Weekly Wrap-Up #149 – December 24th, 2023

Posted December 24, 2023 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 20 Comments

Happy Christmas Eve!

Last Sunday was another Chiefs game, finally a win for us. Also I got a lot of blogging done and just tried to stay around the house wrapping gifts and not spending money, lol.

Monday was crazy busy at school! It was so hard to get up in the morning first of all. Then there were tons of issues with the laptops and we had all kind of students being brought in for finals and other test makeups. Also, there was at least one fight at school. Crazy!

Tuesday crazy busy as well. And my clerk decided to kind of be a personal escort for one student that kept leaving the library when he was supposed to be testing. And a TON of laptop issues again it seemed. Went to dinner with my mom and stepdad at our favorite Mexican restaurant.

Wednesday was a half day, and two block schedule hours for finals. Fast though, but busy. Then a quick faculty meeting where we got a sweatshirt and nametag for our gift from admin. Of course I’m so hot all the time I’ll probably never be able to wear it. I went to a movie, then went home and watched the Survivor season finale.

Thursday was so nice to get to sleep in! I slept in REALLY late. Didn’t get up until almost 10 am. Then I spent some time around the house reading and blogging a lot. Trying to catch up on commenting on other blogs. Found a movie made of one of my favorite books on Prime so I watched that!

Friday I had considered going to see another movie, but then decided that I really needed to just spend the day not leaving the house or spending money. Our paycheck for the end of the month was in our bank account, so after I paid bills, I was broke again. Hopefully my next paycheck will have the week’s worth of subbing I did earlier this month.

Saturday I did have to get up and get going so I could be at my dad’s house by 10 am for breakfast and then I spent most of the day there while my youngest sister and stepmom made cookies, and then I helped decorate some before I had to leave to take care of my dogs.

Italian biscotti cookies my sister made that I did such a wonderful job of decorating. lol

Got home and my neighbor texted about exchanging gifts that we buy for each other’s dogs, lol.

Then I went to my brother’s house to decorate sugar cookies with my niece and nephew so they can leave them for Santa on Christmas Eve before they go to bed.

First was the audiobook I had been listening to over the past week. Second was the freebie ebook I started last week while sitting at my desk during downtime at work. Third was my last book of the month club pick that I decided to use as another Christmas read for the year. Fourth was another audiobook, very short, that I fit in quickly from the library. Fifth was one I’d started for my TBR Challenge back in September. It’s review will be with my L-L-L later this month. Sixth was the one I got for a quick review. Should be posting that review tomorrow with my Santa’s List post.




While I have this one as a free e-book, I decided I’d check out the digital audiobook from the library to listen as my last holiday listen for the year since it was only 2 hours long basically.

Bookish Stuff:

Another author’s Facebook group, Jay Crownover, called Crownover’s Crowd, does a bookmark exchange, and I received mine in the mail Tuesday!

I got a Christmas card from one of the other people that had been on my Outlander tour in Scotland this past summer, including some fun stickers!


So I thought I was done reading Christmas books last Wednesday. Then the Home Cooked Books Tours posted about this one needing more reviews, and since I’d been wanting to read this author, and it sounded really good, I decided to download and fit it in. Which also meant I postponed my Santa’s List reviews to actually post tomorrow, Christmas Day.

Free E-books:

The first 5 were free on Amazon. The last one was free from an author’s newsletter. But I already subscribe to her, so not a new subscription like my last discussion post was about, lol.

Physical books:


This week was the Survivor season finale. And with no school on Thursday I was able to actually stay up and watch all the episode including the last hour that I would usually be watching news during. I also resubscribed to Starz streaming since they had a really good deal and that way I can watch the last two seasons of Outlander that haven’t come to Netflix yet. Wednesday I went to see a movie since we got to leave at half a day.

Thursday night I decided I needed to find a movie I had waited to watch at home, so went to Prime to see what was available. A movie popped up I hadn’t heard about, and when I read that it was based on a book by one of my favorite authors, Dream a Little Dream, I had to watch it! Now, it of course had things different from the book, that’s how it always is, but I still enjoyed it. It was actually called Silver and the Book of Dreams. It had a few subtitles, for when the characters were speaking in German I believe. But the majority of it was in English since it takes place in England.

Friday night while trying to find something else to watch on tv, I found a Passionflix movie that I hadn’t seen, but it sounded fun, and it was!

I don’t have any specific reviews planned for this week other than my Santa’s List of holiday reads that will post tomorrow. It is also time to get all the Top 10 posts out, I actually started this past week because I have a couple extra I like to do besides the set topics.

Of course tomorrow is Christmas, and with today being Christmas Eve I don’t know how many people are actually blogging and visiting other blogs today!

I intend to continue my full week off with lots of reading and hopefully get some things cleaned up around my house. One of my sorority sisters that lives in California now is coming home to visit family so we should be getting together this week. I am also hoping to have lunch with one of my fellow Outlander tour participants since she will be in town visiting her daughter. Will be getting some doctor appointments out of the way, and need to get a vision appointment set up for this week if possible because my regular doctor says I have to do the whole dilation thing this time with my diabetic issues.

Hope you are having a nice holiday and that tomorrow is really good for you!

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20 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #149 – December 24th, 2023

  1. Doesn’t sound like too bad of a week, crazy, but short! Lol. Hope you enjoy your break! I wanted to do some reading myself since I took off Thursday and Friday, one was supposed to be a baking day and the other a half baking day, but I ended up doing all the baking that day while everyone else went out! Then they came back to decorate and do all the fun stuff that I had to sit out on because I was letting my little niece and nephew have some fun while my teenage niece got miffed about it all because she had to share. It was so much nicer when just my mom and me did it last year! Then my oldest niece took off with half the cookies! It was a bit of a nightmare and I didn’t even get to eat dinner that night because everyone else went out to lunch and wasn’t hungry, whereas I was starving but then I was somehow roped in to decorate a few cookies and then it was too late to go get anything because then I would be eating even later by the time I actually got food. So Friday really wasn’t the best day. Lol. I finally got something to eat by Saturday afternoon and it was glorious! Haha.

    Nice new reads! Those are all new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Lisa Mandina

      Wow! That sounds crazy and stressful! Hope once the actual holiday is over you get some relaxing time to read. Family can be stressful for sure!

  2. Well, I’m doing my blog visiting now, before plumbing and then I should try to wrap presents today. We love those rollout, cut and decorate sugar cookies but I haven’t tried a gluten free version. I’m not sure if they would hold together in the shapes. BUT I found a recipe for a sheet pan sugar cookie, like bar cookies, and it tastes the same and we decorate the top with sprinkles. It’s also much faster and less work and cleanup. Glad you saw my response about the icon you can just grab. I am excited to see people’s lists. I remember the Jill Shalvis book One Snowy Night as being a good one.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, I started my extra top 10 post last night! It didn’t have the button. I couldn’t remember when you had posted it, and thought I’d checked all your Sunday posts, but obviously I didn’t, lol. Hope you’re able to have a nice holiday and the plumber is quick, easy, and not too expensive!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I think I started it last year when I decided I needed to give their dogs toys, I feel bad that my dogs, well, Argyle anyway, keeps their dogs barking sometimes. But they have fun and it tires them out! Merry Christmas to you too!

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