Tag: The Story Siren

In My Mailbox April 21st, 2013

I will participate in In My Mailbox this week since it may be the last one for awhile that The Story Siren is hosting due to her probably having her baby soon!  I got to meet Kristi at BEA 2012 last year very briefly, and so wish her happiness with this new part in her […]

Posted April 21, 2013 by Lisa Mandina in / 10 Comments

In My Mailbox – August 2012

I haven’t participated in too many of these, because I forget about them, and then I forget what books I got when, etc.  But, once again in honor of my 3rd Blogoversary celebration, I’m going to participate, but do it as a whole August compilation.  Now, I know, there’s been a lot of controversy recently […]

Posted August 26, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 2 Comments

In My Mailbox (3)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  I’m very excited to do this meme this week as I won some books from Lea at LC’s Adventures in Library Land in the Hunger Games Movie Premiere Giveaway.  I hardly ever win contests, but this was the 2nd one I’ve won, the first […]

Posted April 8, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 9 Comments

In My Mailbox (2)

Okay, second time I’m doing this meme.  In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at the Story Siren.  This is a way to share the books you got during the week.  This week the only books I actually got were 2 that I bought.  I’m trying really hard to limit how many books I actually […]

Posted April 1, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 2 Comments

Dark Eden by Patrick Carman

Now I have been waiting to read this one for what seems like forever.  Since I got to meet Patrick Carman last fall, and then the book didn’t come out till November, then I didn’t have the money at the time to buy it.  So it actually is part of my TBR challenge since I’ve […]

Posted March 15, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 1 Comment

In My Mailbox (1)

So, I’ve seen so many blogs that I follow do this, and I’ve never taken part.  Well, I actually got a book in my mailbox this week, and decided to participate.  I notice that it doesn’t have to be something you actually received in the mail, it could be something you purchased or check out […]

Posted February 26, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 8 Comments

Follow Friday #13

It is time for this week’s Feature and Follow Friday, hosted by Parajunkee, and Allison Can Read. This is a blog hop that expands your blog following by a joint effort between bloggers.This week’s question is: It’s Thanksgiving Day in the U.S., so we want to know what you are thankful for – blogging related, […]

Posted November 25, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 10 Comments