Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).
Students are back. Monday was pretty much hell. There were mixups with schedules and we had a TON of students who had to come meet with counselors in the library most of the day to get stuff figured out. Part of that could be because we did have a teacher who quit or left or something last week. So they were having to reschedule English classes. Fortunately my library clerk did a great job taking over with the laptops and had the building subs and some of the other secretaries in the building working on getting them organized. We should be pretty close to being done early tomorrow.
Tuesday was also kind of crazy getting the laptops ready to go. We were still short and didn’t have enough for all the students.
Wednesday we passed the laptops out during Advisory class. It was pretty smooth for the most part, although we still had a lot of students without at the end of the day. I had a meeting in the morning about how the online school would work this year, and what my role would be. On the one hand I sort of understood, but on the other it was still a lot of mixed messages from other people throughout the day.
Thursday? You might skip this day because it was hell and I’m going to get it all out! Well, my clerk actually turned to me and said if I did decide to leave to let her know because she might go as well. Things with the laptops just got more and more ridiculous. I can’t even describe all the ridiculousness of what we are dealing with. We didn’t have enough for all the juniors and seniors to start with, so many didn’t get them because of that. Then there were some students that didn’t get one because they still had a laptop from last year that they never turned in. But then there were other students who never turned in last year’s laptop but DID get one assigned. My clerk and I only took the labels we were given by the assistant principal and used those to assign the laptops. Then while we had to deal with that, some of the laptops wouldn’t even start up like they were supposed to. One of the tech guys said it is possible the other tech guy might have grabbed some of the wrong crates when he brought them over. And so we had probably 10-20 or more students every class period in the morning coming to get help from the Tech guys. Well, every Thursday they have a district wide meeting for all the tech people from 1-3 pm. So they were gone at that point and we had to just tell the kids to come back or leave the laptops with us to give to them. Friday would have to be spent dealing with more of that, as well as taking laptops we’d assigned but the student hadn’t been at school on Wednesday and checking them back in, taking labels off, and then checking them out to students who for some reason hadn’t gotten laptops yet. The main principal happened through the library a few times during his lunch and noticed our building subs sitting at a table and doing nothing for most of the day. He wanted me to have them start shelving my books. And call me crazy, but that’s the one thing that actually feels like my job that I want to do, yet I have to give it to subs to do while I do what should be a tech person’s job. Gah! Sorry this is so long, but yeah, I’m just frustrated. And yet another thing I’m dealing with? Online students, and even though I was told I didn’t have to do the same things as last year, it’s ending up more or just more confusing to get ready for other teachers to do what I did last year.
Friday, just as we thought we were getting into a groove and figuring out where to go next, we got more things added to our plate. Let’s just say that I do not feel like a librarian at all.
Saturday I mowed the lawn in still almost 90 degree weather. I think it was 90 degrees about an hour after I finished. Then I went and sat at the library where I wouldn’t have my dogs to distract or interrupt me and I got all the applications for the different UMKC library positions filled out. I got all my references in a row for that, and updated my resume and cover letter. Spent an hour or two getting blog posts ready for the rest of the week, and then went home and relaxed.
Books Finished
First was for a blog tour review on this past Monday. Second was an ARC I got from the publisher by an author that I do love. But it was high fantasy and actually took me most of the week to read. So while I planned to post its review yesterday, Saturday, I switched out and put my DNF post up, and will instead put this review up on Tuesday, it’s pub date.
New Additions to My Library
I got this one from a trade on Twitter. It was one I’m kind of on the fence about, because a woman who doesn’t like books sounds like someone I won’t be able to connect to, but I’m going to try it and see!
Borrowed this audio from the library and it is one I need to read for next year’s possible awards for the library committee I’m on.
Bookish Stuff:
I got some stickers that were bookish, but forgot to take pictures before I started sticking them on things!
The first one is for a blog tour review in September. The second one is from the publisher and was supposed to be a blog tour, but it was canceled by the publisher. Nicely they still let us have a widget on Netgalley. I don’t know when I’ll get to it for sure, but I’ve scheduled a date in November just in case I can’t get to it before then. And the last one I thought was coming out soon, but I guess it was postponed till October. I’m on the author’s ARC team, but hadn’t received it, and when I requested it on Netgalley I was still waiting to be approved. I reached out to the author, and it was then approved within a couple days! The last one is for a blog tour review mid-September.
Free E-books:
The first one was from an author’s newsletter. And while it may not be exactly my type of usual read, there is a dachshund on the cover, so, yeah, I couldn’t resist. The others were free on Amazon. The last one is a novella.
Library books:
Physical books:
It was payday on Thursday. And I’d had a lousy week, so I went ahead and ordered myself a book off of Amazon. I’ve read one book by this author in the SmartyPants Romance Universe, and met her at Book Bonanza this summer. I heard her talking about this series and now I want to read it!
What I’m Watching
Finishing up Never Have I Ever this week. And oh my gosh, I spent the last episode with so many smiles and just thinking how much I have to recommend it. Then there were tears, but kind of good tears? If that makes any sense? And I have to keep recommending it! I know the next season is supposed to be the last one, which works, but I need it now! Tuesday night I watched America’s Got Talent to see the TikTok dancers Funkonometry perform and vote for them.
Wednesday night I started the new House of the Dragon prequel show for Game of Thrones. I enjoyed it so far. I am definitely enjoying the dragons!
Coming Up Next Week On My Blog
Proposed Reviews:
The first one and third are for blog tours, the second one was an ARC I read last week but won’t post my review till Tuesday, the 4th is for an author ARC team, and the last one is an ARC the publisher sent me. I’ll also have a new End of Month post go up with a new giveaway.
- Summer 2022 Seasons of Books Giveaway Hop – This giveaway goes clear until September!
- The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: July 2022 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in August – This one ends this week, and remember if we can get over 100 entries I’ll pick two winners!
- Blog Tour Review with Giveaway: Bloody Fool For Love by William Ritter
- August 10th was my 13th Blogoversary and I am celebrating with a month long giveaway HERE!
Final Thoughts
How was your week? Did you read or watch anything good? Get any good books? Have anything exciting coming up this week?
Nice haul, hope this week is smoother than last week!
Me too! Thanks for visiting!
It does sound like you’re doing everything BUT librarian stuff! I’d be frustrated too. I hope that mess gets better this week…
Your new books all look pretty fun.
Sometimes you just have to splurge and get a physical book. 🙂
Even knowing I have no idea when I’ll get around to reading the new book, maybe with a challenge next year about reading books off my TBR shelves? lol New books just make me happy!
That must be so frustrating what you had to deal with this week. I can totally understand why you’re looking for another job. I hope you find one and it’s not as stressful as this one. I left my last job because it was pretty much the same thing–doing things I wasn’t hired to do and getting more and more added to my plate. Good luck!
Wow, crazy times at school! I can’t remember if I said this last year, but it seems unusual that your school gives every kid a laptop. Our schools didn’t even do that during Covid. Hope week 2 is smoother😁
Most of the schools in my area, high schools at least, give each student a laptop. They call it 1:1. That’s interesting the schools don’t do that where you are! Fingers crossed about week 2!
Okay, the laptop rollout sounds like a disaster! I understand why you are frustrated! Then you didn’t even get to do the part that was your actual job. Nice new additions this week! I hope that you have a great week!
Thanks! Next year if I’m still stuck at this school, I’m going to ask if there is any way to get the laptops early so we’re not doing it last minute!
So sorry you had such a tough time at work. It’s so frustrating to deal with confusion and mistakes. I hope this next week is much better for you!
It’s not starting out better, but it is what it is! Thanks for visiting!
Man the laptop issue sounds like such a hassle! I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. I hope things get better this week. I watched House of the Dragon too and enjoyed it. I’ll have to catch up on tonight’s episode tomorrow before work or on Tuesday. Moon Dark Smile looks intriguing!
Yeah, I’ll catch up on last night’s episode later this week too. Have a great week!
Eat Your Heart Out grabs me. Hope the new week of school goes well and happy reading.
That one is pretty good so far! Thanks for stopping by!
I’m exhausted just reading about your week! How frustrating and definitely not something I would expect to fall under the job of the librarian. We homeschool so I haven’t had to deal with the laptop issue but my dad’s stepkids have and it has always sounded like a nightmare. I’m very grateful it’s never been my problem. Sending calming bookish vibes your way for a much better week!
Thanks! So far it’s not starting off any better, but the laptop part is at least slowing down a little!
Yikes! The whole laptop thing sounds like a nightmare! I guess it’s too late to just go back to regular books, pen and paper? I was sad enough when I learned that schoolrooms have whiteboards instead of chalkboards now. Sigh…
But yah, I don’t blame you for being pissed off about all the non-librarian stuff you’re having to do. That sucks. 🙁
Hang in there!
Yeah, it’s really annoying because I actually asked if they had a tech person for this very reason when I interviewed and they said they did. Oh well. Thanks for visiting!
I’m sorry it was such a crazy week. At least you got some great books. I hope next week is better!
So far, same old type of week, but laptops are kind of slowing down and we’re getting closer. But now online school is ramping up. Ugh. Thanks for stopping by!
Sounds like a frustrating week at school. Yeah, no fun being a tech person when you just want to do your own job! I hope you have a better time this week!
Thanks! Here’s hoping it gets better!
What a week Lisa!!! Why is the first week always such chaos.
That’s true, but it’s still going this week! Oh well. Thanks for visiting!
Your past week doesn’t sound much better than mine! Luckily you have a great selection of books to ease the pain and frustrations.
All over the world teachers have complaints, it differs in degrees and issues – but the fact remains that we are the most unappreciated people on the planet. And we have such an important job to do.
Hope this week will get better Lisa…
Elza Reads
New books do make things better. Hoping for a better week for sure! Thanks for stopping by!
That does sound like a crazy week. Hopefully this week will be a little better for you!
Nice haul! Lots of new to me ones there! I hope you enjoy them all though!
Here’s my Monday Wrap-up
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
New books always make things better, right? lol Thanks for visiting!
OMG what a week. It sounds like total, unorganized chaos. And it also sounds like a whole lot of miscellaneous junk gets tossed on your lap! I sure hope this week is going better. I’ve seen great things about that Juliette Cross book so I hope it turns out to be a good one for you. Those dancers on AGT were great! And I love all the music they used. 🙂
My library clerk and I had a good routine, but they didn’t give us what we needed ahead of time. She and I have decided there were too many people and it got all confused. Ugh. Hoping I enjoy the Juliette Cross book too!