Miss Understanding by Stephanie Lessing

Posted January 13, 2010 by Lisa Mandina in / 0 Comments

I actually began this book awhile ago. It was one that I left in my master bathroom to read during bubble baths. But as I was reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels, it sat there waiting to be finished. This book was purchased when I got the crazy idea to search for chick lit books that were bargain that I could actually order into the bookstore I think I still work at.

What can I say about this book? It was one of the strangest, most outlandish main characters I think I’ve EVER read in a chick lit book. First the way she dressed, the ideas she had. I can’t even describe how crazy they are. Her sister, also as crazy as can be. Normally I try not to give main points away, but like me, if you were to read it, you would determine before she really does that she’s pregnant. And some of the gross things she talks about that happen to her body during this time? Just yuck. Can’t say much about it. I’ll probaby give it to my sister to read since we share all this type of book. But mainly I just have to say it was weird. I’m glad it was only $4.98 plus my 30% discount. It won’t be a book I keep, and I probably won’t look for any more books by this author either.

I should hopefully finish my Stephen King book tonight or tomorrow. I intend to read it during commercials as I sit home like I normally do on Tuesday nights. Oh yeah, had a sonogram/ultrasound today due to some health issues. Now, you see things about this in movies and on tv all the time when someone is pregnant. (I’m NOT pregnant, that would be an immaculate conception at this time in my life). But what was horrible about it is that you have to drink 32 ounces of water and be done an hour before time, and then you CAN’T go to the bathroom!! I was literally dancing back and forth in the doctor’s office waiting for them to do the procedure. Not fun. Why do they not ever talk about that aspect of sonograms in tv/movies? I can see a huge comedic aspect to something like that. Oh well, what do I know?
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