I’m kind of embarrassed to say that I kind of dreaded picking up this book. Which is weird. I did like Wicked, but it was kind of a weird book. And so I figured Son of a Witch might be hard to read. But once I picked it up and started reading, it was easy enough to get into and a good enough read. Now I do have to say that as usual, Gregory Maguire is always a bit out there, past where I prefer, but it was an okay sequel to the book before. But now I’m at a quandary. While it was good, I’m not sure if I want to go on and read the next book, I think it’s A Lion Among Men. We have the hardcover at the bookstore on the bargain tables for like $5.98, so I probably should go ahead and get it at that deal. But here’s what I wonder. As many books as I have to read, should I waste time feeling like I have to finish a series just because I’ve started it? If I only find it mediocre in entertainment. I mean, yes, once I picked Son of a Witch up, I was involved and interested in it. But it wasn’t a book that I thought about picking up and when I could read it again. To me, that doesn’t make it a “great” book. In a similar situation, I’ve been an L.J. Smith fan since I was in high school with the Secret Circle series. I read the first 4 Vampire Diaries books, and enjoyed them, but then when 2 new ones came out, I thought they were horrible, and have decided I’m done with that series. But the Wicked series is so popular, I kind of feel like I should read them all.
Oh well. I’m currently re-reading Eclipse to get ready for the movie coming out next Tuesday at midnight. Now that’s a book that I keep thinking about reading instead of blogging about a book I finished or watching the tv shows I’ve DVRed. 🙂
Next on the list is a book by the girl who played Nellie Oleson on Little House on the Prairie television show.
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