Weekly Wrap-Up #128 – July 30th, 2023

Posted July 30, 2023 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 20 Comments

And so as of Wednesday I will be officially back at work. And it will be August!

Sunday was our house guest Gabriel’s last day with us. I spent some time with him, went to see a movie, then took him back to my friend’s house. She and I then went and had dinner, and I went back home and let my dogs just relax sitting with me. Of course Dora was going to have her teeth cleaned Monday, so it meant after 10 pm no food for her, and it is just easier to not give Argyle food at the same time too.

Monday morning I got up and took her to the vet and dropped her off. They said there might be thunderstorms on the news as I got up in the morning, and man, on my way to work in my library after dropping her off, I drove through crazy rain, and I think some hail. Worked in my library till about 2 pm, before heading to pick Dora up about 2:30 pm, they had to pull 5 of her teeth. Poor girl barely has any teeth left it seems like. She scared me a bit on the drive home, a lot of weird heavy breathing, and I pulled over a couple times over the 40 minute drive just to hold her. Of course once I was holding her she seemed just fine, so we’d get back on the road home.

Tuesday was pay day, so I spent the morning paying bills. I also wanted to just spend time with Dora the day after she got so many teeth pulled. Then I went over to spend time with my niece and nephew that evening. They’d had to put their dog to sleep Monday morning, so I wanted to help them get their minds off of it. My brother was out of town, had to leave right after they’d taken the dog to the vet on Monday. So we made our own little mini-pizzas for dinner. My niece and I played Animal Crossing, which I hadn’t played in over a year. But I had a ton of the bells or money in the game, so I was able to visit her island in the game and give her a bunch of them so she could do things she wanted to her island. She also made yummy chocolate mini-pies for dessert, and my mom and step-dad came over for dessert.

Wednesday morning I went to see the Barbie movie with a friend. Then she and I had lunch and caught up as we hadn’t hung out in a long time. It was miserably hot, so I went home and tried to keep the dogs from wanting to go outside constantly.

Thursday I slept in, but then got up and went in to work in my library for about 4 hours or so. I got all the books finally separated out to their sections for the most part. I had a few sections I needed to add shelves to, and a few that I took extra shelves out of for those sections. And I want to adjust how some sections are as well, so it isn’t done yet.

Friday they said it was going to be really hot, so I didn’t get up and mow. But when I took the dogs out in the morning, there was a pretty good breeze and I think it would have been a good morning to at least do half of the yard. Instead I slept late again, and then worked for several hours on getting the second half of my Scotland trip posts done. So many pictures to share! I decided to split into a third post that won’t go up till later this week. Watched the latest episodes of Outlander and The Summer I Turned Pretty. Both left me crying of course at the end, or at least needing the next episode now!

Saturday was a lazy day. I didn’t mow in the morning because they said the heat advisory was going to last all day again. I probably could have though if I’d done it first thing in the morning. We had some strong wind and stormy looking clouds in the morning, but after lunch I ran out to Nebraska Furniture Mart and bought a new bigger TV because they were having such a good deal. It is supposed to be delivered Sunday morning. Spent the rest of the day reading and hanging with the dogs. We did get a little heavy rain and some lightning and thunder right after I got home from the store too. Around 6:30 pm I decided it was cool enough outside I should go ahead and get the lawn mowed, so I did.

Books Finished

First was a review for an author. Second book was for the Gateway committee and my review should be in this month’s L-L-L-Little Review post that posted this past week. Third is for an author review team, and I should be posting my review on Monday or Tuesday.

New Additions to My Library


Got this ARC in the mail on Wednesday, can’t wait, I’ve loved all of this author’s books that I’ve read!


This was actually a freebie from the author’s newsletter as she said she’s getting ready to release the second book.

Bookish Stuff:

Got my monthly Pickle-gram from author JJ Knight’s Patreon. She’d mailed them while she was in London doing the RARE book convention. She’d also been in Scotland around the same time I was!


So I get the first author’s books every time they come out. And while this is a novella, only a little over 100 pages, I just don’t know if I can fit it in before the end of the month. So I didn’t download it immediately. The second one is also for an author’s review team. It comes out at the end of August. I also got the audiobook ARC, so I may be listening instead of reading. We’ll see!

Free E-books:

The first one was for signing up for an author’s newsletter. The rest were all free on Amazon.

Physical books:


What I’m Watching

I did go see the new Insidious movie on Sunday.

Wednesday I went to see the Barbie movie, which I loved!

Coming Up Next Week on My Blog

All of these are e-galleys. The first one is for an author review team, second one is for a blog tour review, and the third one is just an e-galley I had to read so hope to be posting my review on the 5th.

I should also be posting my End of the Month Wrap-Up and have some promo posts this week.


Don’t forget that I do now have the nice little box on the right hand sidebar so you can check out giveaways all the time! My current monthly giveaway is HERE! Remember if I get over 100 entries in that monthly giveaway I add more winners, and the last five months I had over 100, so that was two winners each month this year so far. And for June I had over 700 entries, so I picked 7 winners! It ends tomorrow, and I already have over 500 entries, so I’ll be picking at least 5 winners! And my July wrap-up will start this week on Tuesday.

I also started a Summer Seasons of Books Giveaway last week, so be sure to go enter that HERE. This giveaway goes for several months, so lots of chances to get entered.

Scotland Tour Final Wrap-Up

So I finally got two tour posts done this past week, shared about half of my pictures I think. You can check the first one out HERE. The second one is HERE. I have so much to share I had to break it up into three posts, so keep your eyes out for the next one later this week!

Final Thoughts

Can you believe July is over this week? My reading was way behind because of my tour sadly, or not sadly as the tour was awesome! Did you read or watch anything good? Get any good books? Here’s a picture of sweet Dora on Monday after I brought her home from getting her teeth cleaned and having to have 5 pulled. Poor little girl, although she seems to be back to about normal now!

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20 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #128 – July 30th, 2023

  1. Oh nice! I still want to see the Barbie movie! And the new Haunted Mansion one for that matter! Lol. I haven’t been to the movies in ages…definitely pre-Covid but even then I can’t remember the last movie I saw.

    Nice new reads too! Those are all new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’m actually going to see the Haunted Mansion movie today I think! I have the AMC A-List membership where I can see 3 movies a week and it’s $24 a month. I don’t see that many, but I’ve always supported the theaters, and was so happy when we could start going again. Although I did like shortly after the pandemic when they reopened and wouldn’t sell tickets right next to each other, it was nice having that extra space. lol But I tend to go on Saturday mornings or when it won’t be that busy as much as possible.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I did not know she would have to have that many. Poor girl. I’m hoping if I get another dog after these two I will be better about brushing and all that from the start. But I’m also hoping these two stick around for a while!

    • Lisa Mandina

      The Barbie movie was pretty good! We needed the rain for sure, but it’s going to get to the unbearable heat again this week again unfortunately.

  2. Poor Dora and I’m sorry to hear about the loss of the other dog in your family. I’m enjoying the current season of The Summer I Turned Pretty as well. Have a great remaining few days before you return to work Lisa!

    Jodie recently posted: The Sunday Post #65
    • Lisa Mandina

      Thanks! Mostly I’m enjoying the time to sleep in every morning, because that will all be over on WEdnesday!

  3. Glad Dora is doing ok now. We had a neck of a storm Friday afternoon. Lots of lines and trees down but we were pretty lucky in that Mr. Band’s canopy tent was the only casualty. Apollo is hating this extreme heat. He has only been getting his morning walk instead of the 3 he usually gets. Everyone is seeing Barbie! I’m kind not interested but not enough to go to the theater to see it.

    Barb @ Booker T's Farm recently posted: Farm News - July 30, 2023
    • Lisa Mandina

      That sounds like the storm we had the night before I got back from Scotland. Glad you didn’t have any other casualties! My dogs like to go outside and just hang out a lot, but in this weather I’m trying to keep that much less so we don’t have to be in the heat. Barbie was good, but yeah, it wasn’t a blow-away best movie for me.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Aww, so sad! Mine are just sad all the next day or so it seems. They milk it for all they can, lol.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Unfortunately a lot of smaller dogs like dachshunds just have so much trouble with their teeth, you are great about making sure your dog has good teeth, it gets expensive!

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