Cover Characteristic – Hair

Posted March 27, 2015 by Lisa Mandina in / 12 Comments

The Cover Characteristic meme is hosted at  Sugar and SnarkHere are the guidelines for how it works if you want to join in:

week we will post a characteristic and choose 5 of our favorite covers
with that characteristic. If you want to join in and share your 5
favorite covers with the weeks particular characteristic, then just make
a post, grab the meme picture (or make your own) and leave your URL in the 
Linky (so we can visit).

donโ€™t even need to participate, just stopping by and saying hi would be
great! Donโ€™t forget to stop by the other participants!

I always try to pick ones that are from books I’ve already read.  For this topic it was a little easier because there are lots of covers where there is hair.  But I tried to pick ones that I liked the cover besides liking the hair on it.  Here they are in no particular order.


I  not only love how cool the cover is, I really love the hair style.  I wish I had that kind of curly hair, no matter how much of a pain it might be to deal with.


This is one of my favorite series, and this is my favorite cover of all of them.  I love the red in Clary’s hair and how it goes with her red dress.


The hair isn’t necessarily anything spectacular on this cover, but I love the cover, and the hair is involved with the coolness of it.


I love how the ends of the hair become strands of DNA on this cover.  Goes along well with the theme/plot of the book.


This is the original cover to this book, before they went and changed all the covers to a different style.  I love the purplish pink cotton candy looking hair on this one.

Do you have any favorite covers where hair is part of what stands out?  What do you think of my choices?  

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