Okay, we’re going to try to get back on track with my blogging this month. I’m starting this on the Sunday before I’ll post it, just like I did before things in my life and my family seemed to go to hell and back. This Sunday was the first Sunday family get together since the beginning of April. Since my mom is still getting back on her feet, and my stepdad just got home the Thursday before, my brother had dinner at his place. The night before I’d been a prom chaperone, which was okay, it’s always neat to see the students all dressed up.
Monday back to school, my library clerk came in for half a day, although her husband is now in the ICU, so she left halfway through the day to go be with him. I went and spent time with the latest litters of puppies before going home too.
Tuesday my library clerk was there for the morning again. I had my hair appointment I had to reschedule last month during all the craziness with my parents in the hospital, and now I’ve got red hair again. Came home from school though and found that someone, pretty sure it was Dora, had been sick in the cage during the day. So cleaned that up and debated cancelling the hair appointment, but in the end she seemed to be doing better. When I got home after the appointment she was still doing better. But still had bouts of diarrhea a few times that night. Debated if I needed to take her to the vet, although I know she’d been eating stuff in the yard the other day, so I hoped it would work itself out of her system overnight.
Since I spent Tuesday night up every hour and a half to two hours because of Dora needing to potty, I didn’t get much sleep and decided to take her to the vet on Wednesday. I had to just drop her off since I didn’t have an appointment. Doesn’t seem like much was wrong. I kind of wish I’d just given her some pepto bismol like I’d given another dog I’d had. It also sucks because they charged urgent care visit prices. Sucks. Remember the days when a visit to the vet was just the normal office charge with the other things done added in as needed? Fortunately I have one of those Care Credit cards for just vet bills where I get no interest if paid off in 6 months or sometimes a year. I also went on in to work about 3 hours late and just picked her back up after work.
And I woke up early Thursday morning to my other dog Argyle now having diarrhea and throwing up. Unfortunately with him, he won’t just take the pills like Dora will just eat them when I put them in her dish with a little food. So not sure other than fasting for him how to get it to clear up. And I’m definitely not paying the same amount to take him to the vet just to be told it is something he ate. So I took all of Thursday off, hoping to maybe get ahead of it so I could leave the dogs home on Friday in their cages and not worry about a mess.
I got more sleep Thursday night as their issues seemed to slow down finally. And I had my mom and stepdad stop by halfway through the day while I was at work Friday to let them out, and there were no messes in the cage all day. So I think the dogs are slowly getting back to normal. Although the vet did call with the results of the expensive bloodwork they wanted to do on Dora, and of course they found things that they think we should maybe do an expensive ultrasound on. But since Argyle also got sick, she did say that the other thing probably wasn’t necessary now unless Dora continued to have issues.
Saturday I definitely had a better night of sleep, although I got a text at 5 am from United Airlines about a change in my seat for my flight in July because they had to switch aircraft. Dogs still having a little diarrhea throughout the day, but seemed to be mostly almost back to normal behavior otherwise. Went to lunch with my dad, stepmom, and sister. Then went back home to hang out with the dogs and hope they would keep getting better as the night progressed.
Books Finished

First was an audiobook for the SmartyPants Romance world. My review for that should be next week. Second was an ARC from the publisher, I reviewed it this past week. Third was technically finished last Saturday night, but since I didn’t do a weekly wrap-up last week, I’m including it this week, and it’s review will be posted with my L-L-L-Little Reviews for May. Fourth was another SmartyPants book and the review will be Monday!
New Additions to My Library

The first one was with my monthly Audible credit, the second one was on sale for $5.99 on Audible so I gave in and bought it too.
Bookish Stuff:

These are over the last couple weeks when I wasn’t posting. The first three are SmartyPants Romance titles and the next three are for reviews for Rachel’s Random Resources, for some of my favorite authors, as I’m trying to narrow down reviews I take from favorite authors to cut myself back on reviewing so much that I don’t already have on my shelves. The 7th one is an author’s review team that I am on. The last one is for a blog tour this coming week, that I started reading on Saturday.
Free E-books:
None, I’m trying really hard to weed out a lot of the email newsletters I get, so trying to not take a bunch of free books anymore.
Physical books:

Got what I assume/hope is a last box of books for the Gateway committee I’m on. There were two here I had been interested in, but didn’t get when they first came out, so hadn’t got to. It might even be too late to add these as I think our cut off date for people to recommend from the big list to at least narrow it down a little was May 1st. The second picture was my Book of the Month club selection for May.
What I’m Watching
I’m still working on my rewatch of The Walking Dead. I’m seeing certain things a little differently as I rewatch. First of all, it is crazy how many episodes ended with Glenn possibly being dead, or in a lot of danger. Then, in the season when Negan shows up, what Rick does, well I’m thinking maybe Negan isn’t so off in how he comes after Rick and his group after how many of his people Rick’s group kills, while some were in self defense, others I kind of cringed at when it happened.
Then people on Facebook started talking about Queen Charlotte, by the Bridgerton people, so I was excited to get started on that, and it was soooooooo good! Tears with those first two episodes for sure!
Coming Up Next Week on My Blog

First two are SmartyPants Romance, the third and fourth I think I’m reading the e-galleys for blog tours.
Don’t forget that I do now have the nice little box on the right hand sidebar so you can check out giveaways all the time! My new monthly giveaway started this past week and it is HERE. Remember if I get over 100 entries in that monthly giveaway I add more winners, and last three months I had over 100, so that was two winners each month this year so far.
Scotland Tour Tidbits
The fourth day we will head first to The Kingdom of Fife, the harbor town of Dysart, which was used in season 2 as Le Harve.

Final Thoughts
How was your first week of May? Did you read or watch anything good? Get any good books? Here are pictures of me with the new puppies!

I’m glad you got your red hair. I’ve got red hair as well and adore it. The puppies are adorable. Makes me want to take my son to the humanes society to see them.
Playing with puppies is always fun! Of course I have my two at home I guess I should be spending more time with seeing as how they’re getting sick the last week.
Glad to hear the week was mostly normal. Sorry that the doggos got sick! That’s never fun as I’ve been there when coming home from the day and there’s a mess in the crate. Hope your parents are doing better too!
Nice new reads! Those are some new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
It’s so up and down with everything right now! I thought they were so much better yesterday, then Dora was up in the middle of the night sick, breathing weird. She threw up a few times, and after the last time, when a little chunk of something she probably ate outside yesterday when I had my eyes off her for like two minutes, she seemed better the rest of the night. I just need a good night’s sleep! Here’s hoping for that this week! Hope you have a good week too!
Sorry to hear about all the dog sickness. Hopefully everyone, including your family members, are on the road to recovery now!
Seem to be, other than maybe a blip last night with Dora, but she seems back on the mend today after throwing up a bit. Ugh. Love these dogs, but they are worrying me too much!
Aw puppies. I’m sorry to hear Dora and Argyle have been sick. I worry so terribly for pets when they are not in their normal patterns. I hope this week is much better for you and them.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Same, pets being sick is hard because they can’t tell you what is really the problem and I have to guess wondering if I’m over-reacting or not. Hoping they both continue on the mend this week! Thanks for visiting!
Sorry the dogs were sick! I hate that because I feel so helpless. I have Care Credit as well to pay for vet visits and such. Around here, it has been difficult to even find a vet who is taking new clients. Our vet is always booked. Hopefully this week is calmer!
It’s so hard to find a vet. I keep going back to the one I knew before, but they’re so expensive that I just don’t want to. The one I really like is such a long drive that it makes it inconvenient to try to go there too. And I know I’m probably overreacting about their symptoms, but like you say, I feel so helpless! Ugh. Hoping for a calmer week. Just going to have to go on with normal life as much as possible. Thanks for visiting!
I hope your family are continuing to improve!
The Natalie Richards has me curious as I’ve read one of hers.
Negan and rick! Wow. Yes mixed feelings there for sure! I remember when Rick led a band to kill a bunch of Negan’s people… I just didn’t see that in character for some of them. I started having trouble with the show after that…
That’s the exact episode that I’m kind of stuck at right now. I really want to go on and finish the show, but I’m thinking now that maybe that is when I got kind of stuck on it. Of course I remember all the stuff with Negan and how frustrating that Rick’s group never seemed to get a win. But after they killed those people, it almost seems deserved.
Yeah I had serious issues after that. I also kind of bowed out after the extremely graphic killing of Maggie’s husband and the other guy. I’m not usually squeamish but that was a bit much for me. I’ve seen a little after that but never did finish…
The more I think about it, the more I think maybe my rewatch might be done. Maybe I’ll just go back and dive into a rewatch of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Although there are a ton of newer shows I probably need to just start and actually watch instead of playing on my phone, lol.
I watched sporadically after that but I think I gave up early in the Whisperers plotline? I think I just got tired of it. I used to watch Fear the Walking dead as well and liked it for the first few seasons but then lost interest there too when they killed off my favorite characters!
Yeah, I think the Whisperers is about when I quit too. Same for me with Fear the Walking Dead.
I hope the dogs are all finished being sick! I remember the stress of having sick animals. I loved Yours Truly and hope that you do too! Great haul this week. Have a wonderful week ahead Lisa.
I think they’re both back to normal. Although I got home from work today and one of them wanted to go out and start eating grass, which would mean he would be throwing all that up later. So I had to stop that. lol
Hope the dogs are better.
Re TWD, our empathy for the group is definitely because we were embedded in their pov from the beginning) but I did have problems with some choices Rick and the group made (killing in cold blood not in self-defense, around that time, something they struggled with in earlier seasons and a sign of how the world had hardened them). That said, I peace’d out on the final season when it started to set up a Negan redemption arc (justice for Glenn and Abraham). Maybe I’ll return in time just to finish. But, yeah, it’s all a matter of pov.
Yeah, I think you’re definitely right about dealing with it because we were “with” them from the beginning. But the more I think about it, the more I think I might be done with my rewatch and give up trying to finish just to start any other shoot off series.
I hope your pups are better by now! It does suck having to pay vet bills, especially when there’s nothing really wrong with them. I’m loving Queen Charlotte too, although episode 4 was super dark.
Yeah, just kicking myself for giving in and going to the vet knowing they probably wouldn’t solve anything really, and now I have debt for really nothing. Oh well. I agree about episode 4 being dark! I’m almost done, I think I just have one more episode!
It’s so hard to know how to handle dog illnesses. Vet visits are really expensive when there’s a good chance they’re just going to say to keep them hydrated or something like that. It’s always this weird balancing act of wanting to keep them healthy but not wanting to overreact to every little issue.
As always, your puppy pictures are adorable, and I’m so jealous that you get to randomly visit puppies all the time. I really need to make friends with some dog breeders!! 🙂
Yeah, it’s so hard to know what to do! I don’t want to feel like I’m not doing what I can for them, but when it turns out I could have just kept taking care of them the way I was and not put more money on my Care Credit card, it’s frustrating for sure! This has been a good year for puppies, although the last year or two there didn’t seem to be as many litters. 🙂
Poor puppies! I hope they are feeling completely themselves again. I hope this week is going better for you as well. Vet bills can get so ridiculous. I am glad it wasn’t anything more serious though.
I’ve been considering re-watching The Walking Dead. I stopped watching about the time Rick’s son died, I think. It’s interesting re-watching shows and picking up on details we missed before, isn’t it? I recently watched Queen Charlotte too and loved it as well.
I hope you have a great week, Lisa.
They both seem to be back to mostly normal this week. Of course I’m still paranoid and watching them constantly to make sure they don’t eat anything outside. I think I quit watching shortly after Carl died, when Rick disappeared. I am hoping to finish Queen Charlotte tonight or tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by!
I’ve been MIA for a couple weeks, so I’m glad to return to the good news your parents are better and recovering at home. What a relief. Sorry to hear that the dogs have been a little under the weather – I hope it’s nothing serious. I woke the other morning to cat puke all over my new rug. My girl cat, Coco, likes to eat plastic. I’ve been super careful, but she found a small piece in one of the trash cans. She’s okay, but it’s scary.
Here’s to a quiet week ahead!
Ugh, why do our pets have to eat things that make them sick? You’d think they’d be smart enough to not eat something like that again, but my dogs, who seem to be better now, keep trying to eat the same things they were eating outside before. So far it’s been a pretty quiet week at home, knock on wood!