Book Blitz and Giveaway: The Dark at the End (Tunnel Vision #2) by Susan Adrian

Posted September 29, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in giveaway / 0 Comments

The Dark at the End (Tunnel Vision #2)
by Susan Adrian
Genre: YA Thriller
Release Date: September 27th 2016

Summary from Goodreads:

Continuing the critically acclaimed story of TUNNEL VISION

Jake thinks he has only one more step and he’ll be free: he has to get the serum to stop his ability to tunnel—to find and control people through objects. But Jake’s contact has been killed, and there’s no sign of the serum. Then Jake’s mom and little sister Myka are kidnapped, right under his nose. With the government, his power-mad father, and the terrifying Mr. Smith all after him while he still has his power, he doesn’t have anywhere to turn. 

What will Jake do to get his mom and little sister back? 


Book One (click on image for Goodreads link):

About the Author
Susan Adrian is a 4th-generation Californian who somehow stumbled into living in Montana. In the past she danced in a ballet company and worked in the fields of exotic pet-sitting, clothes-schlepping, and bookstore management. She’s settled in, mostly, as a scientific editor. When she’s not with her family, she keeps busy researching spy stuff, learning Russian, traveling, and writing more books.

Author Links:

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