Blog Tour Review: The Introvert’s Guide to Blind Dating (The Introvert’s Guide #3) by Emma Hart

Posted August 19, 2021 by Lisa Mandina in Blog Tour, Review / 0 Comments

Blog Tour Review: The Introvert’s Guide to Blind Dating (The Introvert’s Guide #3) by Emma Hart

I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Blog Tour Review: The Introvert’s Guide to Blind Dating (The Introvert’s Guide #3) by Emma HartThe Introvert's Guide to Blind Dating by Emma Hart
Series: The Introvert's Guide #3
on August 17, 2021
Genres: Adult Romantic Comedy
Pages: 151
Source: the author
Format: E-galley
My Rating: four-half-stars


Blind dating: the act in which you date a stranger and hope it’s not the kid you once babysat. And try not to freak out when it’s your one-night stand from two weeks ago.

As the last woman standing, I, Piper Carter, am officially a loner.

Apparently, that means it’s time for me to get out there and find myself a man. My protestations that I have no time for it falls on deaf ears and the next thing I know, I’m on a blind date with someone my best friends assure me will be perfect for me.

Maverick Donovan, the guy I, uh, know very, very well…

After one conversation that makes my disdain for this setup very clear, the superstar playboy author asks me for only one thing: my help with his research for his next novel.

Turns out, the heroine in his next hot romance is the owner of a bakery, but all his ill-fated efforts are baking is the batteries in his fire alarm.

I agree. I’ll create some recipes for his leading lady, and he’ll credit me and my store, giving me the recognition I need to help me on my way to franchising.

If only we didn’t have to spend almost every free waking moment together to make it happen.

I don’t want to give my heart to the guy with a trail of broken ones behind him, but there’s a fundamental problem with that plan.

I’m pretty sure I’m doing just that…


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My Review:

As usual, I laughed a lot with another book by Emma Hart. And even when her characters are really all so different with their different personality quirks and such, I still seem to connect with them in some little way if not all the way. In this case it started out right away with Piper’s thoughts about vegetables on pizza. Another thing about Piper I agreed with is that I really wish people would just be straight about how they feel about you. I hate not knowing if someone likes me or not.

With Piper being a baker there was a lot of talk of food in this story. Plus, I really, really want to try a strawberry butterscotch cupcake now too. Anyone know where I can find one?

Maverick was almost the perfect book boyfriend, I mean, come on, a male romance author? As he said a few times, he spent his time writing about women, so in a weird way, he was kind of an expert. I liked his method of low-pressure wooing that he did with Piper.

Of course we also got time with the hilarious grandparents from the rest of both this series as well as The Bookworm’s Guide series. One thing I really liked in this one though, was having people realize just how crazy and unreal it could be. But when Piper told Maverick to be prepared, she wasn’t lying. Piper’s brother Josh made me mad, but it added a good bit of drama to the story, in a way that I really liked keeping the final drama from being a misunderstanding between the two main characters, something that often irritates me.

My only issues, aren’t really anything that is an issue though. For instance, some of the way the characters talked was just really just what is probably considered a regional dialect? Like I would normally say I was somewhere “in the morning”. The characters in the books said when they were here “on a morning”. And then they went to something that they called a funfair. I’ve always just heard it called a fair or a carnival. Like I said, silly things to complain about, and I’m not really complaining, just mentioning my thoughts.

About the Author:

Emma Hart is theNew York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over forty novels and has been translated into several different languages.

She is a mother, wife, lover of wine, Pink Goddess, and valiant rescuer of wild baby hedgehogs.

Emma prides herself on her realistic, snarky smut, with comebacks that would make a PMS-ing teenage girl proud.

​Yes, really. She’s that sarcastic.











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