Tag: demons

Review: The Dark World by Cara Lynn Shultz

First, thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin Teen, but especially to the author, for allowing me to read an e-galley of this book.  Once again I’m so much in love with characters from a book.  And the love comes from the fact that these characters are the kind of people I want to hang out with, […]

Posted April 27, 2014 by Lisa Mandina in Review / 10 Comments

The New Kid by Temple Mathews

Thanks to BenBella Books and Netgalley for allowing me to read this.  I guess it isn’t that new of a book, looks like it’s been out for awhile, but it was available so I asked to read it because it sounded pretty good. It wasn’t bad, kind of predictable, but again, not bad.  The main […]

Posted April 30, 2013 by Lisa Mandina in / 10 Comments

Misfit by Jon Skovron

This is another egalley I received from Abrams Publishing on Netgalley.com. This book will not be published till August 1st, but it will be on my staff recommendations as soon as it is. The main character is Jael. Jael has never really fit in at any school, but she’s moved all her life, almost every […]

Posted June 26, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 0 Comments