Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).
This week pretty much sucked again. I still am not happy with my job, it’s not getting any better. I’m not getting to be a librarian still. Shall we keep track of how many days I either almost cried at work, or cried in the car on the way home? I think 2 on the way home this week, and then on Friday I cried a little when my principal came in and asked how things were going. I just couldn’t tell him things were okay anymore. I am so frustrated.
And then, when I hadn’t received an e-galley of a favorite author that I could have sworn I was on the review team for, I reached out to both the author and the tour company that ran the last book tour only to find out I didn’t sign up somehow and so it was too late to get it because it comes out on Tuesday. Now I have no idea when I’ll get to read it because my blog review book schedule is so busy until like December. All I can hope is the audiobook comes out soon, I might be able to get to that in October. I know, I know, petty problems to be upset about. Well at least the book thing. But this is the second author that I knew I’d been on their ARC team, they’d been reaching out to me whenever they had new books coming out and all of a sudden they didn’t. It’s very disappointing when it is an author you’ve come to love and you’ve got all their books already penciled in to your planner and you skip taking other books to review from new authors because of it. I guess being on 15 author review teams is too many anyway? This will make it down to 13 I guess, and there are 4 of those I’m not sure about.
Friday on the way to work we had a bunch of rain, and when I’m driving in rain like that, it always makes me think of one of my favorite movies when I was a teenager, License to Drive, and the Driver’s Ed movie they watched about hydroplaning. Which I cannot find a short clip or gif of anywhere so I can’t share it. 🙁
Normally Labor Day weekend means the SantaCaliGon Festival in Independence, Missouri, right next door to where I live in Kansas City. Of course last year it was canceled. They’re having it this year, but none of my family wanted to go. And I’d been looking forward to it all summer.
Wow, this is turning into a total Debbie Downer post. Sorry about that! Let’s move on to talking about what my blog is for, books.

Let’s move on to talking about what my blog is for, books. Oh yeah, before that though, I did get to hold some puppies this week, so that was at least fun!
Books finished:

Only one this week. It was so busy and I was so tired. And then this was an almost 500 page book!
New Books:
Again I was good and didn’t buy any books. I did get two ARCs from publishers that I’m very excited about. The first is a sequel to one of my favorite books last year and I reached out to the publisher for a copy. The second is one the publisher reached out to me about and I am excited to give it a try! I’ve liked Neal Shusterman’s books in the past, so I’m sure I’ll love this one!

E-galleys for Review:
Two this week. The first of the SmartyPants Romance fall launch books are here for me to start reading! Now I haven’t read the other two by this author yet, but I’m excited for this one and the author will be at Book Bonanza, so it will be good to have read one of her books so I will be excited to meet her! The second is in a series I read one of this past week, and wasn’t that impressed with, but it was short, so I’ll fit this one in too.
Free e-books:
So, there were a lot this week. A couple authors sent out links to 500 free e-books. I tried not to go and download, but with my mood this week, it felt good to “shop” for books even if they were free. Getting new books always makes me feel good! Some of them might still be free, you can go through the list HERE. And a few of these were from author newsletters or ads on Facebook.
What I’m Watching:
Again, I’ve not had a lot of time to watch things this week because I’ve been so tired by the time I get home. So I’ve settled on my comfort show Outlander mostly, and then also there was finally another new episode of Evil. It was really good because they were in a monastery where no one could talk, and so it was pretty silent for most of the episode, which totally reminded me of one of my favorite Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes, Hush. The episode is called S is for Silence. I’d show you a video clip, but can’t find one to share. So instead, as I’m doing my rewatch of the whole Outlandeer series, I’ll share the preview for one of my favorite episodes. Love the turtle soup scene at the end.
Giveaways to Checkout:
- The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: August 2021 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in September
- Don’t forget it was my 12th blogoversary las month! And the giveaway runs until the 15th and you can enter that right HERE.
i am sorry you have had a rough week. some of the things going wrong might seem minor to others, but if they are important to you (me) i feel your disappointment and frustration. hang in there with the job. it can only get better…right? i hope so and i hope this week is better. puppies always help
I’m hoping third week is the charm, right? Since I’m stuck in the contract till May, I can only hope! Thanks for stopping by!
Sometimes it’s ok to be a Debbie Downer. Did it at least help a little to vent? I love the family photos. Your pups are so cute. Beginning of school is tough. I am sure it will settle down soon. Hang in there! That is a lot of author review teams.
It definitely helps to vent. I wish they were my puppies, but my friend who is the breeder lets me come play with the puppies whenever she has litters. It helps with getting them socialized and ready for homes! Thanks for visiting!
I’m sorry the job isn’t going well, when you were so hopeful for this one.
I’m getting Roxy too–really looking forward to that one!!
I haven’t read Shusterman in a while, but when they reached out to me with this one I couldn’t say no! Hope we both enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope the job gets better for you 🙁
I’m hoping third week is the charm, right? lol Thanks for returning the visit!
I hope your next week is a little better. <3 But at least there were puppies!
Puppies always make up for bad days. Thanks for stopping by!
I’m sorry to hear about SantaCaliGon! That always sucks when you really look forward to something and then are unable to go, or no one will go with. And the work thing too. I’m so sorry that’s happening- again you take a new job expecting to do what you love and it’s not that way. I really hope at some point it changes and you are able to do what you love.
Anyway hope you’re having a nice Labor Day weekend- be well!
I’m going with the third time is a charm, so the third week of school will be better? Fingers crossed! My weekend has been okay so far. Hope you’re having a good one as well. Thanks for visiting!
I am so sorry things are still not going well. I completely understand. Working in a school is TOUGH and sometimes, no matter how much you want to make things better, it is just out of your hands. Hang in there.
Thanks. I’m hoping things are settling down a little this week. Thanks for stopping by!
Aw I love the puppies. I’m sorry about the books. It happens to me sometimes. Enjoy those new ARCs you got. I know what you mean, I have such a pile of ARCs right now. I hope things improve at work.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
And I just had another ARC I could have sworn I signed up for and I didn’t get it. When I reached out they said I hadn’t signed up for it. I don’t know what is going on! Oh well. My month is so packed with reading, I guess it is a bit of a blessing maybe? And as I look at the synopsis for this one, maybe I wouldn’t have been as sucked into it as I’d thought. Thanks for visiting!
Oh man. I am sorry you’re having such a rough time. My friend volunteers at the library and until she started volunteering she didn’t realize how much non-librarian stuff they do. Apparently, they are always dealing with homeless people and computer problems rather than getting to deal with the book aspect. I hope your job starts to turn into what you would like it to. 🙁
It’s just that now I’m mad at myself for leaving a job that was, I now realize, pretty much a dream librarian job. But hopefully this will get better as some things change over the next few weeks. Thanks for stopping by!
I’m so sorry this was such a bad week for you. I hope the job situation gets better. I really hope this is a better week for you.
Thanks! Me too! Glad you could stop by!
Sending all the hugs your way for your work situation! I’m so sorry and it’s so hard and frustrating not being able to do what you love. Hugs, hugs, hugs! And I’m so sorry to hear about the arc you really wanted UGH. Hugs again! But I’m so happy you got to play with those puppies, they look so adorable. Here’s hoping this next week is better then the last *fingers crossed*!
Yep, I’m thinking it can only get better *knock on wood*, right? Thanks for visiting!
So sorry about your job. That sucks that you weren’t told that you’d have other tasks beside librarian tasks. I hope you can at least enjoy the holiday today. And bonus, it’s a short week!
I knew there would be others, because that is how being a school librarian is, but didn’t know they would take all my time and I wouldn’t get to do any library stuff really, or that I’d have to do a half-ass job on the library stuff in order to do these extra tasks. Oh well, like you said, a short week, and hopefully it’s going to be a better one. Thanks for visiting!
Lisa, I am sorry to hear you are having a tough time at work, and then had the disappointment of missing out on the review book and festival you were looking forward to. I hope that you will be able to find a solution for work, enjoy all the other new books you have, and that this week will be a better one for you. ?❤?
Thanks! Things have to get better,right? New month and all that? Let’s hope so. Glad you could stop by.
Sorry to hear that work continues to be so stressful. Hopefully this is just beginning of year stuff and soon you will be able to get to the business of being a librarian??
That’s my hope! Thanks for stopping by!