Series: Fulton U

Release Tour Review: The Second We Met (Fulton U #2) by Maya Hughes

Book info: Title:  The Second We Met Author:  Maya Hughes Series:  Fulton U #2 Genre: NA contemporary romance Cover Design:  Najla Qamber Designs Photo:  Wander Aguiar Release Date:  October 17th, 2019 Source: E-galley from author which did not influence my opinion My rating:  5 stars Synopsis:  Dear Jerk Across the Street, sorry for accidentally walking […]

Posted October 18, 2019 by Lisa Mandina in Blog Tour, Review / 5 Comments

Review with Giveaway: The Perfect First (Fulton U #1) by Maya Hughes

Book info: Title:  The Perfect First Author:  Maya Hughes Series:  Fulton U #1 Genre: NA contemporary romance Cover Design:  Najla Qambar, Qambar Designs Release Date:  April 25th, 2019 Source:  E-galley from author which did not influence my opinion My rating: 5 stars Synopsis: “How long do you last in bed?” Those were her first words […]

Posted April 25, 2019 by Lisa Mandina in Blog Tour, giveaway, Review / 5 Comments