I checked out The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman last night at the bookstore, one of the Truman list. Didn’t get a lot of time to read it last night, and so wasn’t quite “feeling” it. Well, today, between waiting in the doctor’s office as well as using every other “opportune” moment to read, I’m almost done. I figure I’ll finish it tonight and blog about it tomorrow. Now that I’m close to the end, I am liking it better. I still like Hunger Games more, but I like this one too. I also went ahead and stopped by the MidContinent Public Library, and checked out a whopping 40 books. I think that means there are 7 more that I’m waiting on there. And there is at least one more I planned to check out at the bookstore, although when I was working last night, I don’t remember seeing it in hardcover, so I may have to go ahead and add it to the library list.
Went back to the doctor today. No Celebrex left today, so started back on Ibuprofen, and actually until I was sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, I wasn’t noticing it at all. But I was a couple hours late, and sitting all that time in the office I think made it worse. Because I’m kind of in pain again. The doctor said let’s try a week with just ibuprofen, then go off that and if it doesn’t go away, then we may have to do an MRI and physical therapy. I’m pretty sure once I stop taking any pain stuff, I’ll be in horrible pain, may not even be able to go into work. I also was able to show her the stuff on my thumb that I’d been told was shingles. She says it isn’t shingles, but is the same kind of virus that causes my cold sores, and so she gave me a prescription for Valtrex that I can have ready when they show up again. But said right now it won’t do any good to start since it’s already full blown. All I know is that I’ve had it for a week, I hope it really goes away soon.
Went to see my Uncle Mario tonight. He’s deteriorated so much since I saw him just a couple months ago at the birthday/skating party for my cousin’s kids. They’re saying he most likely has Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. I guess he’d had lots of company today, and so by the time we got there he was pretty much unable to stay awake. I thought we were going too late. I hope I get time to go visit him again before he slips too much more. I also hope I’m not going to be going to another funeral this fall, but I’m afraid it might come to that.
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