Author Interview with Giveaway: Chosen (Urban Legend Series) by R.S. Broadhead

Posted October 27, 2017 by Lisa Mandina in giveaway / 0 Comments

Book info:
Author:  R.S. Broadhead
SeriesThe Urban Legends Series
Publication date: October 24th, 2017
Genres: New Adult, Supernatural, Thriller


Black eyes. No emotion. No sympathy. Only emptiness.

Piper McAdams’s life was normal. Career? Check. Boyfriend? Check. Friends? Check. One unsettling run in with a homeless man turns everything from normal to terrifying. She begins seeing…things.

Things she can’t seem to explain or make any sense.

As if things aren’t already getting out of hand, Piper receives news that the only family member she has is dead. She thinks maybe a trip across the country to her hometown will get her away from all the strange events happening.

After a late night accident, Piper isn’t in her hometown burying her loved one. She’s in a town called Hell. All she wants to do is leave, but the people seem to be holding her there for some reason.

A reason she feels threatens her life. Around every corner things become darker and scarier.

Can she escape what is coming for her?

Author Interview:
1.  What does your writing process look like? Do you know the whole story when you start?  Or do you just start writing and go with it (seat of the pants writing)?  If you plan it out, how do you do that?  Outline, notecards, post-it-notes, etc.?
I know the beginning right away and sometimes the ending. Everything in the middle starts to unfold after I start writing the story. Lots of times I’ll have a few chapters in progress at once. If an idea comes to me that’s what I write that day. So yeah, guess I’m a huge pantser!

2.  How do you come up with your ideas for your stories? 
Music. When I drive and listen to certain songs they inspire ideas. I can see stuff play out in my mind like a movie. Just about every idea I’ve had has come to me in the car.

3.  How long have you been writing? 
I started writing stuff like quizzes and poetry in middle school. I didn’t start writing my first book until about 2013 because I was bored on my lunch breaks at work!

4.  What tips do you have for aspiring writers? 
Write everyday! Even if it’s only a 100 words, put something on the paper. This is something I even have to repeatedly tell myself because I struggle with it. Also – finish what you start. Even though you may think it’s terrible or not going anywhere still finish it! It will help you grow and become better. And you never know, just because you think it’s bad someone else may love it!

5.   What are your favorite:

Books/authors/genres – Stephen King, JK Rowling, Rachel Van Dyken, Amy Bartol, and too many others to name! My main genre is paranormal, but I do love a good romance every now and then.
Movies/TV ShowsSmallville, American Horror Story (first season is my fave), Mama’s Family, Golden Girls, I Love You Man, Why Him?, and tons others! I’m mostly a comedy gal when it comes to movies.

Music – Imagine Dragons! They’ve inspired so much of my writing. I absolutely love all of their music and was stoked when I got to see them in concert on New Years Eve in 2015. They put on an amazing show!

Food/Writing snack – I typically don’t snack much while I write, but I will eat the hell out of some ice! I know. I know. It’s horrible on my teeth. I’m actually surprised I still have mine left after all I’ve chomped on. 

Author Bio:

R. S. Broadhead lives in Jackson, Alabama with her husband of ten years, their two little girls, and a pug named Wednesday Love the Duchess, or Winnie for short. She has a bachelor’s in psychology and a master’s in business administration. She loves to snowboard, travel (Australia is her favorite place so far), and dance (not professionally, just whenever she feels like it). When she was sixteen-years-old, her and her friends would take pictures and make up funny stories about them. Fourteen years later, UNVEILED was born. UNVEILED, her first novel, is the first book in a four book series.


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