Sunday Post #54 and Stacking the Shelves April 17th, 2016

Posted April 17, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in Stacking the Shelves, Sunday Post / 34 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s
a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog,
showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is
coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: 
Sunday Post Meme
.   Another full week on the blog!

Last week on the blog:

I didn’t work until Friday, so I got lots of blogging done ahead of time this past week.  It feels nice!  I did get both of my planned times at the gym in, as well as a 3rd to make up for only one time the week before.  I got 4 reviews in this week, when my goal is 2, I definitely made that!  As you might have noticed, I also changed my header to one that I had made for me earlier this year.  The problem is now I have to figure out how to change the background.  Plus, the button they made me is pretty tiny, and I need it to be bigger, and then I need to make it with the little html box below it.  What do you think of my new header?  It is changed to include my two current dogs, Dora and Argyle, with my Sydney, who was the only dog in the other one, an angel, looking down on us.

This week on the blog:

  • Reviews:  Elementals 2:  Blood of the Hydray by Michelle Madow, Calendar Girl Vol. 1 by Audrey Carlan, and The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner
  • Waiting on Wednesday
  • Audiobook Review:  Rule by Jay Crownover
  • Discussion Post:  Rating Books
  • Cover Characteristic:  Alcoholic Beverages

I’m working on an e-galley that I’ll be posting a review on in the week following this one as part of a tour. This coming Friday I’m finally getting my air conditioning fixed, I cannot wait!  There was one night this week when it was up to 78 degrees in my house when I went to bed. That is too hot to sleep in.  Fortunately it’s been getting pretty cool at night, into the 30s, and so that has helped most nights.  Just a few more days!  Can’t wait until it is actually cold in my house at night!  I can save money keeping the heat turned down during winter, but I can’t help during the summer, I need it cold!  I was kind of bad this past week about downloading free ebooks or very cheap ones.

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
 It is a way for us to share the new books we have collected.  I did bad with e-books this week.  Oops!  Better with physical though.

Physical books:

I had to order this one print on demand about a week ago.  You see the author, Tessa Gratton, came to speak to the young writers group at the high school where I am a librarian on Friday.  So I had to have something she’d written for an autograph since every other book I have of hers is already autographed.  🙂  She was great!  I think the students had a great time and got a lot of good tips from her!


Only downloaded one egalley this week.  Yay me!

Free or cheap ebooks:

The top two were free, not sure if both were from Amazon or not.  The bottom two cost 99 cents each, the one on the left from Amazon, and the one on the right from Barnes and Noble.
So that is what I got this past week. What did you add to your shelves!

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34 responses to “Sunday Post #54 and Stacking the Shelves April 17th, 2016

  1. Mahgosh, I received (and devoured!) Wrecked just the other day…SO. MUCH. ACHY-NESS! Which is tooootally not a word but suffice it to say, that book literally shattered me. Into about a trillion tiny pieces. I hope you're "enjoying" (because that's so not the right word, again, but…..eeeeeh, what even are words right now?!) it!

    Here's my Sunday Post; I hope you have a great week coming to you! Happy book-ing!

  2. It has just come to my attention that the house we purchased in December does not have a/c. Growing up in FL, I just take a/c for granted, everyone has it right? I am in Connecticut, so I was hoping it wouldn't be such a big deal. Today it was 78 outside and I am rethinking this house now. lol
    Great job on blogging ahead, that is awesome.

    • It shocked me to know houses didn't all have A/C. Like when I went to visit family in Seattle, I learned that. Craziness! 🙂 Here in Missouri, if you have allergies, your AC starts as soon as your heat is turned off. 🙂

    • I went to the park on Sunday, that was nice to walk outside. The time actually goes by faster when I'm walking outside it seems.

      I couldn't leave my Sydney out when I put my new dogs on there. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I like your new header, and the angel dog too. Sorry to hear about the A/C, I don't like to sleep when it's super hot either. Your discussion post this week sounds like a good one.

  4. Hey, Lisa, looks like you had your plate full (of books) this week, but you did a great job! I adore the cover of Gratton's book, 'The Weight of Stars' and how exciting for the students (and you!) to meet her! I'm just a wee bit jealous. :O)

    Here's my Stacking the Shelves!

  5. I love that cover on Tessa Gratton's book! I'm not familiar with her so I went ahead and hunted it down. Sounds like a great book too! Thanks for sharing! And I really like your header!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love discovering new blogs and glad I found yours!

    Have a great week!

    • Thanks! I love them, and the guy who made them for me was great about fixing the little details I asked him about! Now to just get my new button figured out the way I want it. Thanks for visiting!

    • Thanks! I'm liking it, just have to figure out how to re-do the background to go better with the colors. Wrecked does sound really good, can't wait to get to it. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Yaaasss, I love Katee Robert's books. Her book Wrong Bed Right Guy is $0.99 (on sale). Also I think some of Tessa Bailey's Brazen novels are on sale right now for $0.99. Both authors are two of my favorite romance authors! I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Lisa. 🙂

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    • Yay! Great to hear a good opinion on the book. It sounded good! I rarely pay for books though, not sure why I jumped in for some $0.99 ones this week! Thanks for visiting!

  7. Oooo. You are reviewing some of my favorite audiobooks, Lisa! I listened to On Dublin Street and FELL in love with Scotsmen. haha. Then I listened to the rest of the series, which is one of my favorites. And Rule, while I think I only gave the audio a 3.5 star, I give the series as a whole five stars. I love Jay Crownover now, and have read/listened to all of her books to date!

    • Yeah, I might be a little more into Scotsmen now, although an Irish accent is really the one that gets me. 🙂 I plan to listen to all the rest too! I have to buy the first one though, so that I can take it to get signed when I go meet the author in September. Along with the Crownover ones. I loved Rule. But hearing you like the whole series even better, well now I'm more excited to read the rest! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Before I forget… Ashley at Nose Graze has on her site a Grab button generator thingy. Since I don't want to put links here and get it dinged, just go to her site (Google Nose Graze) and then search her site for "Button Grab Code Generator" – her search button is a tiny little magnifying glass up in the top right of her header. It's kind of hard to find.

    And I LOVE the feeling of blogged ahead! OOOOO, I wish I could do that right now… *sigh*

    • I wish I was able to do that! I wouldn't have to keep paying people then. 🙂 I had a friend who is an artist tweak my old one so that it included all my dogs and more books. 🙂 Thanks for visiting!

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