Weekly Wrap-Up #158 – February 25th, 2024

Posted February 25, 2024 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 28 Comments

I will be linking up with the Sunday Post at Caffeinated Reviewer.

Sunday was a nice day at my mom and stepdad’s cabin in Branson. We went and had a nice breakfast at a cafe the locals tend to eat at. Then my mom and I did some shopping at the outlet mall. Went back to the cabin and enjoyed some down time, before going out to dinner again at a restaurant they liked, but I hadn’t tried before. It was really good!

Monday morning I woke up a little earlier than I would if I’d been home. But I could hear that my mom and stepdad were up and being quiet since the area where the sofa-bed I sleep on is basically just out in the open. I left to drive home around 9:30 am, and got home around 1 pm. There was a stop at Osceola Cheese for me on the way home. It’s the perfect distance for a restroom break, as well as I can stock up on their colby jack cheese which is my favorite! Got home and the dogs were happy to see me, and I just rested at home after a grocery store trip to get ready for back to the real world on Tuesday.

Tuesday was back to the real world. Got to school and realized that I’d forgotten it was some kind of spirit week, and Tuesday was college day, so I could have worn jeans with my college alumni shirt. It was a busy day on the one hand. The counselors had reserved the upper library, but I didn’t realize it was so teachers could be dropping students off in the library all day to do schedules. Which wouldn’t be an issue, but with no teachers there to supervise, guess who was then in charge of students who most had nothing to do? Yep.

Wednesday I dropped my two dogs off at my friend’s house to have her do their nails. Then I picked them up after school, along with one of her dogs that I’ve watched before, Rolla. Rolla needed a place to stay because his sister was in heat, and that was not a match that would be good, lol. Of course Rolla and Argyle spent the first night humping and play-fighting. Fortunately the weather was so nice that we could go outside and play a lot. And I got to play with the three puppies she has right now too!

Thursday was a test in the library for most of the day. I got some work done for a March Madness Book display I want to do next month. Also got some more stickers made. After work I had to go let my dogs and our guest dog outside, then go pick up my niece and take her to the dance class she is a helper at, because my mom and stepdad were back in Branson and my brother was out of town. And every Thursday someone has to because my sister-in-law is picking my nephew up from school. Then I came home and had a virtual meeting for the Greater Kansas City Association of School Librarians, although our house guest and Argyle would not quit humping each other. Ugh.

Friday was a kind of busy day at school. Lots of different things seeming to be going on or all of a sudden getting relegated to the library. Plus on Fridays it is hard to want to do anything. I read through the “training” modules for the ACT next week and I just really don’t want to do it. It’s not bad, I just don’t want to mess with it. Oh well. Life of a librarian! I got tickets to see the school musical for free because I work at the school, so took my friend to see it, even though I forgot until this past week that I also had signed up to be a chaperone/work the Saturday night showing of the musical.

Saturday I got up and did some laundry, and paid bills, leaving me broke once again. 🙁 I went out and had a quick/cheap lunch, and then went to the library to do blogging since my dogs with our houseguest are not very helpful if I want to sit and do things on the computer for very long. Came home from the library and let the dogs play outside in the beautiful weather again before I had to go be a chaperone/work the musical in the evening, and I enjoyed the show once again!

First and third were ARCs from the publishers, second was an e-galley from the author. All three reviews were up this past week!


I think I signed up for a chance to get this ARC from a contest in the Shelf Awareness email newsletter. It comes out at the beginning of April, and I think I have it fit in to read at the end of March.


Even though my membership with Audible is still on hold, I bought a credit to get the next book in the series since a credit was about a dollar cheaper than the audiobook’s price right now.

Bookish Stuff:

I forgot to share my Picklegram Valentine last week from author J.J. Knight. She did it so it has every one of the Pickle Patreon member’s names on it. The more people with a certain name, of course the bigger the name shows up. When it came, the envelope was already open, though, fortunately nothing was missing, it was just the valentine.


The publisher sent me a link to Netgalley for the first two. The first one comes out in June, so I figured I can get it on the calendar now and have time for it, and the second one is in May and I put it on the calendar for then as well. The third one I got an email from Netgalley about it being available, and since I’ve wanted to read this author I went ahead and grabbed it. It also comes out in May, so I’ll be fitting it in. Requesting/downloading it did drop my NG rating back to 80% though!

Free E-books:

This one was free on Amazon.

Physical Books:

I actually bought the first one from the author at the beginning of the month at the Flirty in KC book convention. But the author had to mail it and it arrived on Wednesday. The second one I found at what we call the “junk store”, Cargo Largo, for $3!!! I’ve wanted to read it, but didn’t know if I’d get to it. And it will go on my TBR shelf, so who knows when/if I’ll actually get to it either, lol.

Enjoyed some of the Harry Potter marathon once I got home on Monday, as my mom and stepdad just get cranky if I put that on around them. Continued with my Outlander fifty millionth rewatch as well. lol

The first two are e-galleys. I’m worried about the first one, because I got it from a publisher at the same time as one of my DNFs earlier this year. The second one is from an author. The last two are ARCs, both from the publisher, I think the last one I picked up at the AASL conference in October.

As it is the last week of February, my DNF Post will possibly show up, as well as my L-L-L-Little Reviews for February. However I also have a couple cover reveals scheduled, and my February End of the Month Wrap-Up.

Boy did February fly by! Can you believe it is almost March? How did your February go? Hopefully it is well and you’re doing good on your challenges. And I love this tweet showing pictures of Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift at the zoo!

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28 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #158 – February 25th, 2024

  1. Sounds like a busy week, but not as horrible as past weeks have been…hopefully at least! Lol. Glad you had a nice mini vacation in Branson! That’s always nice! I love hitting the outlet malls. I don’t get to do that too often. Sadly most of the outlet malls around here are just “outdoor” malls. It’s like St. Louis forgot what the outlet malls are supposed to be. My favorite back in the day was Big Dogs! I just loved how funny the shirts were!

    Nice new reads! These are all totally new to me ones but I hope you enjoy each and every one of them!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Lisa Mandina

      It was a better week at school, although with the senior test days this week and a new discipline policy going into effect I am not eager for this coming one! We just go to certain stores now at the outlet mall. I miss the days when we used to walk and go into the ones we wanted as we walked the whole mall.

  2. It sounds like you had a lovely time with your mum and stepdad – it’s always a bonus when there is a long weekend. Was the school show Six? I saw it in Chichester with my daughter and grandson in 2019 – it feels like a world away – and absolutely loved it. I hope the coming week is a good one:).

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’ve already set aside Once Persuaded for the other book I have to review this week. I am wondering if I’ll enjoy this one because I’ve never read Persuasion, and even though I usually love retellings, even ones I haven’t read, I’m kind of bored so far, or not bored, it just seems to be dragging. I’ll be starting the next WTZ after I finish my current review book by Helena Hunting that I’m listening to!

  3. Sounds like you had a fun visit with your mom and stepdad at their cabin. That’s nice of you to watch Nola for a bit because their sister was in heat. Sorry to hear it was such a busy week at work. I hope you had fun at that musical. Paying the bills is never fun, although good to have done. Wild about You sounds promising! I only just got my Netgalley rating up to 80% and hope to keep it that way, but it’s hard as I still have a bunch of older books on there. I hope you have a nice week!

    • Lisa Mandina

      If I would go through all the older books and read them, that would probably get my rating way up above the 80%. Rolla is a good boy, but I’m ready for him to go home! Tuesday morning will be the day I drop him back off on my way to work.

  4. wow what a busy week, but the musical looks like fun, i amazed at some of the talent i seen at the schools play performances i been to in the past. I been seeing snowglobe cover floating around so i have to go see what you thought of it. Hope your march madness event goes well next month.

    • Lisa Mandina

      It is amazing what they do these days in high school I think! It was a great musical, such an awesome job the kids did. Hope you get a chance to read Snowglobe if it sounds good to you!

  5. Fun that they kids at the school performed SIX. We saw that on Broadway and it was cool.
    Cappuccino Mugs and Firefighter Hugs is a great title.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Now that I’ve seen it on the high school stage, I think it would be fun to see it on a bigger Broadway like stage too! The titles in the Coffee Loft series are all so much fun, I just wish I had time to fit more of them into my review schedule.

  6. I’m glad you had fun in Branson and made it home safe. Your dogs are so cute! I’m sorry you had to supervise the kids with nothing to do on Tuesday. Oh no! I hope the humping wasn’t viewable in your online meeting. Our cats often walk across our keyboards when we’re doing online meetings. It’s a little disruptive, but not like watching two dogs hump would be, lol.

    I hope you have a great week!

    Jenni Elyse recently posted: Sunday News #56
    • Lisa Mandina

      Osceola cheese is my favorite! I don’t know why, but no other colby jack cheese seems to taste as good as theirs does, lol. I haven’t gone to a school musical in years, but decided this one sounded good when I heard what it was about, and it was!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I loved the musical. Had to buy the soundtrack on itunes. Lol. And now I want to see it on a big stage too! Although the students did such a great job!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yep, it’s been busy busy at work! Looking forward to some slowing down time, but we’ll see when that happens.

  7. I had to look up Osceola Cheese. Colby is my favorite, so if they make the best I need to try it, and I found out they take online orders, so my Colby cheese is on the way. I also ordered some green olive cheddar. That place looks great!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Now I always get the colby-jack cheese, but I would assume the just plain colby by itself is good since I love it so much! I hope you enjoy it! Yeah, they have so many yummy flavors! I love their spicy ones, but can’t eat much of them.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I haven’t done it in so long I didn’t even remember exactly about the paper and pencil one, but the laptop one was a pain because of technology issues of course. The play was a blast, I’m now obsessed with the songs from it!

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