Promo Post Excerpt with Giveaway: Forgetting Aiden by Juliet Picard

Posted February 23, 2019 by Lisa Mandina in giveaway, promo post / 0 Comments

Book info:

TitleForgetting Aiden 
Author:  Juliet Picard
Series: Standalone novel with HEA
Genre:  New Adult Second Chance Romance 
Release Date:  March 9th, 2019 (available for pre-order now!)


to Hollywood, where celebrities like me attend fancy galas, release new
records, and star in classic films like Romeo and Juliet — sometimes
requiring simulated sex with their ex-boyfriend.
Press is Hollywood’s newest bad boy, but he’s no stranger to me. He
traded in his sweet Country artist stardom for a shot at making it big
as a pop star. I’m sure he’s on the verge of greatness with lyrics like
big booty, cash money, and oh yeah.
Of course, he’ll try to win me over with those baby blue eyes, gush-worthy smile, and deep V-line leading down to…
O Aiden!
I mean…
O Romeo, O Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?


he has Aiden’s smile. That full-on grin with perfectly white teeth. It
doesn’t help that he has Aiden’s tendency to swipe his bottom lip with
his tongue. All smooth, slightly wet, and…. nope, I can’t go there. I
just got out of a relationship. How can I get involved with Xavier if
I’m still thinking about Aiden? My skin gets hotter. But, what if Xavier
is the one to make me forget about him? I mean there’s no harm in
finding out, right?
place my hand on top of his hard thigh. I study his reaction, searching
for any hesitance. There’s none. Only a hunger behind his eyes. I pull
myself onto his lap, facing him. Sitting on the backless stool, all of
his muscles tighten to hold me into place. The constricting sensation of
his body sends heat shooting up from my pelvis to my head. I take his
hands from his side and place them on my waist. My eyes are watching his
lips part open. I can hear his breath growing heavier. The space
between us is getting smaller until it’s the size of a dime. His exhales
become my inhales.
What am I doing? It’s the last question I think before my lips find
his. Just like that, I’m at a loss for anything not connected to Xavier.
His broad shoulders, soft tongue, and hot skin.
my legs still wrapped around his back, he lifts me to the couch. I lay
propped across his hard chest. I press my body closer to his. A low
grunt escapes his body. It feels good to know that I can still make a
man pant under my embrace. His hands grip my waist tighter. And, I feel
him grow harder. He flips me on my back with ease.
a haze, I watch his head bobbing in and out of my skirt. His tongue
massages and spreads my wetness around and around. I moan and grab onto
the pillow behind me. Beads of sweat collect at my forehead. I almost
forgot how good it feels to be touched. No, devoured. I cry out as I
reach my climax, all too soon. Xavier looks up at me and has that same
devious smile that started all of this.
push him back onto the couch and release his belt buckle. I almost stop
when I notice the black spandex boxers with a white dot. The very style
I had bought Aiden for Christmas last year. He will not ruin this moment. I
rip the boxers down harder than expected. Xavier is one blessed man. I
gape in awe at his package. I’ve only seen Aiden’s in person, but I’ve
seen plenty of dirty pics (not by choice) to know his size is
exceptional. My lips wrap tightly around his tip. I push deeper and tug
on the base of his shaft with my hand. His eyes widen and nostrils
flare. The pleasure in his face sends a thrill through my body. I thrust
harder so that he can feel the base of my throat, and I’m certain he’ll
finish soon. With the last plunge, I feel his warmth run down my
“Well, it was very nice meeting you Xavier,” I say, and he lets out a low chuckle.
have quite the sense of humor, Eva…among other things. I’d be lying if I
said I wasn’t shocked. I’ve always perceived you as reserved.”
“Well, there’s a first for everything,” I say.

Purchase Links
$2.99 for a limited time!

Free in Kindle Unlimited
Paperback available on release-date

About the Author:

Picard has published articles for Girl Ambition, a tween online site,
and has been a stringer for CosmoGirl! Magazine, a tween spin-off of
Cosmopolitan. She graduated cum laude from Cornell University where she
took a number of creative writing courses and studied business. 

Picard is proud to present readers with Forgetting Aiden that draws on
her mixed ethnicity as a Mexican-American writer and experiences as an
actress. She also pays tribute to her husband’s Colombian nationality
and their frequent travels to this beautiful country. 

Juliet Picard hopes to inspire young women to follow their dreams, even in the face of adversity.

For more information or to connect with Juliet visit

Author Links



  • 3 e-book copies of Forgetting Aiden

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