Source: the library

Audiobook Review: Asa (Marked Men #6) by Jay Crownover

Book info: Title:  Asa  Author:  Jay Crownover Series:  Marked Men #6   Genre:  New Adult Romance Published:  April 21st, 2015 Source:  Digital audiobook downloaded from public library So, this was a bit of a bittersweet listen.  It was the last in the Marked Men series, although fortunately the author has a new series she’s in […]

Posted August 18, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in Review / 4 Comments

Audiobook Review: Play (Stage Dive #2) by Kylie Scott

Book info: Title:  Play   Author:  Kylie Scott Series:  Stage Dive #2   Genre:  New Adult, Rock Star Romance Published:  March 25th, 2014 Source:  Digital audiobook downloaded from public library Okay, I am now totally in love with this author.  And to think it all started with a cheap/free e-book from back when I tried […]

Posted August 5, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in Review / 8 Comments

Audiobook Review: Armada by Ernest Cline

Once again I have been blown away by this author.  And I’m actually a little mad at myself for trading away the ARC I had of this title. Even though I’ve listened to both this and the author’s first book Ready Player One as audio books from the library, I’d still like to own a […]

Posted December 3, 2015 by Lisa Mandina in Review / 10 Comments