Tag: New York City

Two Young Adult ARCs from KCP Loft Mini-Reviews

Two Young Adult ARCs from KCP Loft Mini-Reviews

Still behind!  And I think I’ve only actually done two reviews so far this month, and my goal is two a week.  So yeah, really behind!  Since I got these two books read basically one right after the other, I am going to go ahead and post their reviews together.  Also, these are the first […]

Posted April 15, 2018 by Lisa Mandina in / 4 Comments
Review:  Kiss Me in New York by Catherine Rider

Review: Kiss Me in New York by Catherine Rider

Book info: Title:   Kiss Me in New York  Author:  Catherine Rider Genre:  YA contemporary romance Release Date:  October 3rd, 2017 Publisher:  KCP Loft Source:  ARC from publisher for honest review My rating:  5 stars Synopsis: It’s Christmas Eve at JFK in NYC.Charlotte is a British student, waiting for a flight home after the worst semester […]

Posted October 3, 2017 by Lisa Mandina in / 6 Comments
Cover Characteristic:  New York City

Cover Characteristic: New York City

The Cover Characteristic meme is hosted at  Sugar and Snark.   Here are the guidelines: Each week we will post a characteristic and choose 5 of our favorite covers with that characteristic. If you want to join in and share your 5 favorite covers with the weeks particular characteristic, then just make a post, grab the meme […]

Posted March 17, 2017 by Lisa Mandina in / 6 Comments
Review:  Starry Night by Isabel Gillies

Review: Starry Night by Isabel Gillies

Okay, I try not to read reviews until I’m either done with, or almost done with a book.  And can I say that I am shocked by the negativity this book is receiving?  I was very lucky to get an ARC of this at BEA, and after reading it, let me say how glad I […]

Posted September 3, 2014 by Lisa Mandina in / 18 Comments