work at the time, so I missed out on all the actual craziness. But, it knocked my power out from shortly after 8 am according to my neighbor, and I got home and there was still no power until about 8 pm. Of course that meant my internet and tv were out. But, thanks to the wires next to the house that had been knocked down by a tree, I actually lost internet and tv until Thursday. So I had two nights with no tv or internet, and my blogoversary was actually on Tuesday. Here are some pictures of the mess.

The first one is a picture of the wires down on the side of my house thanks to a huge limb from my neighbor’s tree. The middle picture is of the limb down in my backyard. And remember my neighbor who had a car crash through their fence a month or so ago? Well the third picture is part of their fence that got knocked down by the wind of the storm this past week.

My work week started off with working registration at my new school on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I went to the morning meetings for the first day of the district’s new teacher meetings. I got to meet some of the other new teachers for a short time. And we of course had the usual fun professional development activities mixed into the morning. This meme sums it up for me.

I finished up my first bulletin board/display too, it’s for our state award nominees to try to entice my high school students to read at least three by March 1st and vote!

I actually changed a few things since I took this picture, but this is it in a nutshell.

Books finished this week

New Books:

Only bought one, actually ordered a few weeks ago, but finally they shipped the autographed copies!

E-galleys for Review:
Free E-books:

What I’m watching:

I’m still working through Cruel Summer, but no internet/cable for the middle of the week meant I didn’t get much watched. And I finished season two of Driven. Friday night I went to see the movie Free Guy. I really enjoyed it. I realized as I was sitting and waiting for the movie to begin that I had been excited to see it since I saw the first preview in December of 2019. It was supposed to come out June of 2020, but just now came out this week.

Last Week’s Posts:

Reviews: Totally Folked by Penny Reid, Then You Saw Me by Carrie Aarons, He’ll Be Waiting by Liz Alterman, and two past due YA reviews: Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly and Berserker by Emmy Laybourne

Promo posts: Cover Reveal: The Forever Collection by Allie York, Cover Reveal: Ex To See by Dr. Rebecca Sharp, and Teaser Reveal: Love, Comment, Subscribe by Cathy Yardley


Finally what you’ve been waiting for, my Blogoversary giveaway!

Okay, so last, but not least, let’s do a giveaway for my blogoversary. This is my 12th year. It’s been a weird year. Didn’t get to meet any authors, and that’s one of my favorite things to do. I had planned to do a post with my top 12 favorite books from the past year, top 12 posts, etc. Well, internet issues kept that from happening. 🙁 But since I did take the time to choose my top 12 books, which was REALLY hard to narrow down, I am going to use those as the prizes. I will pick two winners, and they will get to pick one of the books from my top 12 choices below. I’ll send from Amazon if you are US, and The Book Depository if you are international. If you prefer, I can also send you a kindle version of that is what you like to read. I’m also going to throw in a third prize, a $10 Amazon GC.

Hint: There will be an option in the Rafflecopter to comment on the reviews below for an entry, one a day!

Just fill out the Rafflecopter below. Thanks for helping me belatedly celebrate my 12th blogoversary! This giveaway will run until September 15th, because we must celebrate for a month’s worth of time, right?

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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40 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #28 with Giveaway! – 12th Blogoversary Edition!

  1. First Happy 12 year blogoversary! That is awesome!
    Sorry about the Thunderstorm mess. My kids would go crazy with no internet for two days. That sounds like a nightmare but I am glad everything is up and running for you now!

    The bulletin Board is great! I see a few books underneath that are great reads!

    I hope this week is awesome for you Lisa! Happy Reading!

    Michelle@Because Reading recently posted: The Sunday Post ~ A week off ~ Week in READview! 2021
    • Lisa Mandina

      The books under the bulletin board are ones that are the state award nominees for high schoolers. As long as students read at least 3 they can vote in March for their favorites, and then in April at the annual state conference they will announce the winners. Thanks for stopping by!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’m hoping for a better week at the house anyway! First week to really get to meet all the teachers at my new school before students start next week. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Congratulations on your blogiversary! Your first display looks great too. That’s quite a storm you had. No electricity is tough. Glad it came back the same day.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Thanks! I was just so glad to have it before bed so that I could sleep with air conditioning. It has been too hot to go without. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Danielle Hammelef

    Happy Blogoversary! Twelve years is amazing! Thank you for sharing your love of books and reading with us. We also lost power for 50 hours (and yes, I was totally counting no lights, TV, or internet). With so much of our lives tied to electricity, times without are so hard when you can’t plan for it like camping. I hope you have a great year ahead. I always enjoy your reviews.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Ugh! So you know my pain! I’m so glad though that I got power back before I went to bed that night. No air conditioning would have killed me in this heat. Thanks for visiting!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’ve been picking up what sticks and small branches I can as I walk around when I let the dogs out. Just one really large limb/branch that I’ll have to have someone help with. For now I just plan to mow around it. lol

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, my phone worked for most things, but not really for blogging. I haven’t mastered doing that on my phone yet. lol

  4. Happy blogoversary!!! 12 years is awesome!!! But oh wow- those pics! So sorry to see all the damage. Yikes!!!!!

    That graphic made me laugh so hard. Just the image of the cat being dragged kicking and screaming… so true!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Thanks! Lucky for you with no damage. Yeah, I’ve got a tree that I think is pretty close to being dead and as much as I want it to just fall in a storm so I don’t have to pay to have it taken down, I’m afraid it would hit my roof.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I really liked it! I posted my review on Saturday, hope you go read the review and tell me what you think.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yep, I’m like the cat too, so much! So far the week is crazy busy and things are getting piled on at work, but home wise is better! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Amanda Machonis

    Happy blogoversary, Lisa! I have enjoyed your posts for years.
    The bulletin board and display in your class looks great – I can relate to your sentiment as I used to teach middle school.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Glad you’ve stuck with me for that long! Middle schoolers are their own breed, but I do enjoy working with them!

  6. I missed this one (as I said, been a tough week for blog hopping!) but omg that trapped kitty meme is one of my favourites. I love his little face. ?

    Happy blogoversary!! 12 years is a LONG time. Little sad I didn’t know you back in the day when I blogged under a different name, I enjoy your posts a lot. <3

    Hannah @ Dragons and Whimsy recently posted: Weekend Wrap-Up: Post-Vaccine Funk
  7. John Smith

    Falling limbs, high winds, kitties trapped in windows–where will the madness end??

    Congratulations on your blogoversary! This is a big accomplishment!

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