Blog Tour with Giveaway: Every Stolen Breath by Kimberly Gabriel

Posted November 5, 2019 by Lisa Mandina in giveaway / 8 Comments

Book info:

Title:    Every Stolen Breath
Author:  Kimberly Gabriel
Genre: YA mystery/thriller
Release Date:  November 5th, 2019

Publisher: Blink YA


The Swarm is unrecognizable, untraceable, and unpredictable—random
attacks on the streets of Chicago by a mob of crazed teens that leaves death in
its wake. It’s been two years since the last attack, but Lia Finch has found
clues that reveal the Swarm is ready to claim a new victim.

Lia is the only one still pursuing her father’s
killers, two years after attorney Steven Finch’s murder by the Swarm.
Devastated and desperate for answers, Lia will do anything to uncover the
reasons behind his death and to stop someone else from being struck down. But
due to debilitating asthma and PTSD that leaves her with a tenuous hold on
reality, Lia is the last person to mount a crusade on her own.

After a close encounter with the Swarm puts Lia
on their radar, she teams up with a teen hacker, a reporter, and a mysterious
stranger who knows firsthand how the mob works. Together, they work to uncover
the master puppeteer behind the group. Though if Lia and her network don’t stop
the person pulling the strings—and fast—Lia may end up the next target.


About the Author:

Kimberly Gabriel started writing in
fourth grade when she wrote, bound, and gave away books of terrible poetry to
family and teachers as holiday gifts. Today she is an English teacher, who
still squanders all free minutes to write and uses it as the best scapegoat for
her laundry avoidance issues. When she is not teaching or writing, Kimberly is
enjoying life with her husband, her three beautiful children, and a seriously
beautiful boxer in the northern suburbs of Chicago. Every Stolen Breath is her
debut novel and a Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection.

  • Prize: Finished copy of Every Stolen Breath by Kimberly Gabriel + signed bookplate + poster (USA)

  • Starts: 11/4/19

  • Ends:  11/14/19

 a Rafflecopter giveaway Tour Schedule:

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