Tag: Michael Grant

Four ARC Mini-Reviews

Getting behind again!  So here we go with some mini-reviews of ARCs I either won or were unsolicited. Men and Dogs by Marie-Eva Chopin and Alice Chaygneaud: Published:  September 26th, 2017 Source:  ARC from publisher – won through Shelf Awareness Genre:  Humor My rating:  3 stars Cute little book, although maybe something more to each […]

Posted December 16, 2017 by Lisa Mandina in / 12 Comments

BZRK by Michael Grant

I checked this book out from the library because I saw the sequel was available on Netgalley, and I love the Gone series by this author.  The science geek in me really ended up enjoying this book.  While really we get to know several of the characters throughout the book, we really have 2 central characters. […]

Posted August 30, 2013 by Lisa Mandina in / 6 Comments

Waiting on Wednesday: Light (Gone #6) by Michael Grant

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we spotlight upcoming releases that we’re eagerly awaiting.  I’m choosing one that comes out next week, and I don’t think I’ve used it yet.  I have loved the Gone series by Michael Grant since I read the first one a few years ago […]

Posted March 28, 2013 by Lisa Mandina in / 6 Comments

Fear (Gone series #5) by Michael Grant

This is a series I began reading back in 2009 when I was reading to help pick one of my state’s award nominee list for the 2010-2011 school year.  I believe it was the same year I read Hunger Games.  You can read my review of Gone here.  I would say it was probably my […]

Posted April 13, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 8 Comments