Weekly Wrap-Up #119 – May 21st, 2023

Posted May 21, 2023 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 34 Comments

Well, my planned Mother’s Day didn’t go off as planned. My brother and sister-in-law were sick, possibly Covid, and I had a sinus infection. With my mom and stepdad having been in the hospital in April we are still being very cautious around them, so didn’t celebrate in person on Sunday. I pretty much spent the day around the house blogging, reading, etc. Except when I ran out to get some Mucinex for my sinus infection. Debated if I’d try to get to see a doctor this week for it, but most of the time the only time they’ll give you medicine is if it is bacterial, so not sure if it’s worth the cost of the co-pay for urgent care.

Monday morning, just another hell like Friday, alone again in the library. In the afternoon once I got all the senior laptops and textbooks checked in from Friday that I didn’t get to, I had a few minutes to sit and breathe. Going to try to be more positive this week, as much as possible.

Tuesday my clerk was back for half a day. Of course things weren’t as crazy today. Although I did find out that the district isn’t going to charge seniors any fees for laptops or chargers, so not sure why I had to collect them and go crazy over all that on Friday and Monday? Also found out that I think now one of our other assistant principals is leaving. So right now, we’re losing a principal and two assistant principals. Next year is going to be crazy. In the evening my 5 year old nephew had his Pre-Kindergarten graduation. It was cute!

Wednesday, half a day alone again. But Wednesdays are our early release day, so at least the last hour and a half there were no kids.

Thursday was also a half a day alone again. Plus one of the teachers that was scheduled to bring students kept forgetting to bring her class, so that was a little bit of a rush once I would email and remind her close to the end of those hours. After school was our normal monthly staff meeting, only this week it was just really a retirement celebration for the 3 teacher retirees. I also got offered a committee position for the American Association of School Librarians on the Intellectual Freedom Award Committee. I’m excited to be a part of it!

Friday kind of busy with seniors back in the building for graduation practice and when they went to pick up their graduation tickets realizing they had things like textbooks or library books that had to be paid for or found and turned in before they could get their tickets.

Saturday was nice for sleeping in, we actually had early spring like weather, in the 50s compared to the 80s we’d had earlier in the week. I went to see a movie I’d been waiting to see for a while.

Books Finished

So the first one was for the Gateway committee. The second and third were for SmartyPants Romance. Fourth was for the author review team. Fifth was for a blog tour. And last was an audiobook that was only 4 hours, so I got through it quick, I love Cara Bastone’s books!

New Additions to My Library





Bookish Stuff:




Free E-books:

Both of these were advertised on Bookbub.

Physical Books:

I ended up ordering the original paperback cover of this one when I found out that the author’s books were going to be published now with Entangled Publishing and all the covers would be matching one of the others in the series. But I really liked this cover.

What I’m Watching

I was reminded that they made a tv series based on a book series I had wanted to read, the Silo series by Hugh Howey. Started watching this week and the first few episodes were good!

I missed out on a bunch of movies in April because of the craziness in my life, so I made a list to try to make sure I remembered to find them once they were streaming. Friday night I watched Dungeons and Dragons. It was fun. I think I would have enjoyed it more at the theater, since at home I was interrupted by taking dogs outside and my phone distracting me.

And as I mentioned above, on Saturday I went to see the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie. And it was good, but kind of sad a lot of the time too! But still had funny parts that had me giggling.

Coming Up Next Week on My Blog

First is a SmartyPants Romance review, the rest are all either blog tour reviews or publisher/author team reviews.


Don’t forget that I do now have the nice little box on the right hand sidebar so you can check out giveaways all the time! My new monthly giveaway is HERE. Remember if I get over 100 entries in that monthly giveaway I add more winners, and last three months I had over 100, so that was two winners each month this year so far. So far it is over 100 already, if it gets over 200 entries I’ll pick three winners! Only a week and a half left to enter.

Upcoming Scotland Tour Tidbits

The third place on the 4th day of the trip is Culross, which is a perfectly preserved example of a 17th century town. It was used as the setting for the fictional town of Cranesmuir in the series. It was where Geilis Duncan lived as well as the scene where the boy who was caught stealing is nailed by his ear to a stand in the middle of the town and Claire makes Jamie help him.

Final Thoughts

How was your week? Did you read or watch anything good? Get any good books? This is my last week of the regular school year, so I’m ready to be done! And Friday I’ll be driving to Branson for my family’s annual Memorial Day weekend in the cabins on the river. Here are some pictures of the peonies blooming at my house at the beginning of the week. Although by today, when we’ve had some rain, they are now drooping to the ground. Rain isn’t nice to the blooms as they are heavy and at the end of long skinny stems.

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34 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #119 – May 21st, 2023

    • Lisa Mandina

      End of the school year is always crazy, but as a librarian in this school district where the tech help is almost nonexistent at this point, it’s even crazier! Thanks for visiting!

    • Lisa Mandina

      It’s a one year position, and really nothing starts till next year I guess! But I’m still glad to be a part of it. I have this app on my phone that I use to take a picture of a plant and it identifies it for me. So far it’s been accurate!

  1. I too get curious about whether the schools will be collecting fees for resources. I have to find a few of my son’s books. I will check out a few of these books and I love the travelling pics.

    • Lisa Mandina

      It seems we still are collecting for textbooks and library books, but the computer stuff seems to be up in the air. And you’d think that would be the stuff they’d be more worried about!

  2. I’m sorry your Mother’s Day plans went pear-shaped:(. I hope you’re feeling better – though you clearly didn’t get much rest at work this week! It’s crazy – everywhere I go here in England, shops and offices are desperately short-staffed. It’s a stupid tactic, because everyone becomes burnt out, sick, demotivated and then needs to leave… I love those peonies – they’re only just starting to bloom here. Have a lovely week, Lisa.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’m mostly feeling better, the cough isn’t completely gone, but it’s only a once in awhile cough, not constant, so not a big deal. But yeah, they keep cutting back staff everywhere, even schools, and then everyone is burned out, and we can’t stay home when we’re sick, or I can’t, because my clerk could be gone because she does stay home. Thanks for visiting!

    • Lisa Mandina

      We are going to have all new administration next year. I’m a bit scared but also hopeful that maybe it will be change that is good in all the ways we are kind of needing right now.

  3. Yay for end of school and vacay weekend. I’m sorry so many of you were sick last weekend and hope you are feeling much better. And that’s what’s wrong with healthcare, you have to think about what it costs and if it’s worth it to have expert advice without have expert knowledge yourself. So things might get more serious because one chooses not to spend the money / or doesn’t have the money for help. Your peonies are lovely; mine are still babies.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, and it’s impossible to actually get an appointment to see your actual doctor without weeks of advance notice, so I hate going to urgent care for the double the cost of the co-payment.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’m very excited to be on the committee! But it will be hard waiting till next year to actually do much with it.

  4. Wow about all the people leaving. And sorry to hear about Mother’s day, although kudos to you guys for being cautious. You never know now.

    Silo looks great! I had no idea that was out. Gonna try it 🙂

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #504
    • Lisa Mandina

      It’s pretty good so far. Although I need more info because I don’t believe what’s outside with what they’ve said, or even with what they’ve “seen” so far!

  5. Another busy work week for you! I love seeing your Scotland photos – you deserve a great holiday away. Have a great week Lisa!

  6. Silo has been really good. I’m super enjoying it and I loved the book series as well. I always go to urgent care now for a sinus infection because they’re almost always bacterial. I’m so miserable, usually, that I need those antibiotics!

    S. J. Pajonas recently posted: Sunday Update – May 21, 2023
    • Lisa Mandina

      I wish I’d read the books, but hadn’t had time. I didn’t realize the whole season of Silo wasn’t already out and went to watch another episode last night, only to see it won’t be out till next weekend. I should just have gone to urgent care, but other than the little bit of a cough, I’m mostly good now.

  7. Sorry to hear Mother’s Day didn’t work, but I hope everyone is finally feeling better. Yay for your last full week and have a great Memorial Day weekend. This past weekend was nice for me – lots of nice weather and seeing friends.

    ShootingStarsMag recently posted: Review: Heart Haunt Havoc
    • Lisa Mandina

      Glad you had a nice weekend! Weather is definitely shaping up for getting to do more outside.

  8. Sorry to hear that sickness messed up Mother’s Day. I hope everyone is feeling better by now. Wow, that’s a lot of administration roles turning over next year. Congrats on the committee position! That’s awesome that you were asked to join!

  9. Sounds like a lot of changes and upheaval at your school. At least it’s almost summer vacation! I hope you are having a good final week. And congrats on your committee position!

    I don’t even remember last week (it’s now Wednesday), but I had a very busy weekend and no reading! Saturday my daughter had her dance recital at noon and then prom that evening. We were running crazy from the time we woke until midnight! Then on Sunday, she and I and some friends headed to Gillette Stadium to see Taylor Swift. What an experience. I’m still trying to recover.

    Jen Twimom recently posted: Author Guest Post: Stacey Agdern
    • Lisa Mandina

      Unfortunately I signed up to do a month of summer school. Wow, you had a crazy busy weekend, and I’m jealous you got to go to a Taylor Swift concert! I didn’t get tickets sadly.

    • Lisa Mandina

      It is! And even though they’ve hired the principal, none of us know who it is yet. I don’t understand not being able to go ahead and start working with the new principal. Especially since our assistant principal who is going to be the head principal at another school district has already been meeting with his new school.

  10. The third visit on a day? Wow your trip will be very intensive! I wonder how many different places you’ll be able to visit. And next year promises to be challenging indeed!!! I hope you felt better this past week.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Oh yeah, it’s a packed tour! I’m guessing I’ll be very tired when I get home from Scotland. I am feeling a lot better for sure!

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