U.S. Virtual Road Trip- Day 25- Missouri

Posted July 26, 2015 by Lisa Mandina in / 2 Comments

Hey everyone, haven’t had time to blog today.  I had a great writing date with my friend that helped me back in November to actually win NaNoWriMo in the morning, which led to me uploading 4 more chapters of that novel to Wattpad HERE.  And then this afternoon we had my stepmom’s birthday party.  But I wanted to make sure to check in and send everyone over to a post I got to be a part of at Reading Away the Days.  You can learn all about my lovely home state of Missouri!

Only one thing I have to do a little correction on, I listed author Heather Brewer as living in Missouri, but recently she has come out to the public as being transgender, and she is now a he, as in Zac Brewer.  So forgive me for the info in the post as I sent my information to Megan before the announcement.

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