Tag: Erin Watt

Six E-book Mini-Reviews

Once again behind, but saved this time to post the reviews during November, since I am hoping I will be very busy writing for NaNoWriMo.  This post will combine a bunch of ebooks I’ve read. In Flight (Up in the Air #1) by R.K. Lilley: Genre:  BDSM romance Published:  October 20th, 2012 Source:  Purchased Kindle […]

Posted November 6, 2017 by Lisa Mandina in Review / 4 Comments

Series Review: The Royals Series Books 1-3 by Erin Watt

Book info: Titles:  Paper Princess, Broken Prince,  and Twisted Palace Author:  Erin Watt Series:  The Royals #1-3 Genre:  YA contemporary romance Published:  2016:  April, July, and October respectively Source:  E-books purchased from Amazon My rating: 5 stars So I’d been seeing people talk about this series all over the blogosphere, and decided I needed to […]

Posted December 25, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in / 6 Comments