Tag: A to Z April Challenge

A to Z April – I: Independent Authors

This is what I thought I was doing this on, but as I don’t know a whole lot about this topic, I wasn’t quite sure if maybe I’d come up with another idea. But I didn’t, so here is my post! What I think of when I hear “independent author” is someone who has gone […]

Posted April 10, 2014 by Lisa Mandina in / 14 Comments

Throwback Thursday #1

Since I forgot what my topic for letter I in the A to Z April Challenge was supposed to be, and I know that I have it written in my notebook at home, I’m going to join into this fun Thursday meme for the first time today, so here goes my first Throwback Thursday.  I […]

Posted April 10, 2014 by Lisa Mandina in / 2 Comments

A to Z April – H: Historical Fiction

So yesterday I discussed a quick list of “all” of the genres of book that there are, or that I mainly read from or think about.  Today I am going to talk about one that is often my favorite, historical fiction.  While I wouldn’t say that I read a lot of historical fiction titles, the […]

Posted April 9, 2014 by Lisa Mandina in / 14 Comments

A to Z April – G: Genres

Even though I’ve already talked about one genre, the best word I could think of for G was the whole subject of genres.  Genres are a way to categorize types of literature.  It can be based on technique, tone, content, or sometimes length.   So today I’m going to talk about the main genres that I […]

Posted April 8, 2014 by Lisa Mandina in / 10 Comments

A to Z April – F: Fantasy

For the letter F I’m going to choose a genre of fiction that is not actually one that I read a ton of.  There are some of my very favorite series that fit into it though, so it is worth mentioning.  The more I’m around authors and bloggers, I’ve learned that the type of fantasy […]

Posted April 7, 2014 by Lisa Mandina in / 18 Comments

A to Z April – E: E-books

For the letter E I’ve chosen to discuss E-books.  First of all, let me say that I will never, ever give up an actual physical book.  One that the cover is there to look at whenever I set the book down, the cover that draws your eyes in, and looks so beautiful on a bookshelf. […]

Posted April 5, 2014 by Lisa Mandina in / 8 Comments

A to Z April – Letter D: Dystopia

  For the letter D, I’ve chosen a genre (not sure if that’s the correct term for that) of literature that is currently very popular, and is one that is one of my favorites.  I will share five of my favorite dystopian series today. 1.  The Giver Series by Lois Lowry –>   I had […]

Posted April 4, 2014 by Lisa Mandina in / 8 Comments

A to Z April – Letter B: Biographies

Continuing with my book theme for this challenge, I’ve decided to share some biography/memoir type books.  Biographies of course are books about a person, sometimes written by themselves, then they are usually called autobiographies, or often they are now called memoirs.  Below is a list of my top 5 favorite biographies in no particular order. […]

Posted April 2, 2014 by Lisa Mandina in / 4 Comments

A to Z April – Letter A: Authors

I’m really excited to get started on this challenge this year.  I’m not doing it because I need help blogging more regularly, I’ve actually gotten a lot better about that this year.  I’m doing it for a new experience, and to see if I can actually keep up.  I’m going to do a book theme.  […]

Posted April 1, 2014 by Lisa Mandina in / 6 Comments