Weekly Wrap-Up #104 – January 29th, 2023

Posted January 29, 2023 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 40 Comments

As usual I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).

Sunday I spent visiting blogs and working on getting some posts ready for the week. I was a tiny bit behind in reading because of how busy this past week was I think. I did a grocery store run and spent $100. Trying to eat healthier and cook or at least fix more food at home adds up, even just for myself.

Monday was CRAZY! Enough said.

Tuesday my library clerk was there with a mask again. She wasn’t feeling well, even went to the nurse to get her temperature taken and the nurse gave her a rapid Covid test. No fever, and negative test. But we were just hoping for a snow day on Wednesday. Also at school there was a tip called in about a student possibly having a weapon. Turns out there was a student who had brought two guns to school. Don’t know that he planned anything, don’t know why he brought them. He was taken out of the school by the police. My last school had metal detectors. The rest of my last school district’s high schools were ones that had a lot of issues, although the high school I was at there I was not ever worried about our students. My new school, well I wish we had metal detectors. This is the third time I’ve heard about a student at our school bringing a weapon to school. But it never makes the news, because fortunately nothing has happened with it other than them being brought to school, knock on wood.

Wednesday morning I hit the alarm snooze button for the first time, thinking I should go ahead and get up because I didn’t know what the roads would be like and as far as I knew we still had school. But as I went to go back to sleep, my phone rang, and I knew it was the call for a snow day. So I got to spend the day home reading and relaxing, well after paying bills since it was payday. While the part of the city I live in didn’t get it too bad, they still had school, south of the city, where the district I work in is, they got it a little worse.

Thursday my library clerk was gone. She texted me after school and I guess she has Covid. So she won’t be back till next Wednesday. I’m trying to remember when it was last year that I ended up spending a couple months by myself in the library when she was gone. We did have an issue with the school district’s internet going down about 9 or 10 am in the morning. Which was a pain since all testing is pretty much on the computer these days.

Friday I was alone again, although figured out my clerk should be back on Tuesday as long as she doesn’t test positive for Covid again and doesn’t have symptoms. We have to finish testing since Wednesday was a snow day. And the weird thing was that the internet went out right about the same time as on Thursday.

Saturday I went and saw a really weird movie in the morning. Then I went and did a little shopping. I tried to make an eye appointment at the place that is now close to me, but they couldn’t get me in till February 7th, and I’m out of contacts. I went ahead and made it. But then while I was up near the place I used to go, I stopped in and asked when the soonest they had was, and they said Monday. So I’m going there instead.

Books Finished

The first four were for blog tour reviews this past week, the last one is for a blog tour tomorrow.

New Additions to My Library





Bookish Stuff:

Soooo, I did win a surprise “prize” giveaway from Meghan Quinn. I didn’t take a picture to share. If you know her, you know one of her fun sayings is “Boob squeezes”. Well, I got one of her pens that has a little boob that spins around at the top, which I got from her at the very first Book Bonanza. But there was also a little squishy book with it, about palm sized. So yeah, funny, but not something I’m going to post a picture of on my blog, lol.


There’s no cover yet, but I saw this on Edelweiss this week and couldn’t stop myself from downloading this Hazelwood YA title!

Free e-books:

All of these were free on Amazon.

Physical books:

So we thought we’d gotten all the books for the Gateway award, but then I got another box this week, from Disney-Hyperion/Hachette. Two I’ve already read, the rest I will see when/if I can get to them. And then on Thursday I got another box, this time from Lee & Low. I think one of those was nonfiction and one was a middle school novel, so those won’t be considered.

What I’m Watching

Continuing Outlander season 6 rewatch as well as going on with the new show The Last of Us. The second episode of The Last of Us was good and got me definitely hooked. Finished the first season of Black Summer. Watched Emancipation on Apple+ TV. It was pretty good. Had me so mad at so many of the people, little kids, and normally I hate seeing a dog die or get hurt, but in this movie I was rooting for that to happen.

Saturday morning I went to see Infinity Pool. I was just left thinking WTF at the end. Weird scenes, really out there sexually graphic and violence. I went because normally I like horror and I do like Alexander Skarsgard. But I wouldn’t recommend this really. There were a couple previews by this Neon film company before the movie that looked good, but now I’m not sure if I want to see them or not.

Coming Up Next Week on My Blog

The first one is for a blog tour review. The second one is an ARC I got for the publisher and I hope to post the review next Saturday.

The end of the month post will come on Wednesday and I have a couple other promo posts. I also postponed my L-L-L review post till this week just in case I finished one more non-review book.


Don’t forget that I do now have the nice little box on the right hand sidebar so you can check out giveaways all the time!

Scotland Tour Tidbits

So as I mentioned last week, I’m going to start doing a little bit each weekly wrap-up post about one of the places I’m supposed to see on my tour. Continuing with the second place listed on the tour which is Linlithgow Palace. On the tv show Outlander, it was used to portray Wentworth Prison where Jamie was tortured among other things by Captain “Black Jack” Randall. The first picture is the outside. The second picture is a scene from the show. Most of the scenes I could find pictures of to share are really too graphic because it was a horrible part of the show. So I’m showing a not so bad one in the courtyard.

Final Thoughts

How was your week? Did you read or watch anything good? Get any good books? How has January been for you? Can you believe it will be February this week?

This week’s pictures are of my boy Argyle snuggled in a blanket watching me blog, and then my sweet girl Dora guarding when he went under the covers.

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40 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #104 – January 29th, 2023

    • Lisa Mandina

      I feel like it too. The fact that a kid got two guns, loaded, into the school, no matter what his intentions supposedly were is just too scary. And nowhere on any local news did anyone say anything about it. I had to post two reviews on Thursday, that’s where my One Girl review is. Can’t wait to see what you thought of it as well!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, it’s pretty scary. I can’t wait to read Lies and Lullabies, don’t know when I’ll get to it though!

  1. Wow the weapons and school and your library clerk out with COVID again. The fun never ends. Interesting about the snow day though. I bet that was nice. Cool about the Ali Hazelwood but YA is usually not for me.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    • Lisa Mandina

      Snow days are what I feel are the only “bonus” that we get as educators. So I love them! Yeah, I get that not everyone likes YA! That’s me and certain genres too. Thanks for visiting!

    • Lisa Mandina

      One snow day, hoping for more in February maybe! If not I feel like I’ve got a few day off every month until May to help get through this year. The weapon thing is so scary. I wish we had metal detectors. Hope you have a good week!

    • Lisa Mandina

      The last season wasn’t my favorite, because I haven’t read the books so I’m wondering about something Claire was doing in it. But hey, you could just rewatch the whole show, that’s what I like to do, lol. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Oh my goodness! Guns in the school would be so frightening! I hope your co-worker didn’t test positive. Enjoy your new books and have a great week ahead.

    • Lisa Mandina

      She did test positive on Thursday. Hoping she won’t test positive again this week though! I’ve got to be off Wednesday, should be crazy if there is no one in the library. Oh well. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Linlithglow Palace looks amazing. I would love to visit it as well. As for your books, The Wicked Ones looks very intriguing, as does One Girl in All The World.

    I hope you enjoy reading this week.

    My Sunday Post.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I am so excited for my Scotland trip. Although as I try to figure out how to pay for everything without blowing all my savings, I’m getting a little discouraged. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I dont think I’ll ever get used to the fact that kids can get access to guns and casually take them into school… Like, what?!! Madness. Glad nothing bad happened as a result!

    I had no idea Ali Hazelwood had written a YA novel!! That’s awesome. I’m curious as to how her style translates to YA…

    Linlithgow Palace is a place I know incredibly well! It’s about 10min from where my mum lives.
    My high school bf lived in Linlithgow and along with our friends we spent a lot of time hanging around at the palace and the loch. (The palace sits right next to the loch and there’s areas for walking, play parks for kids etc.) Good memories… And a lot of history! Mary Queen of Scots was born there. I hope you enjoy it when you get to visit.

    Nicci @The Lady Never recently posted: Fair thee well, January! (You were miserable, as always!)
    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, I’m excited for all the history. Mary Queen of Scots is something I got really interested after the tv show Reign. How cool that you lived that close! My first teaching job was in a more country school district and I guess at some point they would have the rifles in their truck rack out in the parking lot. But that wasn’t something they brought in the school. It is more these types of guns that scare me for sure. Thanks for visiting!

  5. Glad you are safe and nothing happened at the school. That is so scary! I remember that part of Outlander. I did not understand why they wanted to show so much sexual violence. I haven’t watched all the seasons.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, a lot of that kind of violence in the show I know. But it’s in the books, so maybe they felt leaving it out would take something away from it? Don’t know, but it was intense! Thanks for visiting!

  6. Yay for snow days! Those are always fun! Especially as an adult! Lol! Glad your school was able to catch that student before anything really happened. It’s getting really scary these days to be a kid or teenager with what keeps happening in society.

    Nice new reads too! So many new ones! New to me ones too! Except for Kendare’s of course! Hope you enjoy them all!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Lisa Mandina

      Thanks! Yeah, last week was crazy. Thanks for stopping by and I’ll be over to check out your post soon!

  7. Snow days are so nice. Nothing better than sleeping in instead of going to work lol. Yikes though about the kid bringing guns to school. You just never know. I still don’t understand how these kids are getting their hands on guns like this, but I guess they’re everywhere…

    I started LAst of Us last night and yeah it’s pretty good!

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #489
    • Lisa Mandina

      And it was so nice that the call came right as I was getting ready to get up instead of after I’d already started getting ready. I still need to watch last night’s episode of Last of Us tonight!

  8. Wow, that is so scary about the weapons at school. I’m glad nothing happened. I’m on the fence about watching Outlander because I still want to read the books first. The show looks good.
    Your little dogs are so sweet. Enjoy your week!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I read the first book as I started watching. I’m still working on the 2nd book because it’s kind of slow and the book is so long. Part of it is probably that I’m now at my least favorite season in book 2, lol. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. OMG… how scary about the guns. What is going on in our world and will it every get better?! Glad you had a snow day. We had one last Monday, but that snow is long gone as it rained for hours on Wednesday. It’s been such a warm winter. Although they are predicting -10F Friday night, so it looks like winter will finally arrive.

    Jen Twimom recently posted: #FitReaders Check-In: January 27, 2023
    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, our snow last week was pretty much gone by the next day. We’ve had some really cold days, but none that cold since back in December.

    • Lisa Mandina

      The week has not started off any less hectic. My clerk is still gone all week so I’m sure it won’t get any better. But hopefully no guns this week.

  10. Snow days are so nice. I always love that unexpected break. We haven’t seen as much as a single flake so far this winter. Hope you have a great week!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, it is scary to think about. But luckily nothing happened and someone called in a tip about it so the school could do something. Thanks for visiting!

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