Blog Tour Audiobook Review: Pale Blue Dot(s) by Erin Mallon

Posted February 25, 2022 by Lisa Mandina in Blog Tour, Review / 0 Comments

Blog Tour Audiobook Review:  Pale Blue Dot(s) by Erin Mallon

Release Day is here!

Release week news: this Friday night 2/25/22 at 8pm ET Erin will be going live on Instagram (@mallonerin) with members of the cast to talk about the process!

I received this book for free from Home Cooked Books Tours in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Blog Tour Audiobook Review:  Pale Blue Dot(s) by Erin MallonPale Blue Dot(s) by Erin Mallon
Narrator: Therese Plummer, Megan Tusing, Andrew Eiden, Gabra Zackman, Ines del Castillo, Sarah Mollo-Christensen, Adenrele Ojo, Julia Whelan, Natalie Naudus
Published by Erin Mallon on February 22, 2022
Genres: Adult Science Fiction
Length: 01:38
Source: Home Cooked Books Tours
Format: Audiobook
My Rating: four-half-stars

sound design by Nick Long

line editing and mixing by Tyler Whitlatch of Plunk Productions


Several years in the future, an all-female astronaut team circumnavigates the globe once every 90 minutes aboard the International Space Station, prepared to be a powerful presence in space. When a surprise set of “every-day citizens” tags along for the ride, all protocol flies right out the proverbial… airlock. 

After a lifetime of being kept down on the ground, what happens when these women finally rise up and see their lives – and their planet – from high above it all? 

Pale Blue Dot(s) features special appearances by David Bowie, Elon Musk and a 6-hole ocarina.


@ErinMallonWriter @homecookedbooks @BlackstoneAudio

@mallonerin @homecookedbook @blackstonepublishing

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My Review

This book was fun in so many ways! As usual, Erin Mallon has written some of the funniest, and also strangest, plots, characters, and dialogue. I loved the different narrators that performed this, it was perfect having all of them reading their parts. It made it feel as if we were actually on this space shuttle or even maybe at the command control listening to them all talk as the trip took place. I loved the one character that kept trying to be funny, her line about how she really thought there’d be more jokes about Uranus in space. It could be because I was a middle school science teacher who had to deal with the types of juvenile jokes about that planet’s name or other things, but I giggled so much at all the different jokes she tried.

And then, then, there was a part where someone asked if in case of an emergency they would ejaculate into space. Oh my gosh, not only were the characters all sitting around giggling and full out laughing at that, but I was sitting in my car in the school parking lot before work laughing right along with them, feeling as if I was there too. It was just perfect!

Honestly some of the other craziness I’ve noticed in some of Mallon’s books that didn’t leave me with an ending that was satisfying or at least tied up neatly is what kept me from giving it the full 5 stars here on my blog, and only doing 4 stars on other sites. Still I was laughing the whole time, and can’t wait to meet the author at Book Bonanza this summer hopefully.

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