Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).
You guys, I have to go back to work this week. Wednesday. 🙁 And the last time I emailed the school secretary she sent me pictures that make it look like they have a TON of work to do in the library. So I don’t even know what I’m going to do when I get back! I mean I will have books to put back on shelves, and will have to prepare the laptops for being handed out at the beginning of the year. All things I would have loved to do in my 10 days back before the rest of the teachers. 🙁
Okay, so Monday was hot. But I did have my stepdad call the roofing company they’d used to come out and give an estimate on a bump there has been in my roof since I first moved in. Fortunately the guy came out and said it doesn’t look like there’s any rot or anything and it should be an easy fix. But of course, even at the not too bad price, I need to save up for that.
Tuesday was even hotter. I got the dogs to give me a little bit longer than an hour between each time they wanted out. Once again I’m on the thought process of quitting writing. I want to spend time reading and blogging. I have story ideas, but don’t know that I will ever feel that I have the time or the talent to write. And I know it takes practice. But just don’t know that I am going to be motivated enough to do it. So I need to put myself on a book buying ban from anything having to do with working on the writing process. I also joined in again on the Top 10 Tuesday on the freebie topic and I went in the theme of my Book Bonanza trip with the top 10 romance authors I still want to meet.
Wednesday was a little cooler, but it was still lower 90s. Had a guy someone suggested out to look at fixing the siding panels that had fallen off the side of my house when I hit them with my lawnmower when I got to close after I first moved in. He got them put back on really quickly and didn’t charge me. Just told me to tell other people about his service when they needed someone. I reached out to my school secretary again and she sent me a picture saying they were putting the carpet into the library finally. So as of the time she emailed, a week before I go back to work, this is what my library looks like, so much left to be done.

Thursday the heat cranked back up. It was over 100 degrees in the afternoon. I ended up going to meet a friend for a “writing” date at a BBQ place she likes. I’d never been and didn’t realize it was right next door to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. Now, I’m from Kansas City, and we have the best BBQ of anywhere, but it will never be my choice over Mexican food. But oh well. I’m trying to re-write/re-outline my very first novel I got very far on. And I’ve always been a pantser, so that’s why when I try to do much outlining, I get stressed and want to just give up on writing. But we were somewhere we didn’t know if there was wifi, so I had to have something besides blogging to do.
Friday also really hot. Felt like my last week of summer break since I have to start back next Wednesday for sure. Tried to hang out around the house all day, but the dogs kept wanting to go in and out all the time which made me want to leave. I did go out and do a little shopping. Was trying to look for back to school clothes, but didn’t really find much. I did do a bad thing and buy a new purse when I’d been looking for a new laptop bag. Vera Bradley is becoming a bit of an obsession for me.
Saturday the temperature reached 100 degrees with a feels like high of 105 degrees. It was too hot! I spent most of the day inside, except for my mom and I went to see a movie.
Books Finished

The first one was for a blog tour this past week. The second one was also for a blog tour this past week. Third was for an author’s ARC team that I am on now, yay! It was soooooo good! I should have posted a review yesterday. The last one I had been listening to the audiobook. But when I met the author at Book Bonanza, I bought a copy to get signed. I was getting kind of tired of how the narrators were on the audio, so I finished up like the last third of the book with just reading instead of listening. The 5th one was an ARC the publisher sent me and I plan to post a review on Monday of this coming week.
New Additions to my Library

Got this one for a blog tour review this coming week!

A surprise ARC from a contact at the publisher.

I got to talk to audiobook narrator turned author, Chris Brinkley, at Book Bonanza and he offered to send me a code for Audible to listen to his book if I reached out to him. I did that and he sent me a code right away! Since I gave up on the audiobook I was listening to because I want to read my physical copy of the book, I started this one this week. And so far I’m not quite sure how I feel about it. The second one was from Sync this week and you can get it this week for free, until Thursday, if you go sign up HERE.
Bookish Stuff:

I got this awesome surprise box in the mail full of fun swag and two autographed books from Julia Kent! So exciting!!!!! Now, I had already purchased a copy of Love You Right, so I guess I’ll maybe add that to my giveaway for the Summer 2022 Seasons of Books Hop which is linked down below, make sure to go enter!

I went to the Vera Bradley outlet looking for a new laptop bag, instead I left with this Luna Lovegood purse. I already have the other one, but this one is orange, my favorite color! And it actually had the secret wand pocket my other one was supposed to have.

This isn’t bookish really at all, but I got a new tumbler that I ordered about a month or so ago and I loved it, so had to share it. Do you have Sonic Drive-In restaurants where you live? I love a good vanilla Dr. Pepper from there, often get it on my drive to work.

I should have gotten this first one last Friday, but it kept not going through when they tried to send it. It’s for a ARC team review this coming week. The second one was kind of a surprise from the author in her newsletter and since I’m not on her official ARC team as much as I want to be, I filled out the form for the limited number of ARCs to see if I could get one and I did! So I’ll be doing my best to fit that in over the next week if possible! lol The third one I had a message from the publisher about this book that comes out in November on Edelweiss. I don’t get e-galleys from there often, but I do like this author, so I grabbed it to try! The last one is from the author for a review in September.
Free E-books:

Saw the first one over on another blog last Sunday as a freebie they’d got, so I had to go grab it on Amazon. The other two were in author’s newsletters, but free on Amazon. The fourth one was in some holidays in July freebie list. The 5th one was on Amazon as well! The 6th and 7th were from an author’s newsletter. And the 8th one I know is free on Amazon till Monday!
Physical Books:

So I just decided to wander through the books at Target and saw this. I’m not a graphic novel person, but I do love this book series, it was the reason for my 2nd tattoo, so I figured I’d grab this. I might see if I would feel okay to put the graphic novel in the library for students. Knowing how much sex is in the books, I mean that’s part of what I loved about them, I’ve never been comfortable buying them for a high school library. So I haven’t even when students asked. And I mean they leave so much of that out of the movies, that it’s not like some people would realize how much sex plays a part in the books.
What I’m Watching
Started the new Resident Evil series.
I also got a tip to try Travelers on Netflix from Greg over at Book Haven. I keep getting some good recs for shows from him!
Also the new American Horror Stories season started this week. The first episode was very creepy and it made me want to go back and rewatch the New Orleans Coven season of the original series.
And then on Saturday I went and saw a movie I’d been looking forward to for a long time! It was good, although as usual for Jordan Peele movies, it was kind of weird and you’re kind of left hanging at the end.
- Summer 2022 Seasons of Books Giveaway Hop – This giveaway goes clear until September, and I will also have a few smaller giveaways after I go to Book Bonanza pulled from the rafflecopter before September too!
- The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: June 2022 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in July
Final Thoughts
How was your week? Did you read or watch anything good? Get any good books?
I didn’t know whether you meant that you literally hit them with the lawn mower. But it sounds like a great idea for a sketch comedy. Have a great week and glad you got those panelings fixed.
I hit the siding with the wheels of the mower when I tried to mow right up next to the house, well the wheels got under the edge of the siding and pulled it away from the house. Oops!
That would be so stressful, not knowing if your library will be ready for you. I hope they get a lot of work done in the next few days!
Me too! We’ll see what it looks like when I go in on Wednesday.
I’m sorry you have to go back to work this week. Is your holiday shorter than a normal summer vacation for school? It seems that way. I may not have a valid perception of time. I hope this year is less stressful.
I have 10 extra days at the beginning of the school year compared to other teachers, and I also had 5 extra days at the end, so mine is shorter than other teachers in my district. I’m hoping this year will be a little easier as well!
I didn’t have plans to watch American Horror Stories but that trailer just changed my mind.
I really need to pick up a Staci Hart book. I love all the book covers she’s put out recently.
Have a good week!
I enjoyed the first season of American Horror Stories, and this first episode of the second season blew me away! Staci Hart is one of my favorite authors these days for sure!
I’m with you on the theme that it’s too hot. Even though the rain chance was only 10% or something we did get a shower in the late afternoon yesterday and then it was better, and it looks like that is happening today. I hope it clears up as I plan to grill for dinner, but it’s not like I will melt if it’s raining. Enjoy the rest of your break.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
It’s clouding up here, but from the last weather report I saw there wasn’t supposed to be much more rain after this evening, although I’d hoped it would last till Monday morning to give me a rainy morning to sleep in.
Wow back already? Summer goes by way too fast. 🙂 I hope your last few days off are good ones…
I can’t believe how hot it’s been! It seems like everywhere although weirdly it hasn’t been too bad here. We’re usually really humid this time of year but we’ve caught a break, I suppose.
I started Resident Evil too! And ooh Travelers! I hope you love it. :):)
I’m jealous you’re not having the heat we are! And I am loving Travelers! I’m addicted to it, it’s so good! Thanks for the recommendation.
Yay :):)
Haha your dogs sound like my cat. She wants out but can only stand the heat for maybe 15 minutes, comes in, cools off, wants out again. I’ll be glad when it’s cool enough for her to go out on the screened porch and stay out all day.
I wish they would hurry up and get that library finished for you!!!
I love that Luna Lovegood purse so much!
Yes, I do have a Sonic and the vanilla Dr Pepper is divine!
I’m dying to see Nope!
Mine will stay outside and wander around and not do their business. And because they’re little, I can’t leave them out there alone. I wish I had a screened in porch, or at least some kind of roof/cover for my patio to sit in the shade. Oh well, it’s on my list of things to some day improve on my house. I enjoyed Nope, hope you get a chance to see it soon!
I hope that your library is ready for you! I am stressed just looking at that picture! The heat is definitely making it hard to enjoy being outdoors these days and I hope we get some relief soon. I hope that you enjoy all of your books this week! 🙂
I’m hoping that they really got a lot done between the picture from last Tuesday and when I go in on Wednesday. Fingers crossed! Thanks for visiting!
I’m looking forward to seeing Nope.
Have a great week.
I enjoyed it! Hope you get to see it soon and enjoy it as well!
I hope they get your library back together soon! I hope it looks great when they are done too. I hope it cools off for you too. That Luna Lovegood purse is gorgeous!!
We’ll see in two days what has been done! lol
Coming Up Cuban looks like a great read! Your new e-Galleys look great. Happy reading!
It’s really good! It’s middle grades I guess, and I thought it was older, but it reads really quickly and totally has my attention!
Roofing repairs, even the smallest of ones can be so expensive, hugs! And oh my gosh your library, ack, that’s so much work *cries*. I’ll be thinking all the happy thoughts for you! And yes we have Sonic out here and I love their watermelon slush, now I desperately want one lol! And I had problems getting Boyfriend Material too, but I still needed to read the first book so I binged that quickly while I waited for the arc to come to my kindle.
Fortunately the repair isn’t horrible, like $600, not that I have that extra money right now. I haven’t used my new Sonic tumbler yet, probably or maybe might keep it at my work! I don’t think you had to read the first one for Boyfriend Material, I realized as I wrote my review it was 2019 when it came out, so no wonder I didn’t remember much other than I liked it, lol. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
You’re right, you don’t have to read the first at all to enjoy the second. But I didn’t research it whoops. It’s okay, I really liked the first one and read it through KU. Thank goodness it’s not too horrific for a roof repair, but still I’m sorry it has to be fixed.
Yeah, I was worried at first if I’d need to reread the first too!
Yeah, this heat can stop anytime now! Lol. Actually, this week we’re having temps in the 80s and omg, it makes a difference! Normally I’m not happy if it’s over 80 period. But this 85 or whatever is practically breezey after all the 100+ we’ve had!
Ooh nice reads! And I looooove the Vera Bradley Luna bag! I almost bought that one when I saw it at the outlet store…but then I saw a purse that I thought I would get more use out of. Plus, I’m trying to remember if it was this bag or the other Luna pattern. It was something Luna because I was seriously debating getting it! Lol.
Hope you enjoy all your fantastic new reads and goodies!
Thanks for visiting my StS yesterday!
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
It has started out a bit cooler here this week thanks to a lovely rainy day! I actually had already purchased the other Luna Lovegood fabric purse and love it! But this orange on this one, I just couldn’t help myself!
That was awfully nice of the guy to not charge you to replace the siding. The library doesn’t look anywhere near ready for you to return to work. Yikes. Vanilla Dr Pepper sounds awesome. I’ve never tried that combination.
I was thrilled he didn’t charge! I mean it wasn’t that much work really, just two pieces of siding, but these days it costs so much for every little thing! I’ve got my fingers crossed it will look better when I go in tomorrow! And I love vanilla Dr. Pepper. lol