Weekly Wrap-Up #112 – March 26th, 2023

Posted March 26, 2023 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 35 Comments

As usual I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).

Can you believe it’s the last Sunday of March? I’m excited that it is my spring break for the next week!

Last Sunday I tried to stay around my house and just blog and not spend money, lol. Since I’d accidentally left my planner at school on the Friday before, I did my best at trying to remember what I had coming up. Had dinner at my mom’s house, just her and my stepdad and me, because my brother and his family are in San Diego for spring break for the week.

Monday we had nothing on the library calendar, but it was a pretty busy day. I was so happy to get my planner back to know what needed to be done on my blog. We also got our last big shipment of books for the year in the library. It was also a beautiful weather day and so I got to go play with puppies again! Enjoy some more pictures.

Oh, part of the reason I stopped by her house on Monday is because I had my mom who has a business doing embroidery and other sewing, make some blankets for my friend to give when the puppies go home. Here’s a picture of that:

Tuesday was a pretty busy day in the library. Plus we had a severe weather drill, but other than that a normal day. I did “attend” an online retirement seminar for the Missouri Teacher retirement system. I should be able to retire with full benefits in 2028, although I’ll probably stay till 2029 to finish out a school year.

Wednesday was a crazy day. There was a fight in the cafeteria during our advisory period, when there shouldn’t have been any one in the cafeteria. The way our school is, the cafeteria is open at the ceiling into the floor where the library is. So we get to hear all noise from down there. Two girls I guess. Then during lunch, there was another fight in the cafeteria, I guess it was more than two people, boys and girls. The adults in the cafeteria were kind of around the corner from where it was, so it took a minute. But of course we heard all that craziness in the library as well. We’ve only got 2 more days till spring break. You’d think they could handle themselves!

Thursday was a much calmer day with students thank goodness. Since it was also national chip and dip day, the admin had suggested we do a day where we could bring in different dips and they would buy chips and then at lunch we’d all get to enjoy them. It was fun! There were some really good dips. I brought my standard Velveeta cheese with Rotel dip. Now, I was thinking strictly “chips” and dip, or my normal dip is a Garlic Garlic (Pampered Chef seasoning) dip with homemade beer bread, also a Pampered Chef food item. I wish I’d made that, because there were a few other dips that went with crackers or pita bread, and a dessert dip to go with Nilla wafer cookies or graham crackers.

Friday I was alone in the library. My library clerk’s son is in a wheelchair basketball league and they had their national tournament in Wichita starting Thursday night with their practice there. It was a kind of busy day in the library, but nothing bad. I had a package I’d ordered off Facebook that said it was delivered, but it wasn’t there when I got home. Turns out I still had my last address set up in Facebook, and that’s where it went. Now I’m wondering if something I bought a year or so ago was delivered there and either it was stolen off their porch or they kept it.

Saturday I slept in, looking forward to the next week of spring break and not having to get up early! I put together a new coat rack thing so I could hang my coats up and it would look a little neater by the back door where I take the dogs outside. I’d seen one at IKEA I wanted, but that’s a 45 minute drive and cost $150, where this one was only $35 and it was delivered to my door. Here’s a picture:

And, then, I might have gone and traded my car in on a new one. I’m happy I did it. Not that my “old” car was old, but now I’m not feeling like maybe I should have done it. Even though I do like this one better. Oh well. No more bad decisions for me! I will take a picture soon and share it. It actually doesn’t look that different from my last one, and I’m wondering if anyone will actually notice at first.

Books Finished

Both of the first two were e-galleys for review, the second one as part of a tour, both reviews posted last week. Third was one of the books I received from the publisher for the library committee I’m on, its review will be part of my L-L-L post later this week.

New Additions to My Library


I think I signed up for this ARC through a Shelf Awareness giveaway? Not sure. But it comes out in June.


I downloaded this from the library. Listening to it for the reader award. I have the book, but more time to listen.

Bookish Stuff:



I’ll be reading the first one for a review next week. The second one is for a blog tour review in June, and it sounds like the perfect read to get ready for my trip to Scotland!

Free E-books:

The first one was free for signing up for the author’s newsletter. The next two were free on Amazon.

Physical Books:

First was an ARC I won from the author at the Zoom hangout last week. Second picture is from the publisher for the Gateway Award. A publisher I haven’t heard of before, West 44 Books? Third was a little bit of a surprise. The author had emailed back in August about if anyone wanted some of the extra paperbacks she had. I had sent a list of which ones I’d like. But since I hadn’t received word or any books by the end of last year, I assumed she hadn’t been able to send any to me, that they’d all gone to others who replied before me. So it was awesome to see these in my mailbox on Thursday! I’ve already read both, but am so happy to have them on my bookshelves now.

What I’m Watching

Still working on The Walking Dead, started season 5 this week.

Coming Up Next Week On My Blog

First is for a blog tour review, the second is an e-galley for a review, and third is the paperback I got from the author. I should also be posting a DNF post and one of my L-L-L Review posts. Plus since March will be over, next Sunday might be my end of the month post, I’ll probably combine it with my usual Sunday post. Or else I’ll switch around my DNF and L-L-L posts and do the month end on Friday instead of combining. We’ll see how my week goes!


Don’t forget that I do now have the nice little box on the right hand sidebar so you can check out giveaways all the time! My monthly giveaway is HERE. Remember if I get over 100 entries in that monthly giveaway I add more winners, I had 103 last month so had two winners, and it looks like I’m at 119! If by some strange chance I got over 200, I will add a third winner!

Scotland Tour Tidbits

The next place on the tour is the Tibbermore Church. In the show it is the Cranesmuir Church where Claire and Geillis had to stand trial when they were accused of witchcraft. The first two pictures are of the outside and inside of the church. The third picture is a scene inside the church from the show.

Final Thoughts

How was your week? Did you read or watch anything good? Get any good books? Can you believe it is almost April? I’m ready for spring. Not summer, not the heat, but ready for the cool, not cold weather. Are you meeting your monthly goals?

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35 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #112 – March 26th, 2023

  1. Sounds like a busy week! But yay for Spring Break! I miss those, lol! Hope you have a great week off! And yay for the new car! That’s always a little fun! My stepdad actually just bought a new truck yesterday! He’d been looking forever and my mom and I were still kind of surprised that he ended up buying one right that day!

    Nice new reads! Those are all totally new to me ones! I hope you enjoy each and every one of them though!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yep! Of course the week before spring break had to be busy so that I’ll definitely be resting as much as I can this week! I’m reluctant to tell my family about the new car because I have a feeling they’ll be all disapproving since I’m trying to save money for my trip. But honestly it’s only a little more a month, and it has a lot more good things on it than my last one did. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. oh YAY PUPPIES! Dachshund puppies are the most adorable, they are just the hardest to train haha (I know because my parents had one) I am really excited for you thoughts on that Monica Murphy! I have been curious about that one. Love the pictures of your tour in Scotland. Scotland is just gorgeous especially this time of year, but I bet its freezing haha we only went to Edinburgh but loved it.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yes they are! I have two that are adults and still impossible. lol I won’t be going to Scotland till July, so it should be interesting!

    • Lisa Mandina

      LOL! Everyone spooned out portions onto their own plates and then pretty much took it back to their own classroom to eat. Yeah, no double dipping.

    • Lisa Mandina

      It’s crazy because all the kids run to watch the fight. I remember one time there was a fight when I was high school, and I did everything I could to get away.

  3. Aw those are great pics. That’s crazy about the fights. Calm down, kids, you’re almost free for a week ha. The dips sound good too!

    I almost started Yellowjackets (S2) this week but PRime wants you to subscribe to Showtime. Ugh I don’t need that and even with the free trial I’d only get one or two episodes, and if I forgot to cancel…

    Have fun with 65 but go in with… lessened expectations lol.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, if I go to see 65, I’m really just going to see dinosaurs on the big screen, won’t expect much, lol. I haven’t started Yellowjackets, but knowing that I would have to subscribe to Showtime might keep me from starting. I really need to sit down and figure out all the streaming services I’m paying for and probably cut some back.

      • Same. Yellowjackets was pretty good but the Showtime is a deal breaker for me. I did watch the first season, I think they had the episodes for sale (can’t remember, been a while). 🙂

        65 wasn’t BAD, it started out weak but I liked the ending.

        Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #497
    • Lisa Mandina

      Thanks! I’m excited for the trip, but stressing over spending the money that I haven’t even spent yet.

  4. Enjoy your Spring Break! Schools are back in session here tomorrow after 2 weeks off. Those puppies are so cute (love blue eyes on dogs)! Have a great week.

    • Lisa Mandina

      That does sound yummy! Now I want to buy some of that and make it, lol. I do make a meal out of velveeta and rotel, and I add hamburger to it.

  5. Happy Spring Break! I hope you enjoy your week. The puppies are adorable. Thanks for sharing.

    I’m trying to picture how your library and cafeteria are connected… I’m imagining a trap door where you can drop a rope and climb down quickly. lol.

    I’ve been in a major reading slump because I’ve been so busy IRL. Anytime I try to sit down to read, I fall asleep. Boo!

    Jen Twimom recently posted: #FitReaders Check-In: March 24, 2023
    • Lisa Mandina

      Okay, lol, so the library doors open up into a front open space by the front doors to the school. There is a ramp from them that goes up to the next level. On either side of the ramp are open areas that look down into the cafeteria area on the lower level. So the noise just comes straight up from those open areas, lol. Ugh, reading slumps suck! Hope you get back going soon!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’m hoping/thinking our snow is done for the season, and now we’re just getting tons of rain it seems like!

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