Waiting on Wednesday: Empire of Dust (Blood of Gods and Royals #2) by Eleanor Herman

Posted April 6, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in / 34 Comments

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we spotlight upcoming releases that we’re eagerly awaiting.  I’ve picked another sequel this week.  Last year I was lucky enough to get an ARC to the first book in the series, Legacy of Kings, and I LOVED it!  I have been patiently or maybe somewhat impatiently waiting and hoping and wishing for an ARC of this second book to match my first ARC, but haven’t received it yet.  🙁  If you  have it and would be willing to trade, you can go to my Have You Seen This post and see if I have anything you’d trade for.  Anyway, here is the blurb from Goodreads for this book and I’m sure you can see why I’m so excited!

In Macedon, war rises like smoke, forbidden romance blooms and ancient magic tempered with rage threatens to turn an empire to dust

After winning his first battle, Prince Alexander fights to become the ruler his kingdom demands—but the line between leader and tyrant blurs with each new threat.

Meanwhile, Hephaestion, cast aside by Alexander for killing the wrong man, must conceal the devastating secret of a divine prophecy from Katerina even as the two of them are thrust together on a dangerous mission to Egypt.

The warrior, Jacob, determined to forget his first love, vows to eradicate the ancient Blood Magics and believes that royal prisoner Cynane holds the key to Macedon’s undoing.

And in chains, the Persian princess Zofia still longs to find the Spirit Eaters, but first must grapple with the secrets of her handsome—and deadly—captor.

New York Times bestselling author Eleanor Herman entwines the real scandals of history with epic fantasy to reimagine the world’s most brilliant ruler, Alexander the Great, in the second book of the Blood of Gods and Royals series.

Doesn’t it sound like it’s going to get even  more twisted and awesome?  I just loved the first one and all the different twists and turns it took with the bits of history that it covers.  

So, what book are you eagerly awaiting this week?

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34 responses to “Waiting on Wednesday: Empire of Dust (Blood of Gods and Royals #2) by Eleanor Herman

  1. Legacy of Kings was one of my most anticipated releases at the end of last summer. Why I haven't read it yet is beyond me but seeing this makes it stand out much more on my shelves! I won't read the synopsis for the sake of spoilers but I'm excited about this, too! Great feature, and thanks for bringing it to my attention!

    Jessie Marie Reads – My WoW

    • I had an ARC of Legacy of Kings and loved it so much! I think once you pick it up, you won't be able to put it down! And will be as excited about this second one as I am. Thanks for stopping by!

    • You're the second person to comment that they haven't read the first one, even though they were very excited for it! You totally need to read it, it is awesome! I felt it was a very original story. Thanks for visiting!

    • I can say that it would not be for everyone, there were definitely some parts that made it not such a historical fiction, but more fantasy. But I loved it! Thanks for visiting!

  2. I really want to read Legacy of Kings and my library just got it in so I may put it on reserve. I am really loving this cover and hope it's something I enjoy. Thanks for sharing!

    • Wow, only 3 stars? I wonder what aspect caused you to kind of grade it down. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for an ARC, but it hasn't arrived yet. 🙁 Thanks for returning the visit!

    • Even though the history is not completely true, obviously the fantasy and magic stuff, there is enough in there to make it intriguing. You should check the series out if you haven't yet! Thanks for visiting!

    • It definitely had some twisted parts to it. Thanks! Although at some point I'll be switching the banner to a new one I had made that has my current wiener dogs along with the one above on there! I love the name Hershey! 🙂

  3. I haven't read the first one yet, although I've had it in my bookshelf since itäs release. I'll definitely need to read it asap. And I hope you get to read, and enjoy, this soon. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my WoW earlier. 🙂

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