Weekly Wrap-Up #194 – October 20th, 2024

Posted October 20, 2024 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 32 Comments

I’m connecting up once again with Kimberly at Caffeinated Reviewer.

Sunday was a nice relaxing day. The temperatures were so fall like, cool, fall like wind, I loved it! I didn’t get quite as much done as I’d hoped. My mom and I went up to her little shop, and I did a bit of shopping at some other booths there. Then we stopped by to drop off some candy we bought there for my niece and nephew. My niece has been sick, but seemed to be feeling better. I got home and should have done more blogging and reading, but decided to look into a SoFi loan a little more to pay off some credit card debt and try to get my finances back on track. Didn’t finish the application though as I needed a few things I didn’t have. Then I finished watching Evil so I could cancel Paramount+ since there was no Chiefs game on this weekend.

Monday was very chilly! I think it was close to the 40s temperature wise in the morning. It didn’t warm up much either. It was a busy day at work. Still alone. Got to school to find the custodians hadn’t yet moved the tables and chairs back from the big thing on Friday. Fortunately the awesome new tech guy said he would help me and when the other tech guy got there, he put him to work too. My friend who is also Argyle’s breeder texted to say she had a birthday present for me, so I stopped by to see her after school. Which meant I got to see and hold tiny puppies! My mom made a crockpot meal, so I went over for dinner.

Tuesday the sub for my open clerk position was there again. So she did some shelving for me and checking books in. I started working on my Halloween display. National Honor Society had some kids that needed hours and I agreed to stay an hour after school three days this week for them to work on cleaning the library, so that started today, and will also be Wednesday and Friday. I DNFed the book I was supposed to post a review of today, but the book I picked up for a review on Thursday hooked me, so definitely happy about that.

Wednesday was a busy day, so much going on in the library with senior cap and gown make up pictures. Classes coming in to check out books (yay), a college rep visit, and meetings. The NHS kids stayed again, but since I was able to have them start at 1:30, and didn’t really have more than an hour worth of work for them to do, I was able to leave at almost my normal time. Stopped by the public library to pick up a DVD that a teacher was wanting to use with her classes reading The Great Gatsby. Came home to just read and hang out with the dogs, as well as doing a bit of blogging. I put a cute little candy corn guy on my computer at work, and my tech guy brought me a cool cat he made with his 3D printer.

Thursday the sub clerk was back. It was a busy day in the library again. Very chilly in the morning again also. Stopped by the grocery store on the way home. Did a little blogging, then went to dinner with my mom to use a buy one get one free coupon for my birthday at Granite City Brewery. Then my mom is a big Tom Petty fan, so she got tickets to see a movie that had only really been shown once on MTV years ago, and now was in the theaters. One of my sorority sisters that works at my school with me got me this neat bracelet for my birthday, can you read what it says on the inside?

Friday was a quieter day in the library. On Thursday they’d emailed all the teachers a “No Pass” list of students who were not to be given passes because they would just roam the halls. Last hour I had a student who should have graduated last year, and even went to summer school and still is back, try to come in and tell me she didn’t have a class last hour. Another girl came in with her, but that girl wouldn’t talk to me or even look at me when I was asking a question. I think it is a cultural type of disrespect that I get only from certain girls where they just ignore me like I’m not there. Anyway, one girl was on the no pass list, so I let the AP know and they sent down a security officer to escort her to where she needed to be. I worked on taking down the bulletin board behind my desk and getting what I wanted to put up ready. Stopped by the post office on the way home from work to mail last month’s wrap-up giveaway winner their prize. I decided to DNF the audiobook I was listening to, and possibly DNF the book I was reading. I think when I get backed up with review books I tend to DNF more than I might if I had more time to read. Then I came home and just relaxed at home for the evening. I did get my Halloween display up and finished.

Saturday was a nice cool autumn morning, perfect for sleeping in. I got up and did some blogging, put the Harry Potter movie marathon on in the background. Ended up deciding to DNF a couple more books that just weren’t living up to what I’d hoped. Started a new audiobook as well. Had our usual coffee date with my dad, stepmom, and sister before we went to my dad’s house and had tacos and then birthday cake for my birthday. I just asked for money this year so I could buy the things I wanted from Penny Reid’s Winston Brothers 10th Anniversary Kickstarter, so that’s what I got. My stepmom also made me a basket in my favorite colors, pink and orange. I used to get a lot of fun cakes, so she still feels like she needs to get me new decorations, and this one was cute, although I’d be happy with just the flowers these days! I came home and just watched tv and hung out with the dogs the rest of the night.

The first 2 were e-galleys for scheduled reviews this past week. The 3rd and 4th were audiobooks – one for the Gateway possibles for next year that review will be in my L-L-L Reviews at the end of October and one that the author sent it to me and it was a novella so I got it done quick and posted the review yesterday/Saturday.




Downloaded the first one last week actually from the library to start as soon as I finished Divine Rivals, I ended up DNFing it on Friday though, just kind of bored. But then the author of the second one reached out to me on Instagram, and since it is just an hour and a half long, I decided to start that one before the other because I knew I’d get it finished in a day or two! The third one is also for a book review tour and I started it after I DNFed the first one.

Bookish Stuff:



First is for a blog tour review this coming Thursday. Second is for the author’s review team and it comes out in November.

Free E-books:

Another one I saw over on Books of My Heart and raced to see if it was still free on Amazon on Sunday. Second one was from the author’s newsletter, but was also free on Amazon. Third was another freebie on Amazon.

Physical Books:

I ordered the Book Box from J.J. Knight for her latest book because it had this adorable tote bag with it. And I had pre-ordered the Meghan Quinn book with the deal going on this past summer so it arrived this week.

Finally finished up the last season of Evil. Watched Survivor live like I prefer to. Also started watching the new episodes of American Horror Stories. I was not that impressed with the first new one. Watched the first episode of the new season of Ghosts and thought it was really fun. Continued with the latest episode of Grotesquerie which was a major flip in what was reality and what wasn’t.

Wednesday night I went to see this Tom Petty movie with my mom.

All are e-galleys. The first one I forgot I had and that it was already coming out, so I’m behind! The third one comes out closer to Halloween, so trying to get it done.

Don’t forget I added in a monthly wrap-up giveaway again because my read ARC pile was getting big again! It just started this past week. And as I’m going through and getting rid of books, I might end up doing two winners this next month because I am pulling more ARCs and I can’t take those to sell at Half Price Books.

We are now officially in the last couple weeks of October. How has it gone for you so far? My actual birthday is this Tuesday, even if I did celebrate over the weekend. I decided to take the day off, but am going to try to get some things done like an estimate for replacing my fence and shed from the tree falling this summer while I’m home that day.

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32 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #194 – October 20th, 2024

  1. Sounds like a decent week! Nice birthday presents too! The cake is so cute! And I love that bracelet. I think I might need that for myself for those hard days. I am loving the cooler temps myself! It’s sooo nice compared to the prior weeks where it was so freaking hot and miserable! I am loving it! Also love your Halloween library display! So cute!

    Nice new reads! All new to me ones but I hope you enjoy each and every one of them as you get to read them!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Lisa Mandina

      Thanks! I have some of the leftover cake and am trying to keep myself from eating a piece instead of lunch today, lol.

  2. What a great pre-birthday week! I would have enjoyed holding the puppies the most. You have a lot of good holiday reads coming up.

    I hope you get a decent estimate on the work. I know that can be tough.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, looking forward to some of the reads coming up. I think I’ve got a decent estimate for the shed, just waiting to see about the fence.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Puppies are the best! I’m currently watching one of her dogs right now, not a puppy, he’s like 2 or 3 years old.

  3. I find if I’m overloaded and on a time crunch I have less patience with books, too. I’m about to DNF an ARC that I also purchased the audio for because I’m behind. Too much non-communication! Ugh. What a cute cat the tech guy made! Have a wonderful week, Lisa!

    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted: Sunday Post #269
  4. We’ve been having some nice fall weather as well here, it’s nice to have some cooler weather. That 3D printed cat looks good, I have a few 3D printed animals and like them. And your candy corn looks cute too. Your Halloween display looks really nice! That’s so awesome you make those yourself. Happy birthday! You got some nice gifts, money is always handy so you can yourself what you want with it. Oh you got Suri’s Sure Thing! SJ Pajonas is one oy my favorite authors, I hope you’ll enjoy that one :).

    • Lisa Mandina

      I haven’t purchased any 3D printed stuff yet, but this one makes me want to! I really wish I could have a 3D printer in my library, but doubt I’ll ever get money for that at my current school where the library is just a meeting space. I have been following SJ Pajonas for a while on her blog, but have yet to read any of her stuff, so glad to have one to give a try now!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! It’s fun when you can celebrate more than one day! Also sounds like your week went pretty smoothly at school – yea! I like your Halloween-themed display. We’ve had cool nights, but sunny and warmish days, so I’ve been doing a lot of walking and listening to audiobooks.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Thank you! It was a pretty smooth week. I’m just at the point I almost don’t care anymore and just let it roll off. I wish I was good about walking, I used to walk so much!

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