Audiobook Read-along Review: White Trash Zombie Gone Wild (White Trash Zombie #5) by Diana Rowland

Posted May 17, 2024 by Lisa Mandina in Review / 6 Comments

Audiobook Read-along Review: White Trash Zombie Gone Wild (White Trash Zombie #5) by Diana RowlandWhite Trash Zombie Gone Wild by Diana Rowland
Series: White Trash Zombie #5
Narrator: Allison McLemore
Published by Audible Studios on October 6, 2015
Genres: Adult Horror, Adult Paranormal, Adult Science Fiction, Adult Urban Fantasy
Length: 11:18
Source: Purchased
Format: Audiobook
My Rating: five-stars
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Angel Crawford has buried her loser past and is cruising along in undead high gear—that is, until a murder-by-decapitation sends her on a hazardous detour. As Angel hunts for the killer, she uncovers a scheme that would expose zombies to the public and destroy the life she’s built, and she’s determined not to rest until she finds out who’s behind it. 

Soon she’s neck-deep in lies, redneck intrigue, zombie hunters, and rot-sniffing cadaver dogs. It’s up to her to unravel the truth and snuff out the conspiracy before the existence of zombies makes headline news and she’s outed as a monster. 

But Angel hasn’t quite escaped the pill-popping ghosts of her past—not with an illicit zombie pharmaceutical at her fingertips. Good thing she’s absolutely sure she can handle the drug’s unpredictable side effects and still take down the bad guys…or maybe she’s only one bad choice away from being dead meat—for real this time.

Angel knows a thing or two about kicking ass, but now the ass she needs to kick might be her own.

Oh my gosh, the ending of this one! Whoa! I am so ready to start the next one, but I won’t let myself until the beginning of June, but just whoa! Now, if you haven’t read these yet, there will be a TON of SPOILERS in this review, so you should probably stop now if you don’t want to be spoiled for those! I’ll try not to spoil this one though if you’re all caught up to this point for the most part.

Now, I know that these probably didn’t come out one a month as I’m listening to them, but the beginning of this one was a tiny bit info-dumpish for me. We knew from the end of the last one that Angel was going to have some issues with the V-12 that they’d given her to help get extra strength when she’d been trying to help save people from Sabreton. But we begin the story with her basically in this state. Now she’s learned that it does have at least one good effect, it helps with her dyslexia so she can read for her college classes. Unfortunately it is also causing her to act like a bit of a junkie in some ways, her paranoia, feeling like she needs it and things aren’t right without it.

It turns out there are other issues, ones that she is causing problems for Phillip for how she is getting it. She is sneaking it out of the lab, taking it from his doses. Turns out it has some bad side effects too. She loses impulse control. She sees fireflies and possibly other hallucinations. Her paranoia causes her to think other people are judging her and not trusting when they say they want to help her. Even her father notices her change in behavior.

Along with this, there is a big zombie fest going on in the town, coinciding with the release of the zombie movie that was being filmed there in an earlier book. So now you have not only Sabreton people, but someone with a cadaver sniffing dog, and people out “hunting” zombies. There was a little bit of Andrew Sabreton’s new zombie life mixed into the story and I wonder if that will really fill out the last book. Not to mention a faux documentary film that threatens the zombies being discovered, with actual zombie footage. So much going on!

Pietro at first is talking about taking the zombies underground, disappearing till it blows over. But he soon will realize that might not work in this world wide web connection society. Along with that we find that a character we didn’t know actually knows what Angel is. I’d kind of wondered if that person had some knowledge. The FBI is sniffing around funeral homes. Dr. Cherish is back causing problems, there is so much going on!

I can’t even go into a lot of what happens because there is just a lot going on in this book. It was so good though, and I liked how Angel’s problem was handled. I could say there was also some crazy major stuff that happened to Angel at the end of the book, and I can’t WAIT to start the next book in June to find out just what comes from that.

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6 responses to “Audiobook Read-along Review: White Trash Zombie Gone Wild (White Trash Zombie #5) by Diana Rowland

  1. I just finished this one last night and I loved it. I am having so much fun with this series and would love to join a chat but unfortunately, Sundays is when my mom chooses to come to town to visit us and the pups as it’s really the only day we both have off together. I think the reading experience is being made better by the fact they are all released and we can read them consecutively. I also always thought someone else at the morgue knew about Angel so that reveal was kind of nice. I’m glad Marcus and some of the other characters weren’t so prevalent in this one as it gave Angel time to shine. Bear grew on me at the end and Nick! So glad that finally happened.

    Barb @ Booker T's Farm recently posted: 2 Bloggers 1 Series - Hope's Crossing
    • Lisa Mandina

      I loved this one too! I agree with so much you said and I’m hoping for Nick to get more of a chance maybe! I understand why Sundays don’t work for you, wish they did!

  2. I am loving this series so much. This one was 5 hearts for me. I really liked seeing how Angel handled her addictive tendencies now that she is more responsible and building a real life and real friends. There is class is UF theme with her building her misfit bunch of allies. I appreciated how much her relationship with her dad has improved. Really hope to see you Sunday.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yes! It was so good! Probably my favorite after the first one. I plan to be there Sunday!

  3. We missed you Sunday. *HUGS*

    SO much happened and it’s crazy to think it all gets wrapped up in one more book! We talked about how there are a lot of open threads/stories right now and where will it all go?! The beginning of this one was slow and I didn’t love how Angel was pushed to the side by the Tribe again. However, I loved that she is finding her own people now.

    • Lisa Mandina

      The book was so good! I’m glad we all liked this one so much. But yeah, the tribe thing made me so mad for her as much as she’d totally proven herself! I should be able to hopefully make the last chat, won’t start listening till June though.

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