Tag: Melissa Landers

Cover Reveal: Blastaway by Melissa Landers

Today Melissa Landers and Rockstar Book Tours are revealing the cover and an exclusive content for BLASTAWAY, her new Middle Grade Sci-Fi which releases Summer 2019! Check out the awesome cover and the excerpt! On to the reveal!  Title: BLASTAWAY Author: Melissa Landers Pub. Date: Summer 2019 Publisher: Disney-Hyperion Formats: Hardcover, eBook Find it: Goodreads Pitched as “Home Alone in space,” […]

Posted September 28, 2018 by Lisa Mandina in / 0 Comments

Three Audiobook Mini-Reviews

As I mentioned last month, I’m totally behind on reviews.  So, once again I’m going to do some mini-reviews, this time three audiobooks, and while two of them are new adult/contemporary romance, the other is YA science fiction.  I’ll do the YA one first, so that if you’re not interested in the other two, then […]

Posted February 9, 2017 by Lisa Mandina in Review / 6 Comments

Launch Day Blitz and Giveaway: United (Alienated #3) by Melissa Landers

–> Hey there, booklovers! I’m author Melissa Landers, and I’m thrilled to announce the release of UNITED, the final book in the Alienated trilogy. Our star-crossed lovers Aelyx and Cara have overcome some heavy obstacles to be together—riotous mobs, alien hybrids, and worst of all, high school on two planets. Now to stay together they’ll […]

Posted August 2, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in giveaway / 0 Comments

Audiobook Review: Alienated by Melissa Landers

This was the next audiobook I downloaded from my local library.  I’d been hearing constantly how great this book was.  But I had yet to pick it up.  I can’t decide if I can count it as part of my It’s New to Me Challenge, since technically I started listening to it right at the […]

Posted January 10, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in / 12 Comments