Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer) and with Stacking the Shelves (hosted by Reading Reality). Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! Yet another year I’ll be alone as usual. And then Tuesday is the beginning of parent conferences.
So Monday I actually got to have my assistant in the library with me. However the counselors were calling students down, and so actually my assistant was being used to call students down for them all day.
Tuesday we found out that some of the grades for the first semester virtual students hadn’t been entered yet, so I had to go back through every single of the over 120 online students and see who didn’t have their full grades entered yet so our registrar could enter them into our system. Which wouldn’t have been as big a deal if once again the counselors weren’t expecting my assistant to call students down for them. And I had classes coming to check out books all day. I was in tears for a little bit in the morning. So tried of so much. Yet again I just wish I could walk out of the job. I can’t. I’m single and don’t have the savings needed to do that. Plus, with my contract, I’d have a huge fine to pay if I left early. On a little better note, I got another estimate on my bathroom remodeling I want to do. It was better than the first one I got. But still I have a couple other companies coming out before I will make a decision. Also, the guy who came out Tuesday night was kind of attractive. And very talkative, but in a nice way. I’m sure he was probably gay, and obviously that attractive would never be attracted to me, but it was still enjoyable talking to him. lol
Wednesday I had to take a mental health day. I did need to get blood work done so that I can keep saving about $30 a month on my insurance. So I did that. I then went after that and got probably one of the worst pedicures I’ve paid for ever. I will not be returning to that place. Pretty sure last time I went there the quality was bad too. I did start reading The Love Hypothesis though and am hooked! I can see why everyone was going on and on about it! I also started listening to Electric Idol by Katee Robert this week, I won the audiobook. And while other than thinking the covers were really cool, I never quite thought about reading them. But I am blown away so far! I double booked estimates for Wednesday night. One for my back deck that I want and one for a bathroom renovation. Except the first one didn’t show up and I couldn’t remember who it was. The deck guy did come by, and with the price of it, I’m thinking I probably won’t be doing a deck. I mean I have a patio. So maybe I just save up to figure out how to put a roof over my patio. The thing is I also want to be able to walk outside and not get wet when it is raining, but of course the little stairs from the door are higher than the patio.
Thursday was another busy day in the library, but I was at least feeling a little better. Then I had a “writing date” with my friend who is a self published author, Michelle Sodaro, you can check out her books HERE. I got a little planning on one of my novel ideas done, but not a ton. The more I thought about how she published her books the way she wanted, not necessarily worrying about what would sell, I got more thinking about my own stories that I had either finished, only one YA, or was close to finishing, a couple romances – one NA and one adult. Not that I don’t want people to read them, obviously, but I also saw an author on TikTok ask if anyone else would pick up their own books and get sucked in. And I do get sucked in when I pick up my stories and try to read to edit, etc. So I think I need to just get them all edited and go ahead and self publish. I’ll start with my YA which is finished. I had debated redoing it as an NA story, adding some sexy times to it, so that I’d then publish under my pen name. But I kind of want to just go ahead like it is. Then I’ll publish under my own name!
Friday was a little bit calmer in the library, but everyone at school was just exhausted and said something to that effect every time you talked to them. So Friday night I just came home and relaxed. I also found out Thursday night that I am no longer on the borderline of being pre-diabetic, but I AM pre-diabetic now. So I decided I needed to go join a gym. But the more I thought about it during the day Friday, because I didn’t feel like doing more than the few easy thing I needed to do at work, I decided I’d by a recumbent exercise bike and use one of those programs like Peloton. But they’re really expensive I found. So I asked my brother about what he used, and he uses and iFit program, that he has an extra family member account I could use if I get a bike that works with them. Also sitting around the house Friday night, I started thinking maybe a bathroom renovation isn’t the way to spend my money now. I could use a new stove, and a new mattress, as well as the exercise bike. Maybe that is how I will take care of things for now.
Saturday I got some reviews done. And then decided to head out to Nebraska Furniture Mart to look for all the things I want to buy right now. They didn’t really have the type of exercise bike I wanted there, so I didn’t get that. But I did find a new stove, of course they don’t have any in stock. But it is 6-8 weeks, and since it isn’t an emergency, I’m okay with that long. The other thing I got was a new mattress along with the base thing that makes it so I can adjust it so I’m sitting up or to raise my feet, etc. It wasn’t cheap, but it was needed, and when I have a cold, it will be nice to be able to sit up easily in the bed, not to mention for reading or watching tv. So I spent a lot of money on Saturday. Then I went home and relaxed.
Books Finished
The first was an audiobook, second in a series that I liked the first one a lot, and I enjoyed this one as well. The second book was an ARC that I posted my review yesterday. The third one I had fit in because a review book I had in my calendar, by an author I had the same trouble not getting a review book I’d signed up for once or twice last year. I thought they’d reached out to me to read the book, turns out they thought I’d said last year I wasn’t going to read through the reviews, just promote now. Big confusion, but third time is the charm and so I just told them to take me off their lists. Their books are good, but also kind of the same in a way, over and over. So I won’t miss out really. But oh my gosh, I LOVED The Love Hypothesis and I have to say the hype over it was totally deserved! Watch for my review soon! And the fourth book I read was another ARC, that I will be reviewing this coming week.
New Books

Free E-books:
What I’m Watching
Going back and rewatching season 5 of Outlander to get ready for season 6 next month, and again watching more of All of Us Are Dead.
Also, an author had a little participation quiz in a newsletter this past week that talked about some different rom-com type of movies. So I decided to check them out Saturday night. Both were good! The second one I watched I Want You Back was sooooooooooo good! Just like reading a good rom-com, it made me laugh, and I did cry at the end before we got our HEA too! I highly recommend the second one below, and the first one is good too!
Giveaways to Check Out
- The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: January 2022 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in February
- Heart 2 Heart Giveaway 2022 – This one ends tomorrow, and there is a linky with lots of other blogs participating!
- Sale Blitz with Giveaway: Perky (Do-Over #2) by Julia Kent
- Blog Tour with Giveaway: The Girl in the ’67 Beetle by Linda Lenhoff
Sounds like a tough job. It’s hard when you want to leave but can’t! Good luck with the self publishing though if you go that route- it’s nice that we live in a time when we can do that now. I bet that will be an amazing feeling when you do that!
I’m just counting the years till I can retire and move on to a job less stressful. I did self publish a novella under a pen name in 2020 right after we went on lockdown, but haven’t done anything since. I have decided not to compare to other stuff and just get the books I wrote and the way I like them put out. Thanks for stopping by!
I think that’s a good way to do it! These days with self publishing we don’t have to just accept not being able to share our stories unless we go the traditional ublishing route. I wish you all the success with the future writing!! 🙂
Exactly! Thanks, now if I actually stay motivated and do what I say I’m going to do! Thanks for stopping by!
I’m so happy you loved The Love Hypothesis! I can’t wait to read it too. I hope this coming week is better for you at work and that you get really good sleep on your new mattress–sleep is so important.
It’s not looking like it will be better. Already spend the first day on my own and sounds like the rest of the week will be too. At least it is a short week! Thanks for stopping by!
I like that you published a novel under a pen name. I use a pen name for all of my blog posts because the need to market kind of turns people off . Have a great week.
Yeah, I can see that. I use the pen name for my steamy romance since I am a high school librarian, don’t want students just happening across those books! lol Thanks for stopping by!
Hi there Lisa! So sorry to hear the week was a bit crazy at the Library. It can get a a bit hectic from time to time. Glad to hear you had a good weekend and got some reviews done. I’m sooooo far behind on reviews!
Have a good week Lisa and good luck. Take care of yourself!
Hope you get some time to get caught up on reviews! As long as we have time to read though, right? lol Thanks for visiting!
I can heartily recommend retirement. I retired last Summer after 30 years of teaching although I still go back in part time. It’s lovely not being stressed and tired all the time.
I cannot wait at this point! To take a job that isn’t a “career” and not stress over it will be so nice! Only 6 more years. lol Thanks for stopping by!
Sorry this week was tough at work. I too have spent time contemplating just walking away and working at target or something. The stress in schools is just too much.
It is so stressful right now, and not seeming to get any better. Partly because so many people are just walking away from it, and I can’t blame them, just wish I could be them. Sorry you’re dealing with it too! Thanks for visiting.
I hated parent/teacher conferences. So many fun covers and the title of the Pie one is funny! I hope you enjoy all of these and have a good week.
As a librarian for the 8 years before this, I had to be at school, but really didn’t do anything. Now that I am an online mentor they seem to think I should meet with parents, even though I’m not the teacher. So I’m just not saying anything and not worrying about it, because it’s silly. Looking forward to all the good books! Thanks for stopping by!
It is silly (insert eye roll). Hopefully all goes well!
I know I made the right choice getting out of education, but I am still sorry you are having such a hard time. Everyone I know working in a school is feeling much the same as you. Kind of sucks that your treat-yourself pedicure wasn’t good. I hope you can accomplish some of your plans, and at least you read some great books. The Love Hypothesis really was fantastic.
I will probably be in education till I can retire. Just don’t really have any other option since it is just me. But that’s okay. I can make it 6 years I think. Thanks for visiting!
I am exhausted on your behalf for all that extra work you had to do! The pedicure should have been a relaxing follow-up, but unfortunately wasn’t . Finishing some good books was a good thing, though. Enjoy your week ahead with more good things. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.
All the good books definitely help with stressful weeks at least. Thanks for returning the visit!
I’m glad to hear you enjoyed The Love Hypothesis and found some items which will work for you on Saturday. I hope next week goes more smoothly.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Thanks for visiting!
Sounds like a busy week for you. Your books look so good. Enjoy them and have a great week!
Thanks for stopping by!
Phew, sounds exhausting. I hope this week is easier for you and you get some nice relaxing reading time
It’s not looking to be any easier at work, but at least we have Friday and next Monday off! Thanks for stopping by!
It sounds like yet another busy week for you. I am glad you were able to take a mental health day, even if you had to have blood work done. I am glad you were able to find things you need at the Nebraska Furniture Mart. I would really like to get an exercise bike but they are so expensive. I had one years ago but we ended up selling it to a friend because we were moving and, at the time, I wasn’t using it. I just need to make time for walking in the afternoons, I think. That will work until it starts getting too hot in the summer, then I’ll have to think of something else. I hope you have a good week!
I keep hearing great things about The Love Hypothesis and am glad you enjoyed it. I am curious about Bright Ruined Things so am looking forward to your review.
They are expensive. But I think I’m going to bite the bullet and do it. I think if I put it in my front room I won’t have any excuse and it will make me feel guilty if I don’t use it. lol. It’s perfect for the cold now and then will be good for summer when it is too hot. Thanks for stopping by!
I’m sorry work is so hard and that you feel a little trapped right now. I’ve been there. It’s no fun. I’m glad by Friday it was calmer. I hope it keeps being that way.
I need to look into Book of Love. I adore Sam Claflin. I’ll watch it just because he’s in it, lol.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you have a good week.
I definitely recommend Book of Love! I had to turn the captions on because it is partly in Spanish at times when they are in Mexico. Thanks for returning the visit!
Your new mattress sounds great, I’ve always wanted one that adjusts. And that’s interesting about self publishing your novels. It can be a great way to go, or so I’ve heard😁
I was so excited the mattress was coming this Friday, but I got a call today and now it isn’t until next week. Ugh. Was looking forward to a nice weekend of enjoying it. I did self publish a novella in 2020, but haven’t pushed it much and it hasn’t done much. Oh well! Thanks for visiting!
Sorry about the issues at work. Hope things get better for you. Oh, and I have a NordicTrack s22i bike that I use with iFit, and I love it.
Congrats on deciding to go for it and self-publish! If you’re interested in talking to me about my editing services, feel free to shoot me an email. (No pressure, of course.) I took the info off my website because I’m focusing on writing, but I still make exceptions to that from time to time. 🙂
I think I’m going to just spend the money to get a bike to use. I need to get some exercise and it takes away a lot of my excuses if I were to just join a gym or say I was going to go to the park and walk. I forgot that you did editing! I will definitely reach out to you about that! I need to get it out and go through it myself a few more times first though! Have a great week and thanks for stopping by!
Man! I am so sorry that your job is so stressful! It does sound like you have had some good books to read, though! I am thinking that I had better hop on the Love Hypothesis train soon. It sounds fantastic. I hope that you have a wonderful week! 🙂
Yes, they are not kidding about how good The Love Hypothesis is, I could barely put it down! Thanks for visiting!
I’ve been debating about looking into self-publishing myself. I’m just not a tech savvy person and I worry that what comes out won’t look right at all. I need to find time to polish up my manuscript though. I’ve been neglecting it for far too long. I keep debating about changing a few things to tweak the story, but can’t figure out if I like the changes enough. Lol.
Nice new reads! Freebies are so much fun! Lol. Hope you enjoy them all!
If you go through Kindle it kind of walks you through what to do. The only thing that kind of was bad on my novella I published in 2020 was that because it was a novella, and shorter, the cover I wanted didn’t work for a paperback, so it wasn’t exactly what I wanted. I’ve got some polishing to do on my manuscript as well. Yeah, it’s so hard to know when it is done! Thanks for stopping by!
Good luck with the writing! That sucks about work, though. Everyone seems so exhausted and stressed out right now. I’m not looking forward to my work season starting again in a few weeks. I like having lots of time off!
Time off is so needed! We have a four day weekend coming up, and I am going to need every minute of that! Very much ready for Spring break at the end of March too. Thanks for stopping by!
I’m so glad you loved The Love Hypothesis! I”m going to check out I Want You Back, it sounds cute. I’m excited for you and your self-publishing plans!
Thanks! And glad you could stop by!
Yay for a mental health day. Though I’m sorry things are still so stressful at work. That’s nice you can use your brother’s account once you get an exercise bike. I hope that helps. I am curious about The Love Hypothesis, so it’s nice to know you really loved it.
I’ve got to just go on and order the bike. After spending the money on the stove and mattress I’ve been thinking maybe I shouldn’t get the bike but I do need to do that!