Author Interview and Giveaway: Mummy’s Little Angel by JW Lawson

Posted September 21, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in giveaway / 12 Comments

Book description:

Joanne didn’t believe that her life could become worse than it already was. She had lost everybody and everything she had loved. She was alone. Surely she had suffered enough? The press had called her identical twins psychopaths. Her Maggie. Her Annie. But she still loved them, even though one of them had killed her husband, Jeff. Joanne believed that his murder had been an accident. How could one of her girls be a murderer? She knew them better than anybody else. They were good girls really.

She just had to prove it.

The brutal murder of her god-daughter Laura had never been solved. Items were missing when Laura’s remains had been discovered: clues that could lead to the capture of her killer. One of them was Laura’s doll … the doll that Joanne later discovered in her home. Joanne is facing the most horrific dilemma of her life. Has the wrong woman been imprisoned? Could her child have used such brutality against her best friend? Or could both women be innocent after all?

She needs to find somebody for her daughter to confide in; somebody she will trust. She needs a miracle. There is only one person who can help. He is compassionate and caring, with an amazing ability to gain the trust of the most difficult patients. He is Joanne’s only hope. He is Jonathan Davies.

Buy the Book:

AmazonBarnes and Noble ~ Friesen Press

Mummy’s Little Angel is the first place winner of World’s Best Story!  

Book Trailer:


Author Interview:

What does your writing process look like?  Do you know the whole
story when you start?  Or do you just start writing and go with it (seat
of the pants writing)?  If you plan it out, how do you do that? 
Outline, note cards, post-it notes, etc.?

A.    I’m not sure whether I’m unique here, but I always create a story in my
head before attempting to translate my ideas into an actual book. Once I have a
clear image in my mind, I jot notes immediately. Firstly, I collate just a few
bullet points pertaining to the structure of the novel, then about the
characters, plot, and ending. I also use post-its as new ideas burst into my
mind. This really helps.

How do you come up with your ideas for your stories?

A.    They come to me. They always have. I find that when I’m relaxed and
there’s no clutter in my mind, or anxiety, my imagination runs away with me. I
visualise images and they then become a scene in a book. I am also fascinated
by the human mind – how it works, how things can and do go wrong and, more
recently how psychopaths operate! I could write a dozen books on this subject
alone as it’s so fascinating and … terrifying!

How long have you been writing?
A.    Since I was four years old. I still remember my first poem from school.
What tips do you have for aspiring writers?
A.    Firstly, know your subject matter even if you write fiction. Research
thoroughly, interview people, share your ideas with friends and families, – and
listen to them. Take notes, and then take your time creating your novel. Enjoy
every word as it flows into a sentence, then a paragraph, a Chapter. Be proud
of your fantastic achievement and never give up. Follow your dream and never
allow others to spoil it.


I love thrillers. My favourite authors and books
are as follows:
James Patterson:
came a Spider

the girls

and Jill
Jodie Picoult:
Sister’s keeper

Nelson Demille:
Iain Banks:
SJ Watson:
I go to sleep
Gillian Flynn:
food is
lamb shank, mashed potato,
and Brussels sprouts. Red wine, cheese, biscuits and olives. Delicious. I
starve when I write; however, I consume endless cups of coffee to keep me going!
media site  

Facebook has to
be my favourite site. That’s because I’ve finally worked how to use it without
looking like an idiot. I’m yet to master the art of tweeting and using pin
interest, amongst others. I think it’s an age thing!!

Author’s Bio:

Award Winning Author, JW Lawson is already gaining recognition for her writing talents in the US and world-wide. The second of a trilogy of sensational thrillers, Mummy’s Little Angel is the winner of the highly acclaimed Worlds Best Story competition and has also received some outstanding reviews from the professional team of judges in the competition. She is currently writing her third thriller, Crossroads which will be available in 2017 and the final book of the current series, Hush Little Baby will be available in 2018.

Connect with the author: Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook 


Prizes: ​

  • Win a copy of Mummy’s Little Angel (print or ebook) One winner will also get a $20 Amazon gift card (open to USA & Can – 7 winners total) Ends Oct 8

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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