First, thanks to Henry Holt and Company Books for Young Readers, as well as Edelweiss for allowing me to read an e-galley of this back in December. For some reason I thought it was going to be published in January, so I read it earlier than I probably had to. But the only bad thing about that, is that now I have to wait even longer than I thought for the next book in the series to be published I guess, and I LOVED this one! I was a huge fan of the Ruby Red trilogy, and so was very excited to see this come available on Edelweiss.
The main character in this book is Liv, short for Olivia. Her mother and father are divorced, and she has a younger sister named Mia. Their mother travels for her job a lot, and so they have lived in many different places. The book begins with the current move to London. When they arrive they find out that the little cottage they’d been looking forward to living in has been replaced with an apartment in town. The reason? Their mother seems to have fallen in love. They meet this man, who is nice enough. He has twins, Grayson and Florence who are a little older than Liv. They both go to the school where Liv and Mia will be able to go now. And the night they first meet at a dinner, it seems that they are going to be moving to live in the same house together. When Liv makes a mess on her clothes, she ends up borrowing a sweatshirt from Grayson. Later that night she runs into Grayson in her dreams. As well as some other boys that go to her school. Of course she knows she is just dreaming, and she’s always had pretty vivid dreams that she can remember. This dream seems to be more real feeling though. And the next day when she sees all the boys at school, it is as if they remember the dream too. Soon the boys have a proposition for Liv. They want her to help them out with a game they started about a year ago. A game they started with a girl named Anabel, who has since moved away. The “game” had to deal with raising a demon, and one of the caveats was that one of the participants had to be a virgin. Turns out Anabel wasn’t what they needed.
Grayson, and one of the other boys, named Henry, both kind of try to talk Liv out of joining them. But her curiosity wins out and she joins in. The realistic dreams and other things really have her attention. And Liv loves a good mystery, or puzzle, one that she has to solve. The more complicated, the better. Along the way it seems maybe Henry might be a pretty good guy, and maybe, just maybe, he might feel the same way about her that she is feeling about him.
I just love the way the author writes her characters, just like in the Ruby Red trilogy, I love the sarcastic conversation. I love that Liv will catch herself when she is describing Henry with very sappy, silly words like, “had I really just thought his hair looked like spun gold in this light?” I also love that their dog, Princess Buttercup, is a dachshund!! My favorite type of dog. The only thing I didn’t like? That the ending seemed to be pretty much wrapped up, until a little twist at the end. But, the good thing about that is that it means there are more stories with these characters that I love so much for me to read. If only I read German so that I could read the 2nd one already! If you loved the author’s earlier trilogy, I think you’ll love this one as well.
One last fun thing, the door on the cover is basically Liv’s door in the dream world. Everyone has a door to their dreams. At the end of the book, the author tells what her dream door would look like, and then asks the readers what would their door look like? I’m thinking mine would be pink and have a doorknob with a dachshund head, or else a door knocker that was a dachshund that would bark it’s head off when someone knocked.
This sound like another interesting book from the author. I loved The ruby red trilogy, one of my favorite fantasy series 🙂
I really enjoyed this one as well. The characters are still really well written and the kind that I enjoy reading about. The Ruby Red trilogy was one of my favorite as well! Thanks for stopping by!
Raise a demon? Whoa! Sounds awesome! Adding to my TBR! Thank you for sharing!
It was a neat twist to the story! And gave the being in each other dream parts a little more reason. Thanks for visiting!
Hello there 🙂 I am SO sorry for replying that late. My dumb kind-of-filter has put your comment in the spam section so I didn't notice it (weeks ago on my WoW-pick :)) So I'm here to check out your blog 😀
And I really, really like what I see! And I'm glad that you like the Silver-Trilogy (I'm German so I was a little bit afraid that after translating the book it might've lost some of his "sarcastic&funny"-mixture but it hasn't. YES!)
Glad, you liked it. Gier is one of my favourite Authors and I'm curious what you'll think of the second book. 😀 (
Have a lovely day!
Tüdeldüüüü !
I love Gier's books! My sister speaks a little German and so is buying the books in German to read them. I'm hoping to get copies of the movies as well. Thanks so much for stopping by!
I'm trying to get into this one right now and struggling. Your review has totally inspired me to give it another try tonight! 🙂
I can see that the beginning was a little iffy. I was worried at first that it wasn't going to be what I'd thought it would be from the description. But it turned out pretty good in the end. Hope you give it another try and find that it gets better. Thanks for visiting!
I just finished this one myself! I adore the Ruby Red series. It completely captured my heart. I had a little harder time getting into this one, and it felt a little younger, but I ended up really liking it a lot. The main reason? These characters have got to be some of my favorites! I adore Liv, and Mia, Henry! Kerstin Gier is a QUEEN of characterization! I am looking forward to the next book, for sure!
This story seems so interesting
I loved the Ruby Red trilogy but I had many problems with the last book I hope this series will be different cause I love Kerstin Gier's writing
Ah, I hear others who say that about the last book, but I loved the whole trilogy. Hope you like this one as much as I did!
I loved how Liv kept catching herself too! So many times the descriptions of love interests are sappy and silly and while Liv lives up to that, she's aware of it at the same time. 🙂 I need to be able to read German too, so I can read book twooooo. More please! 😀
Rachel @ Paper Cuts
That just made it perfect for me, the fact that she called attention to it herself. My sister is going back and translating a German copy of Ruby Red with what she knows in German, so I'll have to tell her she should do that once she gets my ARC of Dream a LIttle Dream to read. Thanks for commenting!
Do you know a link for a free Dream a little dream Silver Trilogy read online?? Thanks for your help!
No, sorry.