Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
First, I have to say, WOW!! Why didn’t I read this when I first got the ARC at the bookstore where I work back in October? How stupid am I? This book was sooooo good. I think I waited because at first I was trying to finish reading the review books for the 2012-2013 Gateway books. But I should have read this right away. I mean when I didn’t pick it up, then it sat on my shelf, and I would pick it up, then say, eh, there’s something else that sounds better, and put it back down. But boy was I wrong! All the hype about this book being good, well, they were right. Now I’m so eager to read the next book in the series.
Second, not sure how much I want to admit, but when I was younger, I used to write movies/books in my mind. I was very nerdy, boys didn’t like me, but I read a lot. So I would create future worlds in my mind, whole stories. And some of this story reminds me of the stories I would create. The handsome, evil guy, that wanted me, and I was attracted, but knew he was bad. So right away I was drawn into the story with Warner. I love Adam though. Unlike some other teen books I’ve read lately, while he and the main character, Juliette, seem to fall in love quickly, they actually have a past that makes sense. That does remind me a bit of Peeta and Katniss in
I do see where the whole “X-men” thing comes in. And I love it! I can’t wait to read more about the other people in this world. But I sitll want to know where these “powers” came from. Hopefully the author will go on in the next book and explain more, because it does seem like the Omega Point and Castle know what is going on.
In the story, Juliette has been locked up for years because when she touches someone, it kills them. She’s been in a room alone this whole time, food shoved in daily, a window outside, once in awhile she is allowed to pass through the darkness to a shower. She keeps track of her time by writing in a notebook. Then one day they put in a roommate for her. A boy. She knows this boy. He tries to get to know her, she soon begins to trust him. Next thing she knows they are pulled out and taken away by soldiers. Turns out Adam, her new roommate, is one of these soldiers, and he’s been assigned to get to know her, so that Warner, the leader of this army, can gain her trust and get her to use her power to kill for him. This Warner is the handsome, but evil guy. He thinks because Juliette kills with touch, that she is like him and wants to kill people. At first she thinks Adam has betrayed her, but he hasn’t, and they figure a way to escape. But that isn’t the end. Warner doesn’t want to let her go, and there are others out there who want her.
Great book! If you haven’t read it, do so soon!
This is my 9th book on my TBR Reading Pile Challenge. I planned to do 10 this year, so I’ve almost made my goal and it’s only halfway through the year.
I can't wait to find out more about the X-Men connection; that part was actually my favorite. I also really liked Warner, whose charisma popped off the page no matter what his next evil line was.
Really? Warner just seemed to slimy and evil to me. But, it sounds like he was gorgeous!
Thanks for reminding me why I wanted to read this. Need to dig it out.
Yeah, I was so glad when I finally picked it up and read it, it was so good!!