ARC Review: Twice a Quinceanera by Yamile Saied Mendez

Posted July 26, 2022 by Lisa Mandina in Review / 2 Comments

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

ARC Review: Twice a Quinceanera by Yamile Saied MendezTwice a Quinceañera by Yamile Saied Méndez
Published by Kensington Books on July 26, 2022
Genres: Adult Contemporary Romance
Pages: 320
Source: the publisher
Format: ARC
My Rating: four-half-stars
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Acclaimed author of the Reese Witherspoon YA Book Club Pick Furia, Yamile Saied Méndez makes her adult fiction debut with this sparkling, whimsical novel of an accomplished young woman who discovers what it really means to come into her own . . .

A Scary Mommy Summer Book Pick

One month short of her wedding day—and her thirtieth birthday—Nadia Palacio finds herself standing up to her infuriating, cheating fiancé for the first time in . . . well, ever. But that same courage doesn’t translate to breaking the news to her Argentinian family. She’s hyperventilating before facing them when she glimpses a magazine piece about a Latina woman celebrating herself—with a second quinceañera, aka Sweet 15! And that gives Nadia a brilliant idea . . .

With a wedding venue already paid for, and family from all over the world with plane tickets, Nadia is determined to create her own happily-ever-after. Since the math adds up perfectly, she’ll celebrate her treintañera, her double quinces. As the first professional in her family, raising a glass to her achievements is the best plan she’s had in years. Until she discovers that the man in charge of the venue is none other than her college fling that became far more than a fling. And he looks even more delicious than a three-tiered cake . . .

Full of exuberant heart, Twice a Quinceañera is a pure delight for every woman who needs to be her own biggest fan—and who dreams of a second chance at first love.

My Review

I really enjoyed a lot in this book. It was a great story in how Nadia did learn to value herself and not worry about things that she had let keep her down or let others make her decisions for her. And then there was Marcos. He was definitely someone easy to fall in love with. It was a bit of a worry for a while that he might be the same guy to take off as he had to Nadia in the past. But the more we got to know him, the less that seemed likely. There was a moment at the end that was not what I saw coming, and that made the story really pack a punch at the ending. I loved Nadia’s family, especially her Bisa. There were a few times that the characters had Spanish sayings that I had to look up because they weren’t necessarily spelled out in English for the reader, which is fine, because I enjoy researching. But I wonder if other readers might have an issue with that when they just want to read and escape.

Really my only issue is again a personal preference for reading first person as opposed to third person like this one. However the author did such a great job with the story that I really didn’t end up wondering whose point of view it was at times like I have with other books.

I believe this is this author’s first adult title, and it was a great one, I hope to read more in the future!

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