Tag: Kiersten White

Blog Tour with Review and Giveaway: Now I Rise (The Conqueror’s Saga #2) by Kiersten White

Book info: Title:  Now I Rise   Author:  Kiersten White Series:  The Conqueror’s Saga #2   Genre:  YA Alternative Historical Fiction Publisher:  Delacorte Press Release Date:  June 27th, 2017 Formats:  Hardcover, ebook, audiobook Pages:  496 Find it:   –> Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, TBD, Audible,  Goodreads Synopsis: –> Lada Dracul has no allies. No throne. All she has […]

Posted June 20, 2017 by Lisa Mandina in giveaway / 16 Comments

Review: And I Darken by Kiersten White

Book info: Title:  And I Darken   Author:  Kiersten White Series:  The Conqueror’s Saga #1   Genre:  YA alternate historical fiction/fantasy Published:  June 28th, 2016 Source:  ARC received at bookstore where I work from publisher Synopsis: No one expects a princess to be brutal. And Lada Dragwlya likes it that way. Ever since she and […]

Posted July 21, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in / 16 Comments

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White My rating: 3 of 5 stars I had wavered on whether to read this book for awhile. I usually have trouble with books of associations that fight paranormals, or groups like the IPCA. Especially when teenagers work for them. I know, I can accept the paranormal creatures as realistic, but not […]

Posted August 21, 2012 by Lisa Mandina in / 4 Comments